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Posts posted by Irishspongie

  1. On 2023-12-09 at 11:25 PM, Hexerin said:

    Not everyone has literally nothing going on in their lives, and can just sit at home waiting for whatever arbitrary stream times DE puts out.

    They let us know in advance of times; if you're unable to make arrangements to log in / have literally no one in your life to help you be logged in for something you feel is so important that you're going to *@##$ and moan about in every thread, that's your issue / you have bigger issues than "not enough umbra forma", go make some friends.

  2. 13 hours ago, Senima said:

    Can you not read? Im talking about not knowing my noras credits would become useless. Do you need your mommy to come read it out for you?

    That's always been the case.  Even if it's your first Nightwave, there's a wikia too, you know?  And if it is your first, you're throwing a tantrum at more experienced players for something that's entirely on you.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, sykl0ps said:

    You're welcome.  I'm a PC player.  I have claimed about 80 Warframe Twich drops, so far this is the only one to not show up.

    Ayup, also a PC player, also missing that shawzin drop despite claiming it on Twitch (but got the floof from the stream after it, as well as every other Twitch drop I've claimed in the past - just not the shawzin).

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Accessibility + HUD Changes

    Could do without "(playername) has found (medallion)" being plastered on the screen right where I'm looking... it might only last seconds, but [a] doesn't need to be there, blocking my view especially during higher-level content (why not in the bottom left corner of the screen, where it won't block line of sight to enemies?), and [b] is pretty redundant when I'm solo... I know I've picked up a medallion.

    This was an idiotic design failure when it was first introduced, and only furthers my suspicion that the people behind these changes don't actually play the game themselves worth a damn.

    • Like 4
  5. 2 hours ago, awDanni said:

    All you have proven is that you like to stroke your own ego if you think having 1900+ forma's is a valid argument.

    If we would asume they are all crafted individually and not gifted from nightwave etc, then there is no way a new player could achieve this since that is 5.2 yrs crafting a forma every day.

    This argument is past the horizon.

    So to the new players, if you dont waste 38k plat on forma you will never be on this guys level and there for have a very limited horizon.

    These people are the problem in the community 

    Have a nice day

    His account is a year younger than mine; I pointed this out (twice) right there in the above post.  If your reading comprehension is this limited, I really can't help you.

  6. 20 hours ago, rohankeluskar1 said:

    You can keep the noggles ty, i would still prefer something useful for gameplay.

    1) As far as I'm aware, you don't have to claim rewards or even watch the streams. 

    2) My account is a year older than yours, and I'm currently sitting on 1.9k crafted forma and 687 potatoes.  Resources?  When am I ever going to get through 1.8k nitain?  Inventory slots?  I don't recall having had to buy inventory slots in a long, long time other than for companions, but have a dozen spare 'frame slots from NW and event rewards, and can free up to a total of just over 70 weapon slots if I sell 50-odd weapons that I never bothered to invest in once maxed; if I needed more I can get more plat if I could ever be bothered to trade any of the easily 200k+ ducats worth of mostly vaulted prime parts that I've accumulated.  Even with a year less playtime, if after seven years you still need "something useful for gameplay" then I respectfully suggest your horizons are very, very limited.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, rohankeluskar1 said:

    🥱 meh...pls give us useful drops like resources or slots 

    Resources you can get by farming / just playing, and inventory slots are available via Nightwave and special rewards.  Free noggles, on the other hand, are rare 🥳 (though Octavia being one of the possibilities is a major mistake given the current Nightwave)

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Leontiesh said:

    That's not the point. I could've lasted for 2 months, 10 months, 100 months, I just ask for a warning in advance, not the day before it's over. It's a reasonable request. That was I could've planned ahead some time to play and finish this.

    If DE lets a season drag on until people who are playing casually can finish it at their pace, we'll never get another season/intermission/whatever.  We've all known it would end at some point, whether via TennoCon, or hitting prestige rank 60 and seeing that there were no more beyond that, or simple common sense knowing that it's been around for quite some time and DE had already said they weren't planning on a replacement until after TennoCon so it's fair to assume that time is running out.

    No offence, but if you're not playing regularly enough for whatever reason to get the rewards that you knew were available if only you would play, then that's on you and is just part of life.  I don't mean to disrespect what other things you might have been doing with your time, we all have work/family/study/whatever obligations and other leisure activities, but I was badly ill for a month back in 2018 - eventually being take to A&E in an ambulance and a subsequent stay in hospital - and must have missed out on a whole bunch of alerts and invasion rewards at the time, but it never occurred to me to get on the forums and complain about missing out over something that was entirely beyond my control and that I didn't have half a year during which I could have worked my way towards getting them, so pardon me if my sympathy for your plight is extremely, extremely limited.


    56 minutes ago, (PSN)chris1pat8twins said:

    People shouldn’t be forced to put everything else on hold cause DE might hold some information back and wait till the last minute to put it in the news. 

    It’s like everybody is blaming you for NOT being a no life. 

    Once again, it's been, what, six months?  Am I going to log into another game that I haven't put time into and complain that I can't get their game season rewards because I haven't been putting the time in?  That is the crux of it.  Whining about lack of warning doesn't change that.

    • Like 6
  9. 5 hours ago, leirynot said:

    "Not all challenges need to be completed" they said. I've done all of the dailies since sisters came out, and just completed all of the weeklies, so that's a lie.



    ...did you *start* this Nightwave when Sisters of Parvos was released? 🤔

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  10. I got 26 potatoes from Glassmaker - which no one would claim that I needed - and that was *with* the prestige ranks cap.  Making them unlimited would simply exacerbate the disparity between the can-complete-NW-challenges players and and the cannot-through-no-fault-of-their-own-complete-NW-challenges players.

    I do think, though, that the return of nitain alerts wouldn't hurt, to give players - particularly newer players - an additional way to obtain them so people aren't entirely reliant on being able to play when the alerts are live (which was the previous problem).  They could even be GFTL-style 24-hour alerts and/or invasion rewards to remove issues with time zones, availability to play, etc.


    • Like 4
  11. 28 minutes ago, Pharoh said:

    I have no idea why people think that the old system is better. This one is way better

    It's the part where the new system fails at a consistently higher rate than the previous system.  That's on Twitch, but it's up to DE to get something done.

  12. 17 hours ago, Tr0yMC said:

    since yesterday the drops don't work for me anymore.
    When I wanted to pick up yesterday, I saw that it stopped at 73%. Today it is still there and even after an hour of watching nothing has changed, no more drops get......

    Same for me, a partial drop that was 76% complete after Monday's stream never re-engaged for the Tuesday stream and there was no way to restart it or even delete it so I could at least get one drop for watching.  Twitch drops 2.0 has been a debacle.


    EDIT: Logged in for today's (Wednesday's) stream and seems that it did eventually complete BUT was it not registered at the time, so I was unable to start the timer for another drop.  Only half broken is better than completely broken, but still a lot worse than the original system; Twitch really shat the bed on this one.

    EDIT 2: Drop progress bar is at 100% on my Twitch profile, but when I click on "drops" to claim it I am, apparently at 0 of 30 minutes (and that didn't budge over the first half of the stream).  Like I said, this is on more likely to be on Twitch than on DE and thankfully I have no need of lenses, but this is not a good look and I'm not optimistic for when there's something I *do* want from one of these loot bags - which, by the way, are a terrible, terrible idea.

    EDIT 3: All of a sudden I have to start refreshing the drops page to actually get a drop?  Instead of one step, we now have to jump through multiple hoops.  Twitch drops 2.0 has been badly thought through and badly implemented; I don't blame DE as this change was forced upon them by the platform, but presumably they can pass on feedback and it should be overwhelmingly "not good enough".

  13. 6 hours ago, fastlane37 said:

    From the tags of all the people complaining, I'm wondering if it was PS4 players specifically who had issues. There's always a group of people who miss any given drop and complain about it, and it's almost always user error (or a corrupted link, which happens from time to time), but there were a ton of people complaining about that one specific drop and almost all of them are PSN players.

    PC player, didn't get that drop either.

  14. As a veteran, I'm refusing to touch kuva liches yet on the basis that it takes a good long time and several patches for new game systems to be (a) fixed, and (b) somewhat balanced - see: Railjack - and nothing I'm seeing in patch notes and the comments for them has convinced me that this has yet reached that state, but why in god's name do you force people to put 5 forma on weapons that they might not even want to keep?  Fair enough for the paracesis, it was a one-off for a weapon that has some significance to the lore and is presumably vital or near-vital to upcoming New War content, but formaing weapons should be a choice, not a chore.  This has all the hallmarks of a chore, and that's even with my having more than enough crafted forma so as not to have to worry about being able to do so.  Since when has forced extra grind on something that you might not even want been fun?

    • Like 5
  15. God.  Awful.

    Let's look at even the most basic arcanes from the teralyst: instead of being able to achieve 100% immunity from a particular status (which is verrry mission- or enemy-specific in most cases) with a total of 9 arcanes, or 11 if you want the extra revive, it now takes 21.  At minimum that's 10 more, which means another 60 teralyst kills on average.  Sure, that's merely a couple of days' work for god-tier full-time streamers and content creators who have a group of similarly powerful players to join them, but most of us don't play professionally and in my case I'm largely forced to solo open world content because of connectivity/performance issues that won't go away so I am, for all intents and purposes, limited to the most basic arcanes from a monster hunt that I might do at most once or twice a week and that long ago stopped being fun because Warframe: The Year(s) of Grind.  So, I'm not even approaching this from the perspective of the high-end arcanes that, rightly or wrongly, you felt needed restricting.

    Wait, we can buy them from the upcoming event, you say?  Everyone and their elderly aunt knows that they're going to be expensive, the grind is going to be godawful, and all we'll be trying to do is to get things back to where we had them before.  Nerfing what we already had and massively increasing the grind for an already stupidly grindy game isn't in any way "content" or "making the game more fun" and while I appreciate that people shouldn't be able to plough through everything the game has to offer in a month or two, this is precisely the direction that I feared the changes would take.  Would simply restricting the double-equipping of rare and legendary arcanes really have been too sensible an idea?

    • Like 5
  16. On 2019-01-29 at 10:54 PM, b4timert said:

    I think DE think this isnt important enough to fix, clearly not enough players is complaining for them to put it on their priority list.

    More people is complaining about eidolon and that isnt fixed and its been broken since chimera quest. and it took them 10 weeks to fix a bug on heist 1 that broke the mission.

    The fix should be quite simple - extract the code that manages syndicate standing from the backup prior to the update that broke it (I assume they're sensible enough to have backups).  I've given the date, from which they can work out which backup to use prior to someone trying to do something to the code and inadvertently breaking it.  It's not as if they have to hunt down something that's never worked properly and that has multiple moving parts that all have to be tested and looked at.

    As it is, currently I can get about my daily cap of 26k if I run a couple of syndicates first, or 50k+ if I first deplete my cap and then run a couple of syndicates.  It's nonsensical and clearly unintended.

  17. On 2018-12-10 at 10:18 PM, Thoogah said:

    it did always worked like that as far as I know so I always used up daily limit with an endless mission or two then used missions to overcap

    they haven't changed it so far, so I'm guessing it is intended

    I can guarantee that it did not always work like that.

    I wouldn't have a problem if they wanted to limit the overall syndicate standing cap to MR by deducting any syndicate mission standing reward from the cap (though it would be a bit unfair for lower-MR players), as has effectively been the case for a little over 3 weeks now if you run syndicates first after the daily cap reset, but the fact that we can currently only maximise it - as Branner mentions above - by first earning up to the cap and only then doing syndicate missions indicates that this is an error... that has somehow remained unfixed for about three and a half weeks now.  I tested it yesterday (prior to Hotfix 24.1.5) and it's still in effect.

  18. Taking Ivara to Pago spy on the Kuva Fortress, I moved around the corner from my spawn-in location to use Void Dash to get my energy regen going and found my operator teleporting from my warframe's location back to the starting location.  Enemies walking around also vanish from view; walking to where i last saw them while using Prowl, I would also seem to fall off the map (the same blackscreen as if falling into a pit, not the "dropping through space" glitch) and then be placed back where I was but out of stealth mode, which obviously renders the mission broken as a stealth option in its current form.  I ran Pago spy with Ivara in Prowl earlier in the week (Tuesday or Wednesday) and didn't have these issues.

  19. I've noticed the available standing available through my syndicate sigils, as displayed on the console to the left of the navigation console, depleting faster than expected for the past few days.  After testing, it seems that:

    1) For syndicate missions of the syndicate whose sigil I'm wearing (in my case, Red Veil mission with a Red Veil sigil), the standing gained through the sigil is deducted from the daily standing cap as normal but the standing awarded for the mission itself is ALSO deducted from the cap (so, say, a Veil mission worth 4000 standing during which I earn 2000 through my Veil sigil results in my daily syndicate standing cap being reduced by 6000 instead of 2000).

    2) For syndicate missions of a different syndicate to the sigil worn, the syndicate reward *for the mission* is deducted from the daily syndicate standing cap available through sigils (in my case I only wear Veil sigils so, running a Loka mission, the only deduction from my standing cap should be what is earned through the sigil; what I discovered happens is that the 3800 standing reward for the Loka mission is deducted from the 26,000 daily syndicate standing cap but the amount earned through my Veil sigil was not).

    3) Standing from syndicate missions is still awarded after the MR-dependent daily syndicate cap is reached, so currently players who want to max their syndicate gain would need to acquire all of that cap *before* running their daily syndicate missions.

    I presume this is not an intended change to the way daily syndicate sigil standing is awarded and capped.

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