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Posts posted by (XBOX)Togashi

  1. 2 hours ago, (XB1)VisualEffective said:

    I cant blink either on my Itzal.   There are no "key" bindings on console by the way.  As OP I am on XB1.  I reset to default settings but that doesnt fix anything as it's just look sensitivity and X/Y invert settings.

    I discovered the "Customize Contller" label at the top of the Controls Options was a button, and not just a label!  Clicking on it brings up the controller diagram.  I re-assigned the button to something else.  Then restored to defaults.  That fixed it.

    Seems the upate is missing a small step to maybe to this behind the scenes.  Fixed now


    Found a Fix on a thread on Reddit.

    "EDIT: FIXED! I had to go into controller map, map a different action to blink, then remap blink back to the original button again. Works fine now with the controls it's supposed to be.

    Can confirm this does indeed work. 

    Reset your bindings, and you should be good to go. 

  2. 4 hours ago, NinthAria said:

    They've been keenly aware of it for years now. It's just...you know, creating "challenge" (whatever that means) that's interesting, engaging, and rewarding, without making it too grindy and/or so rewarding that it becomes The Thing to Do, Always, while also respecting the time and effort players have invested in their arsenals...

    Yeah it's a bit of a complex problem.

    Yup, and you are not going to please everyone.

    Some people love the way the game is right now and being able mow through enemies. Some people want more of a challenge.

    It is going to be hard to please their player base.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Dama73 said:

    My personal issue is with how bright and shiny everything is, it almost looks like they added a plastic wrap filter to the whole game, it looks terrible at times.

    Totally agree.

    Evidently Warframes are made of plastic now. 😉

  4. Well at least on my Garuda she is holding it properly. 

    Was not able to reproduce the problem you seem to be having. 

    What stance mod are you using? Not sure if it matters, but curious just in case. 

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