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Posts posted by Mos-Eisley

  1. Granted this is a fairly trivial issue compared to many of the other things associated with this patch, and honestly this patch may have done me in for Warframe....But what the hell is up with all the pole arm and staff holstered position? Why does now look like its either floating off to the side, or one end of it is stuck in your boot?? The positioning I thought was great prior to the patch, why mess with it? Yes there is the holster position in the market...but that is labeled as Staff. Does that holster affect pole-arms as well or is it really for the staves only? And one of the holstered positions is horizontal across the back O.o. Walking through doorways would be a bit of an issue with a pole sticking out lengthwise on either side...not to mention attempting to perform all of the necessary space ninja parkour. 

    Makes no sense

    • Junctions link travel - all players new and old must complete the Task list to activate the Junctions for progression and rewards.

    I'm sorry but that total BS, especially after seeing there are items like rank up mods, and craft weapons above a certain level etc. I've already ranked up my mods, and crafted nearly all the weapons, now you want me to waste resources, and time, to repeat things I have already completed?

  2. On 2/23/2013 at 0:33 PM, Gryphticon said:
    • Your IGN: Mos-Eisley
    • Your Mastery Rank: 20
    • Your previous Clan(s): Vanguard Order, N
    • Why you want to join Gryphus Tech: Interested in finding a clan with friendly, active people, and Gryphus Tech seems to fit. 
    • What do you expect from Gryphus Tech: I expect a friendly, casual atmosphere. Good people, and witty repartee (witty repartee not required). People to run missions / raids with, people to assist, and cookies.



  3. 2 hours ago, (XB1)T0PP HATT said:

    Before u say, "get a life", I wish I had one...I am a disabled veteran who can't do too much anymore. Warframe takes my mind off my situation for a while. Thanks u DE for making a great game. You're making all the right moves so far....

    5007+ hours, that's a lot of gameplay for one game...

    Anyhoo, been gaming since 1974, old school gamer. Before pc, before ninetendo's, before it all. I've been there since the beginning of gaming. Warframe tops the list as favorites go. Like I tell my friends, "there's so much to do in that game, you can't do it all"... nothing but the truth. And just when u think u got it down just where u want your warframe and weapons, DE comes out with something new or different to make the game better and then u have to reconfig just about everything if u wanna run what they brung, lol....it's a good thing, always keeping it fresh....

    But not to ramble on, just sharing a personal lifetime acheevo, never have I stayed with a game so long; but it's just that damn good...period...

    Thank you DE and the whole crew for nailing a game so good...

    \o/ Damn, that's 2x the hours I have in the game. Gratz!

    I'm right with you as far as being an old school gamer...I don't know how many quarters I fed into the Battlezone, Defender and the like. My first "computer" was the Atari 400...with the 48k ram upgrade \o/...  I agree with your sentiment, Warframe is definitely one of the best 

  4. The OP stated "why add a game mode if the rewards are not enough for me to give me an incentive to play it", as if the "reward" is the only reason he bothers to play the game at all. So if DE adds awesome rewards, what then? Will he start playing something he does not enjoy, just in order to see what is basically ones and zeros he does not own, and that DE can make vanish at anytime by banning his account for <reasons>?



    I did not state that in any way.

  5. Why bother playing any game?


    You either enjoy playing it for the hell of it, or find something else. The "enjoyment" factor here  is centered around finding a Frame you like and some weapons you like. The missions themselves are just the medium to test them on.


    If all you enjoy seeing is loot drops, then games like Diablo or Borderlands do a better job.


    No offense, but after hitting rank 30 on one Frame and one gun , you have basically seen everything the game has to offer. If you don't like shooting things at that stage, you'd quit.


    I do enjoy playing this game, if I did not I would not be playing. The point, obviously poorly expressed, was not that I was running the sorties for specifically for the loot, but that IF one is attempting to acquire certain items there are far better ways of doing it that running the sorties. I am relatively new to the game, I don't have tens of catalyst and reactors, and hundreds of formas saved, I still need those things.


    I haven't been playing for years and year like many people have. I, unfortunately, only encountered Warframe a few months ago, and I feel it is definitely one of the best games around. The sorties are extremely challenging for me still, as I don't have the 4 forma'd weapons and frames packed with arcanes and all the best mods that many long time players have. I also think the various conditions are an interesting device to increase the difficulty, something better than simply increasing the number of mobs. In my opinion something that challenging shouldn't award the same thing three times in a row though. 

  6. Why even bother implementing sorties in at all?


    I've run 5 sorties, and received 3 damn Karak Wraith BP's for the reward. Yes I know RNGesus. But seriously, now that you can get lenses in the market, why even bother with the sorties at all. There are easier ways to get fusion cores, and better ways to get lenses. 

  7. Was there a fix to the Alt+Tab problem too?


    Ty anyway DE. :)



    PS- Just noticed, if u play on fullscreen if u alt+tab u can't get back to game still, not fixed. :(


    Works just fine for me, as long as you do not attempt to alt+tab during a loading screen that is. And yes I play on fullscreen

  8. Just a suggestion to make it quicker to swap configs while in arsenal. Mouse over weapon frame, then mouse-over upgrade, while hovering over upgrade add a third menu pop out to select config A, B or C. Clicking on upgrade would function as it does now, clicking on Config A, B or C would switch the config accordingly without the necessity of entering the weapon/frame config screen.


    IGN: Mos-Eisley

    MR: 7


    Started playing about a week prior to the release of movement 2.0, and have been thoroughly enjoying the game ever since. I'm Pacific time, but you will find me on at varying hours through the day. Looking for a clan to run missions with, willing to help others through their missions when able to. I am not interested in PvP in any way. 




  10. Thanks all for the replies. I did ask the individual after the mission what I did wrong with the disarm, unfortunately I didnt receive a reply. no mention was made prior to not use disarm, so I had no reason not to use it. 


    The shield in use was a large blue hemisphere, like a geodesic dome. It covered the immediate area under protection. If nothing else, this lets me know I need to pay more attention to what frames are in the mission. 


    I always figured you get a large mob in one place, disarm, then slice and dice. 


    Thanks again for the insight. 

  11. I was running a T1 def mission, and everyone quit out early at 15. I was using radial disarm when the mobs got thick around my decoy. One of the guys said "stop disarming" just at the end. I asked and he said "it was messing us up". Two people in the group had a similar name, I assume they were part of a clan? They were using a shield of some type over the item you are to protect, not sure what it was though. 


    Why would radial disarm be a bad thing to use? 



    2nd question: is there a way to keep the chat window open when you are in a run?


    3rd question: anyone having problem running windows 10, and keys sticking? I did not play too long before installing windows 10, but I dont recall having this problem when I was running 7. Occasionally when I am running, or crouching for a lengthy time, the input seems to stick. i.e. I will release all of the keys and I will still be stuck walking forwards, or couching,etc. 



  12. Welcome!

    (Also, what's with the extra space beneath your text?)


    Hrm I dunno how that got in there, edited it out though


    Welcome Tenno ^.^)/ hope to play with you sometime

    That gif looks so awesome ^o^


    yes it does \o/

  13. I can't believe I did not find this game until recently! This is a great game! I have not been playing all that long, I think I have something like 80 hours in game at the moment. I am definitely impressed by the interface, kudos to the Dev's on that. Hell I am impressed with the entire game, but prior to this I was playing Neverwinter, which is a bug ridden piece of garbage with a toxic community, so perhaps I am easily impressed at the moment :)

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