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Posts posted by 0meg4x

  1. I love Dante and his Noctua weapon. I'm one of those that don't care about Tragedy builds so feel free to nerf it, removed it, send it to the void or do all 3 at once.

    Noctua's Projectile:
    After playing Dante for a while I feel like the delay until the projectile is shot makes it a liiiiittle painful to use Noctua because basically the only way you can hit your target is by using the homing effect. If you just shoot, the projectile will most likely pass between the enemy's legs and armpits because it has no width.
    So I think Noctua's projectile should at least have a bit of width since the projectile's visual appears to be bigger.
    You can look at things like containers and get the info of what you're looking at and yet not be able to hit it.

    Noctua's Hit Visual:
    When you hit a target upclose with the primary projectile you're basically blind because the visual effect is that big.
    Being blinded by the visual doesn't help with aiming either 😂

    • Like 2
  2. Primary Fire has a very decent amount of damage but the 12 RPS on a 21 Magazine Size is a bit too much,

    Requires you let go of the trigger each ~1 second, DPS suffers because of that.

    Unlike other Radial Dmg Weapons, Most of this weapon's damage is in the projectile and not in the AoE Damage which is fine I guess.

    Decent Critical Chance enables you to build Crit... Yes, You can build crit on its Primary Fire.
     With 12 RPS you don't need high Crit Chance to be viable.


    Secondary Fire is just the worst.

    It doesn't do nearly as much damage as you would think. For me it's dealing around 1/10 of the Primary Fire's damage.
    I know the 2 beams can target 2 enemies at a time but even when the 2 beams are focusing on 1 target, the damage is just... I don't know where it's at xD
    Add to this that you must stop firing each ~1sec or so, the DPS is just literally the worst.

    Another thing that doesn't help the Alt Fire is the fact that it doesn't have the 0.5 ammo consumed per second as every other Beam Held weapon has... except for the Atomos and ONLY the Atomos, Why the Atomos?? I don't get why is it that some Held weapons can have this mechanic and some cannot.

    You may think: Probably the Basmu's Alt Fire is more of a Status Effect thing and not a damage dealer? No... Because the difference between Primary and Secondary Fire's Status Chance is literally 1%. I'm consused 🤣






    High Damage on Primary Fire.

    Very Fast Reload if magazine is not empty.

    Infinite Ammo.



    AoE Damage / Status.

    Aim Assist on Secondary Fire.

    10m Radial Life Drain & Stagger effect when the magazine is empty.
     I don't actually notice the Life Drain because of Medi-Ray and Odomedic.
     Sadly, The Damage it deals is minimal, 2-25 dmg depending on distance and it doesn't seem to scale with mods.






    The Worst

    Must Reload Manually when Magazine is empty, I keep getting CC'd while manually reloading and let me tell you, It HURTS!

    Alt Fire doesn't have the 0.5 Ammo Per Second mechanic all other Beam Held weapons have, Why? 🤔

    Very Low Base Damage on Secondary Fire, I don't see the reason why it shouldn't deal as much damage as the Primary Fire, Both Firing Modes have AoE and pretty much the same amount of status chance but primary has more damage output and can even benefit from Crit Build to make the damage even higher.

    Very short range on Secondary Fire, ~9m Range, For a moment I thought the range was intended to be this short because you could hit enemies in 360º around you but I guess not, it's just what it is, Short xD



    Quite Small Magazine Size, Could use a few more rounds.

    Innate Electricity Damage, With the Status Effect Update Corrosive is kinda... Heat is better lol

    Low Critical Chance on Secondary Fire, It would be nice if the Crit Chance could at least match the Kuva Nukor's of 7% instead of 2%, With the x4.8 Multiplier it could compensate the lack of Base Damage with Critical Damage.

    Alt Fire is not toggle, Managing the magazine using middle mouse doesn't seem to be my thing. I use Zenith and Euphona Prime A LOT, for me pressing middle mouse for Alt Fire feels natural but for the Basmu's Held Beam it just feels weird.



    Since you can run out of ammo in a matter of 1-2 seconds, I wish I had a bar in the middle of the screen telling me how much ammo I have left.
    Looking at the corner of the screen each couple seconds on a 1920x1080 monitor is harsh lol
    The audio does help a little bit with the Primary Fire but it's barely noticeable, Alt Fire on the other hand doesn't seem to have a Low Ammo audio.

    • Like 3
  3. On 2020-03-02 at 2:00 PM, [DE]Bear said:


    Each Slash Status has its own duration, but now we only show a maximum of 10 damage numbers in the HUD, damage is unaffected, but reducing how many damage events we show helps with performance

    It would be awesome if instead of showing 10 damage numbers at a time we could see the Total Damage in 1 big number that keeps stacking/updating as all the procs deal damage 😄

    • Like 5
  4. When exiting the Pulse Turbine via the main entrance, if you hit Space Bar the game asks you if you want to Skip Cinematic, 

    If you accept, you are left in a circular room with no exit.



    /unstuck seems to be able to get you out np


    I dind't mean to skip the Cinematic, I just keep resting my hand on the mechanical keyboard lol

    So I don't know if this is an issue with any other structure.


    EDIT: I just started a new mission, I tried this while exiting a Crewship, I spawned inside the same room, inside the walls of another Pulse Turbine structure that was 12,000m away lol

  5. We need a Gunner Sensitivity Setting.

     Railjack Look and Aim Sensitivity Settings only affect Pilot sit's sensitivity while Gunner sits are taking the normal on-foot Look and Aim Sensitivity.

     It's really hard for me to be an effective gunner since Warframe is the only game that I play with such high sensitivity because of Aim Gliding specially.

    • Like 1
  6. This is regarding the Crew Ships specially.


    1. Ramsleds should stop launching from Crew Ships that no longer have Pilot/Gunners in them or at least no crew at all.

     This goes for the Asteroid Hangars as well, You would think killing everyone and destroying everything in there should be enough to take them out for good.

     This is a lot more noticeable and annoying when playing solo, Since you don't get the alert about the boarding party while out of the Railjack, when you come back there are 1-4 Ramsleds stuck to the ship and a bunch of Grineers sitting there waiting for you, they don't seem to move at all when the Railjack is empty.


    2. Killing the whole Crew of a Crew Ship should count towards the mission objective, Right now even if you kill the whole crew and capture the ship instead of getting a +1 in the objective you trigger another Crew Ship, instantly spawning in as you touch the ship's controls.

     Instead of taking the ship for your use against the little ones you feel you are getting pushed to destroy it because since you are not making any progress towards the objective doing that, another ship will just jump in and you will have to deal with that one too.

     A Crew Ship with no Crew should be a Dead Ship.



    Another thing I would like to see added to this game mode is an option to Stop Auto Roll.

    The game keeps trying to Auto Roll the Railjack to either Face Up or Face Down when the Railjack is not turning enough in any direction,

    Dog Fighting and having the Railjack keep trying to accomodate itself can be annoying, messes with my aim as well.

    • Like 1
  7. After using the Forge, the HUD disappeared.

    While quickly tapping Interact key I noticed, after pulling down the materials cage with the Parazon, the game acted as if I had hit ESC and got me out of the Forge window,

    I thought maybe I did hit something since I was panicking but I'm not sure if this is when it happened because I rushed back to the forge.


    Not even the weapons have HUD.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    I know this bug is annoying and has existed for a while, but instead of clicking "Cipher", you can hit the hotkey (Y by default) to use a Cipher. If you hit X, and Y after immediately, you can hack a console in under a second. I hope this helps while you wait for a fix. 🙂 

    Wait... There has been a hotkey for this the whole time? But it isn't in the keybindings!

    The pain I could had avoided all these years 😭


  9. As noted here a while back: 

    And by a while back I mean 5 years ago.

    I've *always* had troubles trying to click on the Cipher button.


    After going through a Spy vault with all 3-5 consoles my mouse always ends up at the lower right edge of the mouse pad.


    You would think Cipher is to save time but the mouse couldn't be further away from the Button and there is not even a hotkey to use the Cipher.

    Since you never know where the mouse pointer is at, trying to quickly hack a console while having a Scorch, Napalm and other heavy FX enemies on top of you is difficult to say the least.


    If the pointer NEEDS to reset, then the middle of the screen would be the perfect place for that.

  10. Grendel Missions:


    As always, I equipped my best gear and set Squad to Solo for new content.

    First thing I noticed was the "Mods are disabled" description,

    I was like: Bring it on, I don't play hardcore mode on every single game for no reason.


    I don't remember feeling so cheated and frustrated except for Exploiter Orb's boss fight introduction.

    Since I always take on new content alone and skip any help or tip that doesn't come from the game itself, I had a really hard time trying to figure out how to stop the thing from cooling down.

    In the end my stubbornness kept me from looking for help or just buying Hildryn straight up, same thing happened with Grendel.


    Top 3 things that lit the fire:

    1.) Stalker, Suda and Hexis spawning. They decided this was the opportunity of their lives, Stalker manned up and destroyed me 3 times single-handedly.

    2.) The fact that Stances do not work is #1 Worst part of the whole No Mod thing, Can't rely on normal melee attacks since basic combo screams "KILL ME! I'M STANDING RIGHT HERE".

    3.) Level 40 mobs take no damage from Unmodded Primary/Secondary and if they do the weapon runs out of ammo.

    Fortunately the new Melee Heavy Attack was able to deal a bit of damage. Venka and Destreza's guaranteed Slash proc helped a lot.


    At the end of the day, I like me a good challenge and I don't regret anything about this experience.


    Edit: Oh, did I mention the 2 Bursas that spawn at the last wave of the Defense mission? And you know... Bursas have some nasty attack which can oneshot squishy Warframes like the Isolator's Detron shotgun, bouncing lightning and the Drover's proximity mines. I was on my last life there and since those 2 were pretty much unkillable because of obvious reasons I had to activate rat mode and take them over with Revenant's Enthrall so the wave counted as Cleared. That was a close one, as someone might say.



    1.) Feast


     I don't like the energy ramp up, If it REALLY needs to be a there, then I wish it took effect when you go over 3-5 enemies or something like that. This way you can more easily manage your energy with only a small group of enemies.

     You can shred the armor of selected enemies and keep some armor for yourself without the added penalty,

     What has been happening to me since I'm still testing out Melee weapons is that I don't spit out the last enemies because I get distracted and end up losing lots of energy if not all of it.

    2.) Nourish


     For some reason, Saryn's Molt comes to my mind when I think of this ability.

     I wish the animation was as simple as Saryn's Molt: No movement interruption, insta-cast, less delay after each cast, etc. Since Nourish deals more damage than Regurgitate but costs energy, Whenever I have extra energy I try to spam Nourish to get rid of enemies and reduce the energy drain instead of using Regurgitate.

     3.) Regurgitate


     Holding down the key should quickly spit out enemies one after the other, so you can save as much energy as possible by getting rid of the enemies faster.

     If the animation was upper torso only, similar to Chroma's Spectral Scream animation in which he can still walk and jump, that would be fantastic.

     It could also use a little bit more utility since damage is a bit low, it would be really good if it had something like depending on how much time the enemy spent inside Grendel's stomach they accumulated X amount of armor reduction and when they are shot out and hit other enemies these are also affected by the armor reduction, This could help against enemies that are not affected by Feast like the Juggernaut for example.

    4.) Pulverize


     -Moving around should be easier, it takes a while to get going and you don't have much time because of the energy ramp up and 10 enemies in Grendel's gut.

     -It should easily go over small obstacles like cables and stuff because right now you actually need to jump to get over the smallest of obstacles dealing damage and potentially killing the last enemies inside Grendel's stomach.

     -You should be able to hold down Feast while on Pulverize to cancel both Feast and Pulverize at the same time so you can save your energy and avoid getting stunned because you ran out of energy.

     -Since Pulverize consumes enemies in Grendel's stomach like Nourish does, I think Pulverize should provide some healing, too.

     Or if it was possible to cast Nourish while on Pulverize that would be helpful as well.

     -Grendel should be knockback immune while Pulverize is active, I keep getting knocked off the map and dropping my food!


    The fact that all of Grendel's abilities deal Toxin damage feel a little bit weak against Grineer, and more against infested, well at least for me.

    I have to admit, I didn't actually expect this Warframe to be so fun, I would love to see some QoL improvements made to him very soon.

    *Sigh* This may even end up being one of my top Warframes in which case I guess you can say that Grendel is gonna make me eat my own words >_>


    Awesome work!!

    Sorry for dem misspellings and bad english!

    • Like 1
  11. I'm loving Ember Rework so far!

    Vauban is really well done, too. Though I don't feel comfortable playing him since Vauban is one of the Warframes who lack survivability.

    Ember Prime is my 2nd most used Warframe ever, I got her Prime variant WAY before getting normal Ember, her Accelerant CC was enough survivability for me.

    So I have been playing the New Ember for a bit and there are some "Things I feel are a little off":


    1.) Energy Rate.


     I have been playing Ember for so long that I still feel like she has a way of gaining energy by herself, she lost the "+Energy Rate while on Fire", which is fine but still.

     I think she could use some kind of Energy Gain, Gauss has his Kinetic Plating which is very similar to Immolation and rewards him with energy so in the end Ember feels a bit off.

     I mean... Yeah, I have Zenurik + Energize but it's just something I feel like Ember is missing, since she had something similar and now is gone, youknowwhatamsaying?


    2.) Immolation.


     Very good concept! Adding Adaptation mod on top of the Damage Reduction helps Ember a lot.


     Now, let's talk about the ability, the fact that the Meter displays the Damage Reduction and not the actual fill % is very misleading. Damage reduction is 90% for me so the Meter stops at 90% while I'm looking to see if I'm at 100% and Overheating.

     I have been playing Mech Games for a few years now and I feel like Immolation Meter could use some tweaking to make it more interesting and controllable 😄

     First, it shouldn't go up by itself, Instead it should very slowly decrease.

     By casting Fireball / Inferno the meter should instantly raise by X amount.

     This would give the player many other options and encourage to try and keep Immolation up instead of simply disactivating the ability to reset because the heat is going up like crazy, also by reducing Fire Blast's energy cost (75 Base) lower or to the same level as Immolation's casting cost (50 Base) this would be another reason why use Fire Blast instead of Deactivating Immolation and reactivating it again. 

     Being Ember a Warframe that is played very aggressively, right now I can multi-cast Fireball and then have the Heat keep going up like if Ember was submerged in lava, It takes 4-5 Fire Blast casts to make the heat stable again, In the end I need to reset Immolation or use a lot of energy in Fire Blasts.

     By making it work like this the player could have more Control over the Heat Generated, Casting Fireball (Idea on Fireball listed below) to keep the heat up for more damage output and all that other good stuff.

     Of course Overheating would be more unlikely this way if played carefully, but if something is done about Fireball (Hold Cast to throw multiple Fireballs in rapid succession, as listed below) to make it possible to reach a certain % on the Heat Meter, Overheating would become a "Imma have to Overheat and deal a lot of damage and throw a Fire Blast somewhere right after that Inferno".

     With this system, since you are the only responsable for Overheating by casting Fireball / Inferno because the Heat is no longer going up on its own, Overheating punishment can also be changed to drain energy based on how much "Over the Red Line" you are, Say Overheated Threshold is 100% but you can store up to 200% heat which determines how much energy you lose per second. Meaning if played carefully and well planned you can still hit the Red Line and throw a Fire Blast in there as you see fit to cooldown, of course as long as you don't go that way up Over the Red Line.


    3.) Fireball.


     For me Fireball uses 7.5 energy, for something that is encouraged to be multi-casted because of the new damage multiplier and the "stackable Heat Procs?", it is a little too much.

     If we compare it to how much energy Ember's ultimate uses now, Inferno uses 3 energy per target for me, add to this the fact that Fireball has a short splash range which is about 2-3m, It is true that you wont be multi-casting Inferno but it feels well spent to use energy for casting Inferno and not Fireball in any situation.


     You know? I had a dream, I was actually hoping to see a new casting mechanic for Fireball, as soon as I read "Tap for quick fire" on the Update notes, Vegeta's one-hand attack pose from Dragon Ball came to my mind. I truly thought that dream was real, It was so real I could taste it, I really thought you could cast Fireballs really REALLY fast just for the giggles... Why do we even have a charge Fireball? With my 88% Duration I can't Hold it and cast it before the Multiplier window runs out.

     Digital Extremes, Can we have Ember's Fireball be hold down for super crazy casting speed? Pretty sure that would make more than one happy...

     With this and the Immolation tweak, While you are holding down the key to cast multiple Fireballs in super rapid succession to increase it's damage output to its max, you are quickly raising the Immolation heat meter and most likely going to overheat if not careful :smirk:


    4.) Fire Blast.


    Energy Cost on the Fire Blast is the only problem I see with it.

    Pairing it with Immolation's energy cost would be awesome for reasons explained in the Immolation session.


    5.) Inferno.



     Way more interactive, situational and fun.

     Base range of 25m feels a little short being the ability a "Hit what you can see", this makes you want to get a good visual on the enemies before casting it, like jumping and aiming down, or reaching for a corner to get as many enemies as possible and sadly sometimes you don't have enough range to get those at a lower elevation or by that door over there and whatnot.

     The ability seems to be able to go through most obstacles like doors, boxes, very thin walls, etc. Which is nice!


    Thank you all so much at Digital Extremes for all these years of entertainment!!

    And so sorry for any mispelling lol

  12.  I was like: Yo!!! These mods are awesome, they even are 3 of the mods I use on my Valkyr but WAAAAY better.


     I thought now I was able to use a Forma to get the Umbra polarity, but... nope :'D


     I've been scratching my head about not being able to make good use of these mods, I just feel like not touching these mods because if I rank them up by 1 level I might not be able to equip them onto something else...

     I just wish I could use them on my Valkyr. 


     Like... COME ON DE! I wish you didn't give me those mods in the first place or why didn't you made them appear available only when Upgrading Umbra and his Katana?


    This is gonna hunt me for weeks! Xd

  13. Thank you for everything Digital Extremes!
    For me it's been 2 years and a half,
    Even though there is little left to do for me in the game, the constant updates make me enjoy playing this game just like the first day.
    Best video game experience I've had in my life.
    10/10 would wash my memory and play from the start again xD

    Thanks again! Happy 5 Anniversary!

  14.  Pretty awesome changes, I didn't expect them to be so fun xD


     So far, The 2 changes I enjoy the most are Atlas' and Mag's. I love Mag and this makes her so much better!


     As for Atlas... Well, It's been some time since I last stopped to look at him in the Arsenal. The changes to him are really good, as a tanky Warframe he had no way of recovering his own health.

     I think Atlas needs some polishing, though.


    Atlas Rubble Mechanic

     There is no pickup assist for Rubble. These are really hard to pick up, you must be standing right on top of them.


     Rubble has no Physics. Flying/Airborned enemies leave Rubble floating in the air, these are even harder to pick up.


     I think the Rubble armor should decay slower over time, or just not decay at all. It's just armor after all which Atlas loses when taking damage.


    Atlas Petrify

     Atlas' New Petrify has a small delay before taking effect after pressing the ability key, right? But it doesn't allow you to aim the ability meanwhile.

     It should allow the player to aim the ability after pressing the ability key, Just like Atlas could move his head and aim the ability before the change. 


    Atlas' Petrify could use more width at the very start of the ability (Right in front of Atlas). A melee enemy can easily be missed when trying to use Petrify of him from a very short range when said enemy walks to the side of Atlas.


    Atlas' changes are very good as I said, it requires abilities combinations to work as intended. I find myself running out of energy very easily though.

    Maybe his energy costs are a little too high for ability combos?

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