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  1. After a lot of thinking, I think I disagree with my post now. People should be allowed to play the game however they wish. Should the early game progression still be rebalanced? yes. Do I still think that modding should be less intimidating on new players? yes. But the option to skip the story should still exist for people who want to take it, Just because the story and progression is important to me doesn't mean it has to matter to everyone. This decision will probably be disliked by a major part of the player base, But good luck dev team <3
  2. After seeing a lot of the changes from the last couple of updates I'd say a lot of the issues than would make an early player quit have been more or less dealt with, Except for 1 main thing- The modding screen. New players don't leave because It would take too long to reach the new content or because there isn't enough to hook them in (Duviri mostly solved that imo) But Its the dreaded mod screen that just hits them in the face and overwhelms them. I remember 10 years ago getting on warframe for the first time, Being super excited to play this game I'd been looking forward to since I saw a trailer for it a year or 2 prior to release, And after finally getting on, I got hit in the face by the modding screen, and back then we even had to pick which abilities to put in there, And it took me maybe about 3 years to get back into the game. Even now whenever I try to bring any of my friends into the game, After the tutorial the moment they see the modding screen they nope out, and the ones that didn't only stayed because I made their early game builds for them until around Sedna when they decided to learn for themselves. So here is my proposed solution using a system we already have implemented into the game, The default builds from Duviri. Having those be used while the players move through the star chart and getting used to the game mechanics will make it way less overwhelming, and then when they feel like they hit a ceiling or they just feel like trying it out, They can start playing around with it by themselves. A story or level skip in other MMOs isn't there so new players can experience the new content, It exists so when you make a new character/leveling a new class you don't have to do all that grind all over again, But that is not a problem that Warframe has. The early game just needs that one last push to be less overwhelming on newbies, and they will stick around all the way to the newest content. Thank you for reading :)
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