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Posts posted by (PSN)SupeBoss

  1. So apparently, there's an issue in T4 Def/T4 Ext where if Vor starts yapping at the very end of the match, when all enemies are killed before he spawns - he just never shows up.

    The match doesn't progress, and you are basically forced to quit.

    Also, I've run into a rare issue where I cannot pick up energy (even through plates). The items got stuck in carrier I guess? I don't know, but that was odd. I was able to pick up everything but health and energy. This has happened twice since the latest update.

  2. Make the drops realistic.

    Why am I getting Pressure Point 30 waves into a level 30-40 mission?

    The value of the loot should scale (to some degree at least) with the difficulty of the mission?

    In fact, there's no reason to stay past a fourth rotation, because the same stuff drops. Have it scale.

    For endless mission types, the longer you go, the better the loot (or chance of loot at least)

  3. Wow. So there's a grind wall just to get to the quest? Why can't we just get a new frame and that be all?

    Equinox came closest, but you need like 50 pieces that take two weeks to build......JUST so you can finally take three additional days to build the whole frame.

    Can't be as bad as Mesa, though. Never even bothered doing that.

    Luckily, I have the BP....I just need two other pieces. May RNG shine upon me.

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