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Posts posted by (PSN)official_79

  1. 1 minute ago, heskaroid said:

    All the buffs she had were pretty much the 3 holy trinities that revived her. The aimbot itself was never needed and her ult scales with secondary weapons, hell, combine Toxocyst and she'll transform into an embodiment of a MG-42.

    The users, both mesa players and the ones that don't play her that much knows that buffing her ult even more by applying movement would make her a broken as hell warframe. So the better alternative solution is an augment. 

    You may have to reread my message, I edited the first few sentences that I forgot to change it out lol.

    Would it hurt to simply see if movement would make her a "broken as hell" warframe? The only way we could really see if its broken or not is to test it out


  2. 14 minutes ago, heskaroid said:

    Mesa, the fastest gunslinger in the universe and can't walk when gunning down things? The heck is this?

    Over the time the Mesa mains like me would wonder one thing: Will DE give Mesa the ability to walk while using peacemaker? No, it wont be implemented because that would be game breaking.

    I understand that it would break the game to see Mesa walking around while ulting enemies to oblivion so I am going to propose this idea.

    An augment.

    Yes, I know Mesa's waltz exist but it's only for PvP.

    This augment will allow her to walk with peacemaker on while sacrificing one regulator gun.


    It would have been game breaking back when she was an absolute aimbot with high energy consumption. But now with the fact she has to aim, giving her movement would turn her into a higher damaging Ivara with the cost of not being able to reactivate abilities IIRC and a much higher energy consumption

    Giving her movement, not restricted movement (think Wukong, Excalibur, and everyone else with "exalted" weapon ults, they can run around all damn day), would make her a strong warframe, not a broken one.

    Her nerf has left Mesa practically dead in the water, I havent seen one outside of relays in months, making her strong again would be a good change for the game 

  3. 14 hours ago, Kenshin98 said:

    well, for starters, it'd ruin stealth >.> 

    yes, I know the blast is silent, but it can still ruin the stealth kill multiplier if the blast kills an enemy 

    Then dont use a syndicate weapon for stealth.

    Every syndicate weapon thus far has had the trademark explosive proc attached to them, and I dont see why they broke consistency for syndicate melee. The removal of the explosive proc and suggesting they shouldnt be implemented because of your own personal niche uses for them are both dumb ideas IMO 

  4. 1 minute ago, XRosenkreuz said:

    I mean... it's pretty self-explanatory. Saying that 'a regular weapon shouldn't be better than a Prime' is, quite frankly, stupid. The only weapon a Prime should ever be guaranteed to be stronger than is its own standard. The whole idea of Warframe is having oodles of choices on what you do with your loadout; if you make it so the Primes are always better than everything else, it would be ridiculous to run anything else.

    if this were any regular weapon i'd agree with you. But the Broken War is a free weapon you get for doing a quest. It isn't a weapon you had to farm or buy during a prime access.

    Is it fair to make a free weapon a complete upgrade to a weapon you had to farm? Now if it had say a higher attack speed, lower crit chance then you could argue that one is better for different builds. Hell, if it was a different type of weapon entirely you could then justify it having better stats because it couldnt use crimson dervish. But no, it is a complete upgrade to a weapon to had to grind for and that really doesnt make any sense

  5. 2 minutes ago, SoulEaterReaper said:

    within a few hours of gameplay you have gone thro all the mainstream enemies you will ever see in warframe from that point, Except Quests, 

    its only a bit more exciting when there's a death mark popping up or jugger. other than that its back to the same enemies over n over with just different levels.

    Corpus / Grineer / Infested / Void (Which is just a combination of what already exists with different armor) it would be a bit more fun to see different enemies on the average gameplay, everyday the missions we enter, its the same ones enemies every single time.

    50 hours played or 1000 hours played, we're fighting the same enemies, on higher levels its just the same enemies that was in level 1-5 since i started the game just with a higher level! rofl much?

    There's the sentients I guess. Though those are limited to one planet and arent even vital to the objectives. You basically spawn them in yourself.

  6. 3 hours ago, Racter0325 said:

    I really don't understand all the crying about this. Are you fighting level 250+ enemies every day? No? Then the difference does not matter to you. The Galatine P could do 5x, 10x, 100x it's current damage and it would mean literally nothing if you do not fight enemies in this neighborhood. Galatine easily destroys sortie tier mobs, that's as high as you are expected to go, nothing beyond that matters. There aren't even rewarding endless missions to try and justify going that far anymore, either.  Besides that, none of the heavy blade weapons are top so it wasn't even actual power creep.

    No power creep you say?

    So are the debates between the Dragon Nikana and Dakra Prime still going on?

    hell no, both of those weapons have been replaced by easier to get upgrades. The numbers cannot be denied, there is definitely power creep going on here. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Sintag said:

    What I mean is that, do Soldier's rockets, bwrring enemy Pyros, ever bounce iff the environment, do some physics, and then smack into him?  And yes, I get it.  Tonkor's lower clip must be compensated for.  AND THIS ISN'T MY PROBLEM WITH THE WEAPON.  What IS my problem with the gun is the fact that it does next to no self damage compared to all other launchers.

    Yes, thats why I want a damage cap on ALL explosive weapons. Max 30% or so since you think explosive weapons should have a sense of risk.

    If such an idea is implemented, not only will you get blown up for being stupid with a Tonkor, but you'll no longer be instantly deleted when using other explosive weapons, making every single explosive weapon that much more appealing.

    Everybody wins.

  8. 1 minute ago, Sintag said:

    No, but do non explosive weapons kill large groups of enemies instantly?  With few exceptions, no.  Do we suffer strain from using heavy weaponry too frequently?  No, but in more than a few cases it's stated that ONLY Tenno can use certain weapons or ONLY we are strong enough to use certain weaponry.  It's not that big a stretch to say we don't suffer strain because, put simply, what's heavy to regular humans is lightweight for Tenno.

    Heavy melee weapons can quickly dispatch a group of enemies, plus my sancti tigris can easily cut through a group of enemies with little to no issue. Difference is sancti tigris is a hitscan weapon and doesnt need an extra amount of aim and precision to hit your target like the Tonkor requires you to. See? give and take. Balance.

    If you've ever lifted weights, even the easiest weight for you to lift can leave you tired if given enough time. After all some weapons are indeed heavy to tenno, theres a reason why heavy weapons have a slow swing speed.

    9 minutes ago, Sintag said:

     Are we vulnerable to our own Focus?  I forget the name, but a certain upgrade in the Unairu tree would like a word with you.

    I believe thats the one that revives you but fucks up your energy and stuff, right? Anyway I meant the actual abilities. The SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!! doesnt hurt you, the radiation proc (or is it confusion?) doesnt effect you. The petrify (I think thats what one of them does) doesnt effect you. No risk yet all reward from the looks of it.


    14 minutes ago, Sintag said:

    Tonkor only got a nerf by technicality.  It got nerfed due to a bug fix.  Sure, Tonkor has stronger damage to make up for it's short mag capacity, BUT THIS ISN'T MY PROBLEM - I CAN ACCEPT THIS EASILY.  What does bug me is the extreme lack of self damage compared to every other launcher in the game.

     Exactly! this is why I want self damage to have a cap, it makes the whole experience a whole lot better! Instead of introducing a broken mechanic to the tonkor, remove it for all other weapons and leave a cap in its place.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Sintag said:


    Then where's the risk?  Explosive weaponry should carry a risk of killing the user - That's the trade off for their immense area of effect power.  I'm sorry you can't just run up to a guy and spam Kulstar bombs in his face, but there's a semblance of risk reward to these things.  As for Kulstar nuking you?  Bullet jump away from the enemies or above them and try firing.  Why do I defend self damage and even encourage it in this case?


    As a result, it feels way too overpowered, and just giving it the ability to do self damage and taking away it's now redundant rocket jump would bring the weapon back in line.  You also had no comment on the whole 'Non-adhesive bombs should not detonate if they hit your allies' thing.  Your thoughts on that?


    EDIT: Except the problem with making this comparison, apart from the fact you're comparing apples to oranges, is the fact that D.va's ultimate has several means of being blocked.  Ice walls, Reinhardt sacrifices, standing behind a lamp post, you clearly have the means to evade the damn thing, and if it goes off in D.va's face, clearly either the D.va didn't think things through or the enemy team could anticipate the ult and block it.  The enemy has no means of stopping a nuke shooter going off in their faces, but explosives don't discriminate.

    You're also failing to account for Junkrat, Pharah, and Zarya's own explosions dealing self damage (Albeit a tamer example than being requested to nerf a giant pink bunney mecha turned crazy out of control bomb.)

    Risk must always carry reward? Where did you come up with such a thing? Do non explosive weapons carry the risk killing you instantly? Nah. Can your warframe experience physical strain from using heavy weapons too frequently? No. Is your warframe vulnerable to your focus power? After all some effect entire areas. You get the idea.

    There does not always need to be risk, rather there must always be drawbacks to keep things balanced. Tonkor has a smaller magazine compared to the Penta, so increased damage is to be expected. Tonkor as it is now is perfectly balanced, it just received a nerf and it does not need another.

    Junkrat and Pharah are not instantly destroyed with their regular weapons, they get penalized for being wreckless by taking a good chunk of their health, not all of it like when using the Kulstar. If you read my previous message a simple damage cap would be just fine, even a 50% total hp cap would be a whole lot better than instantly being deleted.

  10. On 9/9/2016 at 8:15 PM, Sintag said:

    ...To replace this, I say self damage should fall into place with the Tonkor so as to make it consistent with other explosive weapons, as it poses next to no risk to the user...

    No, definitely not. Tonkor's self damage should stay where it is and OTHER explosive weapons should adopt the damage cap. I dropped Kulstar as my most favored secondary the moment I picked it up due to this stupid and unnecessary mechanic.

    Modded weapons are too powerful to have self damage uncapped. I cannot count the amount of times i've gotten obliterated by my kulstar the instant I pressed fire. Since I play solo this means I lose a percentage of my affinity AND risk losing the mission if it happens too many times.

    Self damage ruins the experience, there was a reason D.Va from overwatch can no longer be killed by her ult.

  11. For me it would be Mesa. When I started playing she was the top tier Defense frame, aimbots all around killing everything the moment they came into view. When I finally got to try her out I was amazed at her capability in the old void defense missions, back then I admit her damage was good but her aimbot was pretty overpowered, but nothing too staggering due to the fact her energy basically faded away in a heartbeat.

    Now post nerf (or rework however you look at it) her aimbot was removed, but she still has her intense energy drain and the inability to move which leaves her very vulnerable.

    I'd say its the leftover energy drain that kills it for me, its the same reason why I never got around to enjoying Chroma (his ult was what really caught my interest but the energy drain is far too much for me to enjoy it)

  12. From looking at the stats the galatine prime is 100% better than the scindo prime. There must be some hidden value that gives the scindo an advantage over Galatine. My only thought would be the execution mult. since the scindo was an executioner's weapon, but I cant tell that by looking at the in game stats. If not then I gotta admit the power creep with the new weapons coming out is ruining the game, now there is no reason to use Scindo P over Galatine P, or any reason to use Dakra P over Broken War or Dragon Nikana over Nikana Prime outside of preference.

  13. 36 minutes ago, Iamnotanoob said:

    This would deprive bosses of thier actual fight modes like kela de thym has rannthum arena.

    And also farmes drop from bosses so it wont be fun anymore to run them again.


    Their could still be the regular boss fights, what im suggesting is a new mission type where you assassinate a target in a stealthy manner. You would assassinate some random target in the same way capture has you capture a random target

  14. Assassinations in their current state are simply boss fights and don't resemble an actual assassination in the way you would think them to be (Sniping someone from a distance, poisoning their food, etc.) and I think a new mission type revolving around the idea of stealth and a single high priority target would be a healthy addition to the game, as the only real use for stealth in this game is in spy missions. This would give new meaning to snipers, bows, and the current and future stealth frames

    Basically a combination of Spy and Capture :P 

  15. 9 minutes ago, Jicematoro said:

    Saryn needs a gas weapon to Spread spores to do S#&$, which can only be achieved with multiple enemies to spread spores with one another, he used a single enemy without a Gas weapon and called it a day, he wasn't biased, he just had no clue how to properly Saryn, and blamed it on her (or maybe he did know, and purposefully ignored it to make a point...)

    I also figured that multiple enemies are required to achieve a good result, similiar to old Mag. No how hard I tried to achieve a satisfying result, I could not (unless you count the butchers I tested on). At level 100, when using a mix of heavy gunners and trash mobs, I found her survivability took a huge drop the higher level they were. No matter how many times I could duck and weave the horde would kill me before I could kill them.

    You must also take into account the amount of steps required to make her an effective frame and you must ask yourself, is this a case of synergy or dependency?

    You see synergy happens when multiple abilities which are fine on their own come together to achieve fantastic results (example being exalted blade and radial blind)

    While dependency is when abilities cannot function on their own and require more abilities/weapons to be effective. (example being Miasma, on its own it is a terrible ability, and needs the setup of her other abilities and the weapons you are using to be effective, pretty stale outcome for a so called "ultimate")

  16. 1 hour ago, Helch0rn said:

    First of all:

    The Guy whose video you refer to (not calling names) is biased when it comes to comparing Saryn to Excal.

    He based his opinion on a build that is so bad that it hurts me on a physical level.

    Saryn is able to melt level 150 enemies with ease if played properly

    I came off my hiatus to say this, because im tired of people knocking on his build while being ignorant to the evidence presented to them.

    That build was not even a true regular mission build, it was meant to get as much power as possible, he even stated this in the video if you listened.

    He was entirely unbiased during the course of his video, even with all the power saryn could barely scratch the HP off high armor targets, he presented this in real time and I was able to easily replicate his result. 

    Tried out a multitude of combinations with weapons, ability order, etc. and my results were the same.

    The only time I was able to replicated similiar results to the "melting" she does was when I used it against butchers. Which have pretty much zero armor. Regardless of level, number of enemies, etc. She CAN melt them, provided they have no armor.

    So the only way she can be truly effective late game is by running 4x Corrosive projection, which I have not tried out myself as of yet

  17. XP only being awarded to the weapons you use is my primary reason for using Draco for as long as I did. If xp was equally divided among your equipment minus maxed out items without lenses, i wouldve been using Akkad or some other xp farm instead of relying so much on Draco

    If I strap a Skana on my back and kill hundreds of enemies with my tonkor, my skana will receive an incredibly small fraction of the affinity. A vast majority of the xp I earned wouldve been lost into the void that is a maxed out Tonkor.

    So I have to use the Skana right? But I cant kill anything due to a very small mod space, and since its just mastery fodder im not gonna waste a potato on it. So low level enemies = lower xp gain. Making the process of leveling a skana from rank 0 to 30 is a long and tedious task.




    Strap the skana on my back, and join a squad of clanmates and head to draco (I could even leech if my squad couldnt care otherwise) and wait around for the enemies to drop to the floor, and have my skana receive a ton of xp I didnt even work for. 

    This is why Draco was used so much. It was more worthwhile to let other people kill the high level enemies for you while any weapons you brought get skyrocketed to rank 30 in two games or less. 

  18. 1 minute ago, Kanlor said:

    is this gona be a annual thing for every update that has some kind of change and people are just gona overly complain about it?

    People providing feedback is a good thing. Its feedback that got Draco and many other things nerfed in the first place, and its feedback that gets things buffed.

  19. I'll admit, these past couple weeks/months I haven't been playing warframe all too much. Fallout, Smite, Overwatch, etc. have been the focus of my attention as of late.But now I don't think I want to return even when the new cinematic quest comes out.

    Draco has been... removed? Void has been changed completely? Almost all the frames have been nerfed? Nullifiers got a buff??

    Can you guys please explain to me what happened in these past couple of months, is it worth coming back to?

  20. I don't want to say it, but the grinding has become a bit too much for me as of late. With games like Smite and Overwatch coming to ps4, Warframe in comparison isnt nearly as rewarding in the same amount of time, and due to that I can't bring myself to play anymore.

    I hoped Vauban prime would bring me back in to play, but that isn't the case. I could either spend hours grinding out survivals with keys I don't have, or play a 30-50m game of smite and have a decent/good time while I sharpen my skills/strategies further. I could spend time grinding out those keys in excavation (Why the hell was it changed it was freaking perfect aside from excavators spawning in too close) or I could play Overwatch and maybe even getting play of the game, laughing away while sacrificing myself as Reinhardt.

    I don't see the point in playing anymore. To top it off with all the nerfs that will eventually make its way to ps4, idk if there is anything that can bring me back.

    Heres to hoping the new quest will be absolute fire when it comes out, cheers.

  21. 18 minutes ago, YANJIUDING said:

    Your statements:

    1. CC frames have some general traits.

    2. Melee frames have some general traits.

    3. Saryn has some weaknesses.

    4. Saryn is not a melee frame nor a CC frame she is a DoT frame.

    Your conclusion:

    Saryn is bad anyway.

    May I ask how did you get it to here?

    To be more specific, "Saryn is neither a general CC frame nor a general melee frame" has nothing to do with the conclusion "Saryn is bad". She's just different, and can do well in many roles, simple as it is.

    After this im afraid I am done making any responses, you miss every point told to you and your responses make little sense because of it.

    I never said Saryn was bad, if my evidence points that way then so be it. Once again I did not say "Saryn is neither a general CC frame or a general melee frame" I said she is neither of those for the reasons I have laid out previously.

    I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.

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