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Everything posted by Veomroa

  1. Long time player, and active recruiter for the game. Or at least I was. One of the biggest complaints I get when I try to introduce this game to people is that they get the perspective that they have to spend money on this game in order to do things and get stuff. And that hurts me cause the truth is that DE has had a history of granting us the ever so generous option of choosing what we want to buy. An option that has kept me around since the launch of saryn. And option that allows me to freely introduce this game to new players whenever. However, with this new heirloom collection I don't think I can recommend this game anymore. FOMO is a cruel abuse of a playerbase. I stand against it with every fiber of my being, And this response you have provided tells me everything about the future of DE. I know full and well that you will do something like this again. This Heirloom pack is just a repeat of the founder's pack, something I was never able to get because of unfortunate circumstances. Luckily excalibur umbra exists which is better than prime altogether. but these heirlooms don't seem to have that liberty. As it currently stands there's no alternative to acquiring a signa in any other part of the game. And more importantly there's never going to be a chance to get these items again. This is a new item slot with no other perspectives in the game, and the seeming perspective that all future items in that slot will be attached to this manipulative abuse of the playerbase that has given you nothing but praise and cherished you for so long. Hell I was even able to look the other way on prime accessories just because they rotated back in whenever the associated prime was unvaulted. What was meant to feel like a celebration of 10 years just feels like you, DE, and by proxy, your corporate overlords, trying to cash out of Warframe, and by extension, the goodwill you have worked so long to forge with your community. It feels like you're spitting in our face. This response is so far away from what most people have a problem with, sure making the packs more worth their value is a solution. However, it's not the solution people really want. I'm actually impressed you had the gall to say that you hear the concerns of the playerbase but refuse to actually do anything of significance to remedy the situation. Saying that "it's not fair to people who already purchased it" is a dumb argument. I've seen it all across the game industry being used to defend some of the scummiest crap. This may be difficult to understand, but there are people out their with no self control. whether it's because money is no object to them, or because they just genuinely can't control themselves. That's why FOMO is abusive. Content warning, harsh topics You are correct about these heirloom collections though, they are unforgettable. I'll never forget the time DE decided they were done with the bond they had with their community. The day DE fell to the dark side of the gaming industry. I hate to do it, but I can't support a game that adds these FOMO mechanics, so I just have to stop playing. For the first time in 7 years, I'm uninstalling Warframe. I'm sorry to all the people I've recommended this game to, I had no idea this was the path DE would eventually take.
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