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Posts posted by Chromatrescu

  1. 7 minutes ago, iDEBz said:

    Maybe not, but it seems you have a problem when people don't acknowledge you let alone a YouTuber. Have you seen how many PMs a YouTuber gets? Probably wasting my time here by telling you to not feel so entitled to a response just because you asked for something. Just remember that this is a game and people will play however they like nor do they have to socialise.

    I have a friend who also a Youtuber , but he never acts bad to fans , but who knows . Some people will have criticism things . 


  2. 6 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    Here's a provocative idea:

    Veterans are just players that have played this particular game longer than some others.

    They are good people, bad people, idiots and pro snipers, people with amazing reflexes and people completely stoned.

    Also, if this one veteran left the fight and you were left alone that means there were only the two of you, right? In that case he left because he, as a veteran, could tell that the fight would not be won. Kela at level 100 is HARD at the best of times, and a brick wall for most of the rest. Go in without 4x Corrosive Projection and you're basically whittling away at an insane health pool.

    He left so you could BOTH start over and get a full group with a chance of taking her down.

    Additional Question : Why did he ignoring randomly ? O_O 

  3. Just now, Rakshat said:

    For a free to play game Warframe community is pretty great I'd say. I rarely meet any rude players. And not talking is kind of understandable when the mission only lasts few minutes, and especially when you want quick runs for whatever it is you're farming. I don't see that as a problem.

    Yes . 

    But still , i just want to discuss this . Not like being angry on all Veterans . 


  4. Just now, PPPokeHerFace said:


    And you ask what happen to the community? you already judging a player before you ask your question. there is your answer about what happen to the warframe community.

    If someone wants to use draco or whatever map to rank up, let him be, it does not matter if its founder or how many hours he spend in doing that. The problem is "He left you alone with a lvl 100 boss" 

    The OP doesn't have a judging player topic in it already , i was reporting the situation i have been on and a little in-game stats of his .

  5. 2 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:


    I also smelt a slight angriness from a random that joined me because he was surprisingly happy he joined a 4x cp group... That was only because the today's boss can be very frustrating for unprepared teams. Too much frustration can lead to anger. You know the rest. Anyway, what do you exactly try to achieve with these topics? This is the internet. You should always be prepared to potentially meet angry players. But do tell me, is THAT comparable to LoL or csgo in the slightest?

    This is just a discussion , we don't need to fight here . 

  6. 1 minute ago, Hemmo67 said:

    something i might wana add here

    if you are playing a sortie survival and stay more than 2 rooms away from LS capsule and you die i will never come to pick you up

    secondly if you go into the down area of kela fight and spawn rollers for your team i will not revive them

    sure it might be douchey but if you are going to purposely make the mission even harder than it is ..... well u should know -.-

    Off the OP : I played sortie 1 today and it is funny when i stayed 50 meter from them , i bleeding out and a MR20 didn't tried to revive . He ignored me after that aswell 

    Still i died at min 03:44 .

  7. 4 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

    1 guy ragequitting a game = Bad community


    Play LoL for a week and then come back. I'd be interested to know if you still make these topics after that. The generalization of "veteran players" just because a player met an angry player gets tiring.

    I still pretty suprised that you always attacking me with post , anyway i knew that so i'm not gonna talk much .

    there're 4 guys that being raged on me since i died today , if you want to know . 

  8. 10 minutes ago, K0bra said:

    Lol i got a similar experience today.

    I was doing the 3rd Sortie too.Joined and had a MR 10 teammate.He looked half afk and died on the way to Kela.IDK what he did but he didnt play after all.No real movement.Sometimes he stand in a corner invisible because he was a Loki.I had to wait on each door where you need 2 people two or more minutes.

    At the end he left and  i had to do Kela solo and did it easily with no problems.

    Result : This has nothing to do with Veterans ,This behavior happen all the time from diffrent people if they are beginners or veterans.

    I just being ignored from 2 MR20 today since i died in Sortie 3 . lol . They left then i asked why they left , they ignored me . 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

    Yeah well, you met a duch. Have you seen how most of newbie's (lets say MR0-MR8) behaviour ? You just don't exist untill they need something or they feel a bit compell to say ty when you revive them.

    Most of people just dont talk, and dont cooperate and dont coordinate. Specially in coop game.

    I don't care personnaly , when i find a good team (it happens yeah) i forget all this and i remember why i love this game.

    The MR7-8 even leaving teamate to die and tried to arguing that they tried to save me , while i saw them just playing with Inaros , i challenged them when i used a Mag and died easily , and they however used Inaros , they died and blame that i died 1st , while i got 2 deaths : 1st is by Syndicate ,which didn't count since syndicate will not kill other Tenno except the Target only . 2nd is by a Nuciflier when 2 of them died . I won both of them but they said i died 1st ^ . So much rager at Mr7-8 now . 

  10. So basiclly i met a guy name ##### , he's a MR20 with 679 Hour [ LOL a Draco - Berehynia Player ] Playing Time + A Founder [ too disapointing ] , he joined with a Mesa on today's third sortie . We didn't talk then he just stand there so the rocket and land on him . Then he left so i can fight Kela alone . I have to left since it is too difficult for me to do solo vs a Boss Lv 100 . Then i pm him to ask : " Why do you leave the game ? " and i got ignored .

    So ... what happen to Warframe community ?? 


  11. According to the Devstream 77 

    The Tear is now spawning randomly on the map , The relic only opened once you collected all of the Reactant and put it into the Tear .

    The Tear will make normal enemy into a corrupted , and spawn Void enemy aswell 

    The Tear will have low time to appear and will disapear very fast so you want to kill both Void and normal enemies that turned into the Corrupted as soon as possible [ Nekros will additional help ] 

    Remember to collect some Reactant and fall around the map so you can put it into the Tear :) 

    Void Tracer will not continue to spawn on the Eximus but not 30/50/80 anymore ? O_O

    The Tear still spawn after you completed charging it with 10 Reactant . 

    If i miss anything , please let me know 

  12. Just now, Brudut said:

    The answer is quite simple, people are afraid of new things. Put an animal in an unknown environment and you can measure it's stress levels rise. Most people encounter change with an already negative attitude, looking for everything bad in it and exaggerate about what they find.

    Of course it's not useless, you have Argons, a couple of mods that only drop in the Void/from Corrupted and other things that can only be seen and scanned there. Many things changed and have to be fully tested before you can give an objective opinion about what is good and bad for the game.

    If you encounter those people that see the end of the world in everything just remember that they are stressed by fear of change and what they say now may not be their real opinion in the long run.

    E-Yep ! 

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