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Posts posted by Dylki

  1. If the votes cast by the community do indeed determine the victor, this competition may be very flawed. For example, the winner may not be a good design by a good artist, but rather a design by a popular artist, someone who might have paraded himself or herself around to their extensive fanclub, automatically having more outreach, publicity and votes than someone who is a first timer.

    Another tragic possibility is that these people who have a large outreach not only ask their followers to help vote up their work, but may bribe or send some people out to sabotage other artists. 

    Also, this would be very unfair to artists who post at the last minute before the competition ends, because people may not have the time to cast their votes. 

    I don't think the competition is that unstable, surely it can't be on community votes alone?

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  2. 16 hours ago, Azzu-nyan said:

    Triple post. :U

    Cute Warframes part three!


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    This is some of the best chibi art I've seen on the forums in a while! The art style is cute and distinctive, and I really love the Chroma one!! I can see the effort you put in into deconstructing each Warframe and picking out the most important details to integrate into the chibi, and it's gosh darned good! 

    Keep up the good work, Azzu! It'd be great to see more of your art! :laugh:

  3. A promise was made, and I intend to keep it. I have returned, and just in time for Halloween! I did some soul searching, a little bit of meditation and I feel all better now. I even picked up a couple of friends when I was gone!


    As a celebratory gif, here's what I've done for Halloween!



    Mesa, Chroma and Loki in little halloween costumes! (can you guess who they are?)


    Here's a pic without the candy flying everywhere :D 



    I'm back to my old animation routine, and I have resumed work on Episode 3, on the Plains of Eidolon...hopefully I haven't (completely) missed the hype train for that :) It will be completed soon, keep an eye out for it! :heart:


  4. The completion date for my next animation has been pushed back much further, perhaps end of October.

    I must apologize for my lack of consistency in making animations, but I don't want to give any excuses. I can only say that this is probably a result of very poor time management and my overly-ambitious goals as a rookie animator, making promises I couldn't keep, and starting threads that are now gathering dust.


    Perhaps my enthusiasm at first was my downfall, pushing aside other priorities to make gifs and other animations. "I just wanna make people smile", I said, but those priorities are catching up with me now and I'm in quite a spot of bother. 

    If any other artists out there are reading this, don’t stress over your art. You don't owe it to anyone, nobody can force you to churn out more pieces. It's your decision of what you want to draw and when you want to do it. Of course, you could take in feedback from comments or gain euphoria from a compliment, perhaps spurring you on to start on your next piece to evoke the same kind of reaction in a community.

    There's nothing wrong with that, but my mistake was that I got my motivation from feeding off the reactions of other people. I became a little obsessed with the people that were responding to my works, and I began wanting to draw for the sake of appealing to an audience, putting aside my own interests. I stopped asking myself "What would I want to draw next?" and began saying "What would people want to see me draw next? What will they enjoy?"

    I’m a crowd pleaser, no longer what I was when I first began. I personally detest myself for that.

    Don’t do that. That crowd isn’t going to last forever, sometimes you’ll be alone. When that time comes you’ll feel drained and demotivated. Your driving force shouldn’t stem from external influences, it should be a fire in your soul, a passion to express your thoughts in art.

    All in all, your art is an expression, not an errand to run for someone else. Popularity shouldn’t be the force pushing you to do things, it should be the result.

    It feels like a chore now, I’ve even felt reluctance to continue animating sometimes, because I didn't feel it would be rewarding, that after all that I'd still be a nobody.

    I’ll be taking a bit of a break from animation to do some soul searching, maybe I’ll find one.

    I promise I will return someday and continue posting, but I cannot say when. 


  5. 12 minutes ago, UmbraCorporation said:

    The only thing that I really feel is worth mentioning is that the Tonkor is now non-viable because they added self-dmg to it. No one uses it anymore. 

    That's right, the Tonkor does has a lot more self damage so you'll kill yourself a lot now if you use it carelessly. I would say the Zarr is a good alternative (though the Secura Penta is still one of the best launchers) because the Zarr launches cluster bombs, it's fun and rather efficient to jump above the crowd and commence in some carpet bombing. It also has a shotgun mode, that is very short range but does good damage and has punch through. You can swap between cannon and barrage (shotgun) mode using alt fire.

    It has 15% crit chance, 2.5x crit multiplier and 20% status. With multishot, it can do a lot of damage because of how many projectiles it shoots by default. It's a bit expensive, needing a Drakgoon and 1800 Kuva. Kuva is a new crafting material that dropped in The War Within update, you can read about its acquisition here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Kuva (spoilers about The War Within quest)

    It's still a decent weapon, though. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, Popstupid said:

    So is Nova (Prime) still just like one of the best frames dmg wise or are there like far better frames by now? Are there any frames with a good mixture of survivability and cc? Finally, this is hopefully the last question, but is there a new Draco

    The new Draco is rather similar, it's called Hydron, a defense on Sedna. It's an indoor grineer tileset, and it works rather similarly. The squads usually consist of a Banshee (with Resonating Quake) or a Nezha to dps, an EV trinity and usually a buffer like Rhino. The 4th frame can be anything, I believe. I haven't done much Hydron, so there will be others who can give a more in-depth explanation than me. 

    Usually the dps stands around the middle, near the defense objective and spams their ultimate. Banshee would just channel it, as resonating quake means that the radius and damage of her quake keeps ramping up the longer its active, Nezha would spam his Divine Spears. Both need a str and range build. EV's job is the same as ever, try to be more active in running around to find people to EV, otherwise the dps may kill them all.

    Hydron is relatively high level, people often go up to 10/15 waves and extract, by then you would have gotten a lot of exp and past that point it would be difficult to kill enemies as efficiently. There will be Nox units spawning, which are very tanky and you can only deal any real damage by shooting their heads. They're a bit like Bulldozer units from Payday 2. Near the end of each wave you may wanna run around and check for any Nox's that have yet to be killed by your dps. Use theses leftover Noxes to EV and give energy to the squad.

    I think Speedva may work in Hydron, but I've never seen one before. Either way, Nova is still a good nukeframe, and I love using her with a Sancti Tigris to pump damage into the antimatter drop. She isn't the best dps, however, because Saryn is a better nuking alternative (though she uses a lot of energy). Excalibur and Nezha seem to be the meta dps frames (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but Nova is still undoubtedly strong, maybe even stronger with the right build.

    For survivability and cc, I would say Nidus, but I'm not too sure. His armor and health regen stack with his Mutation, which increases every time you hit an enemy with his 1st ability, Virulence. His cc factor might come from his Larvae, which is a tentecular mass that reels in all enemies in a radius around it, good for grouping up loads of enemies to hit with your 1st ability. His 3rd ability is Parasitic link, which is cast on a single target. If cast on an enemy, the damage you take will be split between you and the enemy, with the enemy taking more damage in your steed with increased power strength. The enemy is also immobilized and invincible until the ability ends or is cancelled, so you can cast it on Bursas to keep them out of the fight. When the Link is cast on an ally, I think they get increased damage/power strength. 

    Hope this helps~! :satisfied:

  7. 8 hours ago, parthik said:

    I am having similar problem now. It seems that when Shade is using his Ghost ability. or Huras Kubrow using Stalk, body parts go missing after becoming visible again. Happened with Frost Prime and Oberon.



    I got that too, but I don't really remember my Shade cloaking me, though I remember spamming Avalanche a lot...but it's likely to be Shade's fault.


  8. 11 minutes ago, Sketch065 said:

    The Clash

    I had the idea for a scene like this for a while now and i must say that i really like how it came out. 

    If you look closely you might notice that i learned how to use normal maps. I also fixed the fur on my kubrow to the point that i like how it looks.


    I hope you like it.

    Made with Blender and Gimp.



    My country is going through the hotest heat wave than the past 10 years and it's not easy to work on my miniatures during it. All the dust from carving eather sticks on your skin or is blown all over your room if you are using a fan, so it might take some time before i make something new.

    Nice work!

    It's alright if you can't work on those miniatures right now. Remember to stay hydrated and take care of yourself!

  9. 8 hours ago, wdwmkr123 said:


    Aaand, finally, the truly finished piece. Thank you all for bearing with this one, I'm sorry it took so long but I think it was well worth it. 

    Beautiful, breathtakingly so.

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