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Posts posted by Chromatrescu

  1. Just now, TheScytale said:

    1- Unless the latest hotfix (11) screwed it up, it works as it did in Starchart 2.0.

    2- You can still get sensors from Phorid though? In my experience he's way easier to kill than salad, and easier to speedrun.

    I did , but he's much - beep - then the salad lol .

    I have to ran to Europa to kill him , he's kinda drop better abit but longer map . 

  2. Just now, RyogoKusama said:

    They've made it available already with Hotfix n°10, but I have yet to log in-game now that Hotfix n°11 is out, maybe it bugged out again...?

    I think so yeah . 

    I have waiting for Hotfixes 11 to fully fixing this , turns out it still bugging out for some players . 

  3. I know you guys has knew about this mode on Starchart 2.0 . But now Choosing Mission / Alert / Invasions in a nodes is gone , they should re-added . Since i saw some of the people complain about this . Personally , i will say yes , it should return 

    Why ? Lets just say i want to do Themisto on Jupiter to kill the vegetables :P But then i saw an invasion on it , i wanted to kill Mr.Salad , not the big boy Phorid . But i can't choose between the normal or the Invasion mission anymore . Also i have to wait till the Invasion is completed so the Salad can returns . Which makes me very ... umm " angry " ? Because i can't get a Neural Sensor to craft a Forma . 

    DE should re-adding this mode on the Starchart 3.0 again , wouldn't you agreed  ?


  4. 11 minutes ago, Mr_bunny said:

    Warframe is the type of game in which you just have to take breaks. You can't expect to play the same thing all the time and not get bored. Wait for the war within update and then tell him to check it out. First time I started to play the game I played for a month or two and then stopped for a while. Then I started to play again. I've been going on and off on the game and I'm sure many others have done so too. Your friend is probably just burned out and he will probably come back at some point. Don't worry about it much. In the mean time you can figure something else to distract you I'm sure. I read books when I'm burned out on warframe. 

    I could . I just wish if i could

  5. Just now, Berserkerkitten said:

    If you love somebody, let them go. If you hate somebody, let them go. Let everyone go. Get a dog.

    " If you love somebody , let him go " - Yes , but i miss old times with him , those time were great , but i think the young leaves need to stay .

    " if you hate somebody , let him go " - We wouldn't wanted to play with him anymore , yes ? 

    " Let everyone go " I do let him go . 

    " Get a dog " - My family doesn't wanted one , which is sad and i lost a dog in December 8th , 2014 , when i was going back from school , i saw his body .... you could understand .  

  6. 3 minutes ago, smiddler said:

    theres probly nothing you can do. You can play this game for a long time but there hits that point where theres not much left to do except the same old missions and farming for new gear. so unless they start bringing out better and more exciting content then i wouldnt blame your friend for not playing anymore.


    I wouldn't yes , but still , we miss old times don't we ? 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Shad0wWatcher said:

    Give him time. Everybody needs a break from time to time. Playing 24/7 is also a good way to burn yourself out. He knows the game's fun, if he didn't he wouldn't have wasted his time ranking all the way up to mr 22. Also the "What's the point of going back to Warframe when we always have to do missions to missions again , and i have waiting for a release of a Warframe or Weapons for days now . I got everything [ he's MR22 ] now , i just fell so boring when i keep playing the mission over and over and over .... again" bit, the point of playing is having a good time with your friends and meeting new people, that's usually the reason to play an Online game....unless you're the type of person who plays these type of games just for the content.

    Why is people still mistaken this xD 

    24/7 in our gaming time , means sometimes we not fully throwing time in games ;) [ we usually play for 4 hour in a day then went to work or studying ] 

    I do enjoy much about Warframe , it makes me dis-stress about school and worrying . 

  8. 5 minutes ago, VoidNomade said:

    OP i´m following your threads lately. You´re strange guy did anyone told you that?

    If i do then i will be living as an elmo 

    If i don't then i just need some help with some situation . 

    I went horrible situation this week , both on gaming and real life . I just want to hide it and be good to the community 

    " Sometimes the person we looked at is very wierd , but we didn't know their trully situation they have went . They just need helps " 

  9. 2 minutes ago, kubbi said:


    Yeah seriously. Sometimes you gotta let it go. If its meant to be he'll return.


    Just now, Teemo_FC said:

    Actually he did left Warframe last month for 33 days . Playing Unturned and GTA V . Didn't mention that , sorry . 

    Additional : He saw the SoTR Update is kinda cranky with bugs and connections so he said to me that " My Internet is bad , i think i can't play Warframe because of that " 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Pavelord said:

    Seems you´ve played a lot, you need to let your friend fight burn out, cleanse his palate in a way, take his time and return in shorter burst if he wishes, can't force anyone to play something they don't like.

    Actually he did left Warframe last month for 33 days . Playing Unturned and GTA V . Didn't mention that , sorry . 

  11. Basiclly this happened : 

    My friends and i are closest friends , our living place is near . we are playing Warframe alot nowaday , 24/7 on our gaming time , but yesterday , my friend [ lets just call him X ] has being " the old leaves flew away from the young leaves of the great tree " 

    X has given up Warframe , i tried to convince him to returns but he said : " What's the point of going back to Warframe when we always have to do missions to missions again , and i have waiting for a release of a Warframe or Weapons for days now . I got everything [ he's MR22 ] now , i just fell so boring when i keep playing the mission over and over and over .... again "

    Seeing my closest friend and posibly my only friend leaving me to play other games is fell sad , i know i have friends in Warframe alot but in real life friend leaving you like that , it fells bad and you will playing Warframe alone . Can you guys giving me an advice to convincing him back to Warframe now ? Warframe is my only game to play , since there's no more games to play , others games have very bad community so i left those game , other than that , just Warframe . 

    Also that i fell sad more when the " heroic youtuber " of mine turns out to be " a villan " . 

    Thanks if you reply and giving advice for me , thank you so much for your help .  


  12. 2 hours ago, Artorius-Alter said:

    This topic was about a Youtuber idol that apparently dismissed OP, a fan of his, in an apparently rude fashion.

    Either me and him , we aren't having " Rude fashion " as you are saying . 

    Me and [name] just get bad times . 

    Additional Question : Did i rude to him ? -> If i am a fan of his for a year , i would say no . 

  13. 1 minute ago, Berserkerkitten said:

    Interesting response. I think that explains a lot about what really happened. XD

    I got fully knowing what happened there , fully disapointment and also sadness from his action . 

    But things in the past has flew like a bird , can we focus on the journey ahead ? 

  14. 2 hours ago, Berserkerkitten said:

    Really now?

    Just because somebody puts god knows how many hours into explaining stuff to people on youtube doesn't mean they provide some sort of free ingame help line where you can just contact them out of the blue, a complete stranger, to spam them with a bunch of questions. Maybe he was in the middle of recording something? Maybe he simply wanted to be left alone? Is that a crime now?

    And, no offense, but you wanted to tell him he has to explain his stuff better? I'm sorry, but if a complete stranger contacted me ingame, out of the blue, to tell me I needed to improve my youtube content, I'd probably /ignore them as well.

    Though whether or not one approves of this sort of behaviour (and we only know one side of the story) - does that really speak for the entire community? What is happening to the community? Maybe nothing? It was just one guy.

    These are the question i asked him :

    • I know there's a tweak to get 60-80 Void Tracer , i wanted to share so i asked him
    • I said i love his channel , being a fan with him a year , but it need better explaination so i can understand more 
    • About kavats 
    • Some interested 
    • Did i spam question ? No of crouse not since i asked him like 30-45 minutes later on .
    • No nude / rude during the chat

    Is that a crime ? no 

    Are you trying to convice that you are right ? no 

    I met other Warframe Youtubers , they say cool to me , even if i asked too much , they say good sentences like : " I am busy , can we talk later man ? " and i answer positive to them : " Yeah sure ^-^ Nice talking " , we are cool , if i asked him to improve something , a small tweaks to the channel , they say : " No Problem , i will improve it , thanks :D "

    Instead of slapping a big fan with an ignore " letter " , like i said . 

  15. After invesigating on the forum , i saw many people angry about this , so there 2 types : 

    PvE :

    1st Example :

    1. The host left , leading to migration 
    2. Migration failed , we lose all of the stuff 

    2nd Example : 

    1. Playing over 30 minute or an hour 
    2. Players disconnected 
    3. If they didn't notice and press decline , he won't able to join or he won't able to join since it doesn't deliver notifications 
    4. Only 3 people left in the team , but the game still count as 4 and spawn the exact enemy that 4 people are in the match [ you have to wait 5-10 minute for it to reset ] 

    PvE : 

    1st Example : 

    1. A bad host will high ping [ ~350 - ~over 400 ] 
    2. Leading to some players lag , the host or some good connection player however will take that advantage and kill you instantly , makes you thinking that he's hacking 

    2nd Example : 

    1. Good host but he has trouble and he left 
    2. The 2nd Player that joined after the 1st Host will take the host if the 1st host left . he also having worse connection then the 1st Host
    3. Some Player lag , making impossible to kills .  

    If you have some idea to this post , please comment down below 

    Please be polite and don't " idea attacking " eachother or swearing at eachother faces , thank you . ~@Teemo 

  16. 1 minute ago, Nariala said:

    Treating other players like the wiki article however is also pretty dumb. It reeks of trying to get your foot in the door of said "famous youtuber's" friends list. Something that if, they are as famous as you claim, tends to be done on a frequent basis with little more than personal gain in mind. It tends to jade those types of people pretty quickly to the banter of inane questions that the wiki clearly answers with a quick google search. 

    I don't understand what you are saying ? 

    Anyway , this is the true , people always have a chance to make an artical with honestly truth , people have the reason for it , you can't stop it just for protecting the lies , this artical means that i am giving up on the community , even the person i have being a fan for a year . but now , seeing people will not giving up on me , i will not giving up for them anymore . 

    Hope you understand 

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