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Posts posted by Dairaion

  1. 3 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    Which issue? Some have lingered for years. It really is just a dice roll if something gets fixed or not.

    i mean in general but specifically the ones i reported were drifter related

    *Drifter syandana disappearing after sling or transfference

    *Grineer drifter armor clipping with all chest pieces and the steel meridian syandana


  2. Hi, I still love Kuva Ogris and Zarr, This is How you fix blast damage.

    Blast has 15 stacks, first time blast is proc'd it doubles all incoming damage while the proc is active. each successive proc has a random effect from this list










    By doing this blast makes explosive weapons feel real, hitting a group of enemies causes disarray and makes them vulnerable for follow up attack by more precise weapons.

  3. TL;DR

    Okay so i have this idea. It's a new Helminth companion called the Munculi. It's the first humanoid companion. It starts off with the same attacks as the Kuva Jester and has a low Precept timer but you can swap that out to equip Infested pistols.


    Full Concept
    The Munculi is created in three steps.
    1. Upgrading the Incubator with a "Cloning Vat"
    2. Building Intricate Genetic Codex
    3 Getting 10 scans of Kuva Jesters, 10,000 Kuva, Helminth juice

    Firstly Cloning Vat upgrade parts are found on the Kuva Fortress. they have a 1.5% chance of dropping from random containers but replace the Credit Cache reward in Kuva Fortress Spy Missions. The Cloning Vat upgrade is made from 15 Gallos Rods, 5 Control Modules, 5 Neural Sensors, 200 Circuits. 

    Secondly the Intricate Genetic Codex blueprints is sold by Father on Deimos for 2000 Standing. It Requires you to be a Rank 2 (Acquintance) with the Entrati. The Intricate Genetic Codex is built in the Foundry and costs  1 Orokin Reactor, Biotic Filter, Tromyzon Entroplasma, Charamote Sagan Module.

    Finally you go out to where ever Kuva Jesters hang out and scan them. when you get 10 scans and 10k Kuva you can go to the Incubator with either a Nidus or a Warframe infected with a Helminth Cyst and begin incubation. Instead of a closed chamber like pets it instead shows a cloning tube like those used by the Grineer in Sealab sets. 


    after 48 hours, or 24 with the upgrade segment, The Helminth Munculi is born. It should look like a little Zealoid Prelate without a head resembling the Kuva Jester in form.



    This is the neat thing about it, It has two forms that you can choose between missions. The first is the Larval form as above, It will attack with bare fists and ride on opponents generally being a destraction in mid and high level games.
    Armor 600
    Health 300
    Respawn Time 40
    Shield 0
    Crit Chan 80%
    Crit Mult 4
    Slash 50
    Toxin 60
    Total 110

    The second it's "Pupal form" where it is roughly twice the height of a Kuva Jester being roughly child size. In this state it loses the it's quick move speed and grows a head using it's newfound sensory organs to aim pistols, Limited of course to those of Infested creation. This makes use of the Mature/Regress function selected at the Incubator to decide which version you want to take, the Melee or the Ranged
    Armor 650
    Health 400
    Respawn Time 60
    Shield 0

    Being the first Humanoid companion i think it would be cool if it used companion, robotic and helminth mods. this is to separate it from less intelligent creatures, it's a artificial human not a animal. Additionally because it possesses homonid intelligence it can make use of cybernetic "Implants" represented by Robotic mods.

    It's Precept Mods are

    *Malitosis, A flamethrower like blast of bad breath doing 50/75/100 Gas Damage and 25/50/75 Toxin (with a secret 10% chance to cause sleep).

    *Meiosis, Implants eggs in defenseless enemies causing 50 piercing damage, spawns a Tendril Drone follower max 1/2/3 per rank.
    List of Implantation triggering status effects
    Ridden, Confusion, Disarmed, Frozen, Knockdown, Parried, Sleep, Slow, Stagger, and Stun.



    It should have Flesh, Armor, and Shields as Tenno do. Additionally it (and the Charger) should be subject to Nidus' Parasitic Link.
    It's Larval form has halved time between using Precepts and moves at the same speed as a Kuva Jester. Think the killer rabbit of monty python fame. 
    However it's Pupal form has standard Precept refresh, moves 10% slower, and can no longer ride enemies (losing the easiest chance for Meiosis). However it can use any Infested pistol including the Vermisplicer, Sporelacer, and Acrid. This means the Pupal Munculi fights similar to Syndicate Operatives. 


    Personality and Customization

    Similar to MOAs the Munculi should have different personalities, I think the Munculi should use the same sounds as the Kuva Jester maybe with additional grunts and growls to acknowledge players and enemies. Additionally i think it's small form would be a easy place for skins. because of it's humanoid nature you could literally just drag over pre-existing corpus and grineer models only needing to alter the proportions of body parts. additionally because of the entirely human based form of the Pupa you could probably put armor on him too.



    well a couple of reasons... I wanted more Helminth companions, I think the charger is a cool idea that should be expanded, I like the Kuva Jesters but they're rare to find in game, Peanut butter and chocolate. I think having a little Gir-like companion that could be dressed up in faction clothes is a fun idea, like a Mini Me. We have all sorts of companions but none of them are monkeylike which adds a level of horror, the Helminth Munculi is a tiny mutated human that breathes dangerous gas from it's mouth and implants people with eggs that grow out of them like a Bot-Fly all of which is grotesque.


    Meanwhile the Pupal form acts sorta like a moa, and sorta like a hound but with infested flair and body horror still present from it's youth. The Munculi is supposed to act like a miniature Nidus becoming a bigger problem as time goes on instead of more conventional combat. Where a Moa or Sentienel would blast things away or make use of unusual mod combinations to sweep enemies the Munculi sows chaos by creating more targets in the form of Tendrils and Larvae. Meanwhile the Pupa makes use of Infested pistols which tend to be under utilized. 


    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Himerance said:

    Kubrows look the coolest. Sentinels take screen space, Hounds look rushed (even the textures on them are bad) and then there's the Deimos companions (who doesn't like a walking tumor).

    I use my Kubrow with Hunter Synergy + Tenacious Bond but, I'm basically bringing him with me just for the looks. Every single other companion I have is better.

    I can't imagine DE not having something planned for Kubrows, it's coming... Right? ☹️

    The bond mods were after years of non action, so no, see you next decade if its a deal breaker.

  5. I have one dream, it's not a cyberpunk story with a NIN backing track or explaining Stalker.

    I just want to put the Wolf Helmet with the full Saturn Six armor and syandana set on my Grineer drifter armor without the big clipping Sheev. I want my operator to look more grineer than the grineer themselves.

    It would be cool if i could have other grineer stuff too like a full squad of liches, a premade grineer based dojo but they'll never do it. But they can do the former.

  6. On 2024-05-14 at 8:46 AM, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    Man, you have an unhealthy relationship with this game, I see you ranting about everything in every thread on this forum. If they say they are working on it but don't know when it will be ready, it would be absurd to give an exact date; making promises without being sure that they will be able to keep them would be a very bad idea.

    Concern troll. 

  7. On 2024-02-26 at 5:49 PM, quxier said:

    So instead of 1 mod that e.g. cost 20 plat, you want to buy/farm whole frames when new "augment" is introduced? Nope nope nope.

    Soooooooooo... get a frame if you don't have. You want to use frame and augment it somehow not other way around. I think.

    No, max strength Augments are convertable into a item that can be slotted in place of a Tau Shard, which act as they would normally, but don't apply to Helminth abilities inserted into a frame. this eliminates the limited nature of two poorly thought out concepts, Tau Shards (which are MinMax Garbage), and the suggestion of augment slots, which will just make the mod screen look even worst and is a bad idea that will just lead to new players thinking it's okay to spend 100 plat to open up a new warframe for a nuke build.

  8. 6 hours ago, Aruquae said:

    Garuda? Garuda of all things? In my roughly 6 years of pure Garuda gameplay, I have never once thought she ever needed/had a band aid augment. 

    I am willing to debate because I got no clue what’s considered a “band aid augment” that brings Garuda to “meta strength.”


    A Band Aid Augment is a Augment that allows warframes which have been superseded in playstyle function by either newer unbalanced frames or frames that when paired with a new or reworked mods have similar powers that are now more effective effective in a way that only works for them mechanically, thus requiring a Augment to bring them to or close to parity with the mentioned more effective frames. You may be playing garuda in a way that other people don't which is why you don't experience the issues. Now you may argue that they should rebuild their frame or play more like you, but that is only encouraging nuke builds and pushing people towards playing the game for reasons other than fun, which ruins the game as it's not meant to be competitive.  

    Everybody plays the game differently, with different weapons, in different ways. If we can accept the existence of augments and the existence of endgame content there is no reason we shouldn't be able to feed a maxed Augment to Audrey and have it built into the warframe of your choice in return for a tauforged, and some resources. I'd take it over having rock candy because the rock candy might be stronger but it doesn't give the same oomf as digivolving your Suezo into a Mewtwo, think Epic Leveling from DnD. i don't want a generic upgrade i want a rhino upgrade. There's precedence for my idea too as you have to unlock a number of specialized mod slots to get free space for specialized mods, i want that for augments but tied to the archon shard slots.

    You could even argue that normally conflicting Augments should be allowed, like if someone wanted to spend 2 of their 5 slots to build a Atlas to have Titanic Rumbler and Rumbled Then why not? It's cool, limited to post taushard, requires a sacrifice, and makes someone who might main Atlas feel like their Atlas is special. I would however argue that as a balance you shouldn't be able to do it with abilities from other warframes, those should be limited to taking a mod slot to stop warframes from becoming too samey. It would help balance out the warframes with weapons in general and help make nuke builds a curiosity and pull alot of people back to frames they used to play alot but haven't in a while.  In addition it stops us from asking for whole reworks, which tend to make someone angry when they lose a thing they like, you know like Hydroid's Stealth Puddle.

    Like think about it, Hydroid's rework was turning him into a nukebuild and altered his thematic playstyle and replaced it with something that doesn't really make sense. He's the physical embodiment of the ocean not a toxic waste plant, like sure you could argue salt water is corrosive but he's pirate themed not oil drilling platform themed. he was about sneaking up on people and drowning them then when S#!t hit the fan he unleashed horror of the deep sea upon the poor bastards that made the foolish mistake of cornering him. Right now though, he's that but without the increased stealth from the puddle, which inherently forces you to be more offensive, and the corrosion aspect is there to make playing him more about the weapons he's using than playing him. imagine if instead of rebuilding him to work with weapons they just build him off of his theme by giving Undertow it's augment's healing ability, Tidal wave it's healing ability, and kept corrosive to tempest. Then Hydroid would go from being a stealth and evasion warframe to a warframe that could second as a healer for his teammates, wouldn't that be neat, endgame Hydroid is Healdroid. But instead people argued for something to be meta, and we got Acid Man now with Action Tricorn (not for sale in California). 

    If the Augments were waiting there to be slotted into the warframe At the cost of a Tauforged and some resources he would be a entirely different frame right now with some of what was in the rework due to Corroding Barrage being Slottable in a shard slot and some new things no one was really using but they might and that thing could be individually balanced unlike Shards and a entire Warframe. 

    I think that it would really help alot of the older Trope frames and do so in a way that doesn't crap on what they were designed to be and how people were using them and it would allow powers to be balanced easier because they aren't built in you have options.

  9. 12 hours ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Just because there's abilities that are bad it doesn't excuse the implementation of an augment slot, there's still frames that need reworks or buffs that's a separate issue.

    Yes we already kill everything that just shows how unnecessary it is, you just want to see bigger numbers, people are not suddenly going to pick up Valkyr with an augment slot they'll just get their meta frame and put more strength, duration or range on the freed slot


    • Like 3
  10. On 2024-02-24 at 6:27 PM, trst said:

    There has literally not been a single compelling argument for how any augments are bandaids. All of those augments either enable different gameplay options and/or serve as ways to min-max a specific ability beyond what regular modding can do. Saying they should be innate is no different, while just as nonsensical, as saying that all power strength mods should be innate.

    The only exceptions at all are the few augments that're genuinely too weak and unimpactful to justify a slot into any build. Things like Resonating Quake, Afterburn, or Mind Freak that tried to buff underwhelming abilities by only adding an underwhelming amount of damage onto them. In these situations the augments themselves need reworks/buffs instead of being rolled into the frame for no reason.

    The augments were devised as bandaids, they became sidegrades, now that newframe is the strongest warframe (with exceptions) they're at best a distraction at worst a piece of a game braking nuke build, put them in the helminth were they can be treated as endgame and balanced accordingly. 

    On 2024-02-24 at 7:01 PM, Aerikx said:


    I'mma stop you right there. If there's exceptions then that means...

    Ah...thank you for answering yourself and providing a compelling argument for me. 

    You named a few that would have made my list but the list is EXTENSIVE...as ..

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    If an Augment is MANDATORY on a Frame then that is a problem. Additionally and I'm literally quoting DE when I say:

    "We're releasing some new augment mods for some frames. These should address some areas where players find a few frames lacking." 

    Like...they even say it on the devstreams. 

    Seeing as we don't have an Augment Slot (another strange hill DE has chosen to die on...) Then it's honestly ridiculous that players have to sacrifice to fix a frame.

    What I'd give for Helminth to have a "Upgrade" feature where you permanently fuse an Augment to a Warframe's ability. But it costs a fully ranked augment, some resources, and some unique bonding agent or infusion you have to craft/attain. 

    There....the players can fix the frames.

    This man is a ally. 

    • Like 1
  11. On 2024-02-24 at 6:08 PM, Aerikx said:

    True but let's be honest, let's be Real honest...

    A LOT of the Augment are bandaids to many frames and need to be reworked and the current Augment merged into the actual ability.

    Fatal Teleport, Serene Storm (Yes it's powerful but his ability should be that way to begin with), Chilling Globe, Icy Avalanche, Biting Frost, Furious Javelin, Hall of Malevolence, Phoenix Renewal, Infiltrate...

    I can go on...

    At least 25% if not 50% of the augments in game are bandaids for frames. They should just be merged. 

    Until that happens I'll always disagree with the "It's an alternate way to play." Argument. While yes that was the intention/concept. The final product came out very, very, different.

    This guy plays frames that don't function without nuke builds or ones that require a ton of plat in mods to get correct,

    This man is a ally.

    On 2024-02-24 at 5:34 PM, RyllusPurple said:




  12. I have to be quick because im in a state of zen right now designing maps in Infinite and i don't want to ruin it by thinking about Warfrum. So new augments coming out, neat, great job guys high fives all around you did wonderful.


    But why would we use them? Either they're for frames we don't have or we do have them and they're built for a specific form of gameplay that losing one of our current mods would ruin. So how about instead of the current mod augment system which is itself a holdover from the ancient and outdated system where warframe specials were attached to the mod slot system what if we, and by we i mean pablo or who ever else is doing the heavy lifting as far as coding goes, what if we instead of using the mod system the augments are items we can feed to the helminth and have it graft onto that specific warframe in return for resources similar to the sentient rock candy?

    i because unless someone else has a better idea i think whoever put all that work in did it for nothing.

    • Like 4
  13. On 2024-02-21 at 12:08 PM, Shonfrost said:

    I came back to Warframe after a pretty long break. At first I was startled by the amount of new systems to engage with: Kahl missions, archons, duviri, the circuit, whispers, and all the new shinies you can get from those. After dipping my toes with incarnons and whatnot, I decided to hop on a corpus mission and get a Sister, I never had one of those and wanted to be surprised with a random tenet weapon, since I don't even remember what's on that list anyway.

    Once I got a Sister, I suddenly rediscovered why I didn't even bother with the system in the first place. Why do I have to completely go out of my way for 15 to 20 missions, in regular activities with no reward pool worthy of mention, no endless mode, and which are completely ineligible to have fissures, kuva siphons, nightmare mode, or even Steel Path modifiers on them? It's not like there's a mechanical reason for this- the only difference in gameplay is enemy level and thralls spawning every once in a while. 

    Why isn't it integrated in regular content? Why can't we have random thrall/lich spawns in every regular starchart mission on controlled territory? We already have Stalker/Syndicate death squads spawning in with no particular disruption to online/group play, why would this be any different? Is it an issue with enemy level being to low for a supposed end game content? Then relegate it to steel path only. Is it because DE is worried we'll get rewards too quickly? Make murmur progress 10% or 20% slower if you really must, but anything would be better than willingly forgo conjoint farming of kuva/relics/relic crakcing/steel/vitus essence/literally anything else just to advance the Lich's glorified password cracking. 

    I really can't wrap my head around how such a simple, yet massive, quality of life improvement has gone under the radar for so long. DE themselves acknowledged the existence of too many content islands, something like this would make the Lich system feel infinitely more enjoyable and actually believable, since it would interact with moment to moment gameplay without completely derailing your experience.

    EDIT: After some conversation I can wrap my head around Lich spawns being disruptive, but I feel the point can still be made about thralls. Their spawns are already capped to 2 or 3 hounds per mission, maybe 5 to 6 thralls for Kuva Liches, and they spawn among regular enemies, in the way of the mission. Unless you are speedrunning capture fissures with a cracked setup in 35 seconds, in which case you'd also probably run solo, I can't see how it would slow down missions enough to be problematic, especially when it wouldn't necessarily be a constant occurrence

    Hi, Welcome Back, so at this point there's 3 Eras of warframe content currently at war with each other.

    Firstly you have the original star chart style content and event missions, now, event missions are almost no existent and they all give the same rewards which shows how little content there is in this section, however by this point a good chunk of normal missions reference things FROM event missions, for instance, ive played this game for half a decade and only recently actually fought a "Tubeman".

    Secondly is the enrichment content, which was supposed to act like spices onto what already existed this is the Lich System, Steel Path, Open Worlds, and Railjack. all of them just represent detached separate experiences based off of the original content and despite that don't interact which ends up removing the exponential growth of immersion, You are here. Yes it would be neat if you could do more with liches and sisters, like build a team with them for single player or use them in railjack. it would be nice if there were new places between the planets to explore with railjack or if they did more with the open world aspect. It would be nice if steel path allowed you to get better railjack parts, instead of rarer gear and if the liches and sisters you acquired from it were stronger than normal. Or if Steel Path had special Wraith Grineer that drop suped up grineer variants or Mara, Vandal, and Carmine Corpus units located on specific worlds that do the same.  However all that interplay had to be left behind because...

    Thirdly is the new era of content which are these grandiose mystery box stories filled with characters you have to obsessively read in game notes to learn the lore about like this is resident evil, the difference is that resident evil is a immersive experience, you can imagine living in that world, warframe is a fast paced zoomerlootershooter pseudo-mmo that feels less lived in than Phantasy Star Online from like two decades ago.

    As of yet for returning players i suggest you play the New War, and the Zariman missions maybe check out some other things that seem neat then uninstall, there are more enjoyable experiences and to be honest the general gameplay has been on a decline for a while.

    • Like 2
  14. This is how you do it

    You make a new mission where you help clem, clem needs new organs so you clone a new clem in your ship to get them. 

    The queens jealous of you turn clone clem into a lich, when you parazon him he gets infected with helminth and becomes Clemframe. 

    Clemframe starts off as a helminth clem then his 4 turns him into a voidrig sized clemframe lich that can be equipped with lich Archguns and has Kuva Knux locked into melee.

    If you play as Clemframe in archwing Kuva Knux is always selected.

    From that point forward only Clemframe and Ironbride can use archmelee, no new animations though, that would be work.


  15. On 2024-02-07 at 7:04 PM, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

    We need more drifter clothing options. Is there any news on when this is happening. 

    Alot of Drifter suits clip with alot of armor, and worst doesn't match.

    Problem with that is that Drifter's main benefit over Operator is that it can wear armor.

  16. On 2023-12-18 at 2:39 AM, Hexerin said:

    Me: "Counterpoint: Where else in the game do you get to see ludicrously badass things like this?"

      Hide contents


    Seriously though, every time I progress to the next planet, the mode just keeps getting more and more epic. It's a shame that DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

    If i wanted to see cool things in space would look it up on google.

    I want space opera with my space crew, i want to lead a strike team of away crew off ship while my ship crew fights opponents.

    and i want it in single player.

  17. On 2024-01-10 at 2:36 PM, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    Running pub relic runs(Normal and SP both) makes me wonder, why do I even bother trying to use those actually good Incarnon weapons that I've farmed. Can't charge it even with a single precision headshot (let alone get a single stack of that headshot-based arcane), when all enemies are instantly dead split second after they spawn out of a fissure - all thanks to Tenet Arca Plasmor, Tenet Envoy, Sporelacer kitguns, Kuva Zarr/Bramma and the rest of the "supposedly nerfed" AOE weapons that people don't even have to aim at all. Same applies to literally any other single-target weapon - even non-incarnon, even if a very good one... Too bad.

    I understand wanting to "optimize gameplay", especially relic runs. I really do. And yeah, AOE weapons do exactly that - no need to aim, just spray'n'pray. EZ braindead gameplay. I get it. But... AOE meta still around, still making single-target weapons irrelevant, incarnon or not.

    Can't say how to make single-target stuff more relevant without nerfing AOE, but at least something can be done to Incarnons - just make them ALL charge up on body hits, like Angrstrum/Torid do. Otherwise it's pointless to even bother trying to get to the boosted incarnon forms - which are (usually, but not always) good. But you can't use em in those somewhat shorter relic run missions, because by the time you'd be able to use them(if at all!!!) - everyone's already dead, mission complete and you need to head to extract. The only time they are good are solo SP runs. Where you have all the time in the world and all the enemies left to you. Not being obliterated by AOE that people don't have to aim.


    AOE was nerfed, or to be more precise, AOE was limted to a specific builds for 3 weapons and is totally unobtainable for new or mid players, who will now due to prohibition and ease of use be forced to spend hundreds on plat for a single build and never not use it because of investment.


    Funny that.

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