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Posts posted by Rociel

  1. 1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

    It would be nice if DE took into account the TennoGen stats and see what the majority of the community is looking for in a skin.  

    You can't really do that. Art is extremely subjective and the history of marketing has proven that people rarely know what they actually want themselves. Also most skins are created for warframes that are easier to work with (volt and excal). There are more talanted artists and less talanted and not every each one of them has the best ideas, some just work faster and with better attention to details. Then there is a problem like Faven, who has a fanbase that will just buy everything he makes at this point, which would skew any data (unless you want to know how much people like Faven). On top of that, DE are the ones who make the rules, what gets accepted and what doesn't, so in the end artists try to follow what DE want.

    Only thing they could learn from that is how to not mess up color channels, which DE are very prone to do.

  2. I support this and think that would be manageable too. Just give the artists dimension limitation to work in and the tennogen is good to go.
    Players have been requesting auxiliary slot for all the skirts and dresses too for a while...for reasons...this could bring in a solution for that too.

  3. I don't like neither tennogen skins nor the deluxe. My mesa still sports her default skin.


    Also, before S#&$ting on someone's work (especially without proving that you can do better), please consider this:

    • DE have made the original concepts, the whole IP and worldbuilding of Warframe, without them, there would be no Tennogen
    • Creating something new, with fresh view, is much easier to impress the audience. The skins could be of very poor quality, yet, as long as they bring in something new and very original, out-of-the-box, people will be stoked about them and the artists will have fans.
    • Freelancers are not necessarily amateurs. There are many talents out there. Hiring someone on permanent contract does not mean he will be 100% able to create better results, especially considering he has time and resource constraints the tennogen artists do not have.
    • There are rarely more than 3 concepts from which to choose a new skin or new model, when the skin/model is created in-house. There are literally thousands of ideas out there in the world, only a handful are deemed good enough to be put in tennogen and only a couple, the best of the best, are then accepted as finished products. 
  4. 20 minutes ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    I don't like Vauban but I hope DE finds a way to make the pistons work with smoke and everything

    I don't think that would happen. Sure, the skin looks like steampunk, but completely going steampunk won't fit at all in the Warframe universe. Same reason why most likely the tennogen skins didn't get accepted - they have very little common with Warframe universe.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Teshin_Dax said:

    but there were many threads about this issue.. my hope for a fix is gone.. so i will build Vauban again

    Yeah, I have noticed. Just thought I would try the timing, since they just did art stream and fix all these small things. I`m pretty sure that they have quite simply not noticed this in all these years, like with many things that keep getting fixed after years of people asking for it.

  6. With all the tweaks that have been done to Vauban previously, with Prime Details toggle added to Tennogen, with the Vauban Graxx being fixed with Prime details and with Vauban Deluxe coming in near future, can DE please stop ignoring Vauban Phased skin being broken on Vauban Prime since the prime launch?


    If it requires too much time, maybe just adding Prime Details toggle to all alternative skins could be a solution? No other skin is as broken, but all the Immortal skins and Rhino Rubedo skins are in a pretty sorry state as well.

  7. For several months Europa defense and Interception tile has been spawning enemies at the start of the map, behind the actual mission start point. The bug is easy to reproduce and always slows down progression, because at the end of each interception stage or defense wave, someone has to run there to kill the spawned enemies, that spawn unalerted and thus do not move from their spot.

    The bug has visibly gone progressively worse, because at first it spawned 1 enemy, now it spawns 5 of them.



    Please remove the spawnpoints, it's an easy fix that has been ignored for months and is a major annoyance.


    Thank you!


  8. 2 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    Yes originally in the BETA, you know that thing where you test how a system works.

    Please tell me, if the Tier 3 and 4 cards weren't in the BETA which was HEAVILY stripped down to test the basics of the systems in play, and did not have the achievements or crafting system available for people to get the Tier 3 and 4 cards as they do now.
    How would people get Tier 3 and 4 cards if they weren't in the BETA's loot boxes for testing reasons?

    There is NO EVIDENCE that EA had intended to keep the Tier 3 and 4 cards in loot boxes and thus the game actually be pay to win.
    The only thing we've heard from EA and DICE on that is that it was necessary to have them in loot boxes during the BETA because you wouldn't have any other way to get the Tier 3 and 4 cards.

    It's the same argument that people have about DLC being cut content from games, when there is literally no evidence to support this for any game at all.

    Look man, if your definition of "pay to win" is "things affecting gameplay locked behind paywall" - then you are right, it was not pay 2 win, I haven't personally seen a p2w game in years in that case.

    For most people, however, pay 2 win constitutes gaining immediate advantage over other players by buying upgrades. Which is exactly what Battlefront 2 had. Ok, it's not always a serious problem, e.g. Warframe has the same system, but the huge difference is that Battlefront 2 was a PvP game where it actually does matter a lot, because it's competitive, unlike Warframe.

    Arguing about this is pointless. Most people don't like it and you will not tell the majority of community what to like or not like.


    Also, really, this thread needs to be closed.

  9. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Neris77 said:

    I don’t know if this is true or not, so don’t throw me under the bus if I’m wrong.

    My brother works at EA, and he’s heard rumors circulating that EA’s plan to buy digital extremes to get their hands on the warframe franchise. Can’t tell you about my brother for obvious reasons.

    When I heard that I was beyond horrified, if EA get their hands on war frame, it’s all over, Warframe going be another horrible pay to win game like Star Wars battlefront 2 and shadow of war, ( shutter)

    And this is not so hard to believe, EA has a habit of gobbling up videogame companies when it suits them.

    I pray this is false. But I honestly don’t know. But I wouldn’t put it past EA at this point. They live to destroy our dreams.

    Can someone please get back to me and dispel this rumor or confirm my fear

    Where did you copy this text from that it has black text formatting?

    Can't read on my dark theme.

  10. 1 minute ago, m101011 said:

    it was general criticism of the community for not understanding how to sell the product in add form. people are steeped in advertisements and some how adults dont know how to phone it in properly

    However it's not really a popularity contest. DE will choose their own trailer that fits for them. Most likely the music chosen by the creator won't even be used or will be edited to fit the rest of the video (logo placement and such). Thus the choice of soundtrack should not really matter.

  11. 15 hours ago, TKDancer said:

    we already have a flying frame, so maybe we should focus on making her flying good instead of wanting to add flying to another and having another frame with bad flying mechanics

    Titania's flying is fine, she is a fairy, not a jet.

    Zephyr's flying is not fine, she is a jet that does not actually fly.

  12. 34 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Zephyr does not fly. Why would they basically make a new frame and call it Zephyr?

    Because she should fly? It's just that when she was introduced there weren't any big enough tilesets to utilise that and that was during Parkour 1.0 times, when movement was very limited. DE never came around re-working her kit that should have flying abilitiy since Parkour 2.0 got introduced, way before Titania came around.
    Here is some citation from her flavor text:


    Specializing in air attacks and mobility, Zephyr dominates from above.
    This is Zephyr, light, yet deceivingly lethal.

    Zephyr brings graceful destruction to the battlefield. Look up, Tenno.

    She was introduced together with Oxium resource. A supposedly super-light and strong alloy, from which Oxium drones are made. They fly.



    I`m sorry if that was sarcasm on your part though.

    • Limited time infested Zaw parts. You should at least get 1 of each strike, because, because using and levelling those will get you more Mastery. You don't hurt for that right now, but eventually you will regret if you don't get those.
    • Ether dagger and Snipetron, limited availability weapons, again for Mastery Rank increase.
    • Your clan may be building statues and wants you to donate Hemocyst thingy for their statues.
    • If you have spare resources, you can get limited time only arcanes. They don't give mastery or anything beyond that, so, if I were you, I would abstain from those.
    • Hunter mod set is somewhat appealing, but you should definitely be getting Hunter Munnitions mod, it's good for several crit based primary weapon builds.
    • When you have everything else, there are several PoE resources you needs lots of that are not THAT fast to get. Especially Forma, I`m planning on getting some Hearth Nyth and Forma with what's left of my standing, those are definitely worth the time invested in the runs.
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