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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. I noticed a similar issue when planning to use the Tarok skin on Revenant in Articula form.
    Then I noticed the Tarok skin didn't look right on the pouches on Spira Prime and Despair, but absolutely fine on Hikou Prime; I hope DE fix that urgently.

    Would like to be able to have more idle poses for Articula - like Warframe animation sets that you can scroll through so you can pick a particular moment in the animation, like the twirl on Harrow's primary gun idle animation or Revenant twirling throwing daggers.

  2. I personally think this might be intended because of how some Sentients - like the Teralyst when it's lost it's Synovia - have elements that defy common physics.

    Personally, a more urgent issue for the Limina Collection is the Tarok skin not working properly on Spira Prime (it's rotation offset is incorrect) and Despair (offset too far inside the thigh), though I haven't tried with other throwing weapons besides the Pox (which were seemingly normal if I recall?).

  3. Build Paracesis regardless, as it's got bonus damage against Sentients and will negate Sentient Adaptation once 5 Forma are successfully installed on it.
    -Paracesis is also the only Orokin weapon.
    -Paracesis can hit level 40, with 1 Forma equating to two levels, with a maximum of 5 at the moment.

    However, it, like War, isn't exactly as effective as Galatine P. However, like Gram P, it has a bigger slam radius. Uniquely, it's slam attack lifts enemies a little more gracefully, offering room to bludgeon them with projectiles or melee attacks.

    I own both, but prefer using Paracesis because it looks good and is still an effective weapon despite being slightly less effective than Galatine/Gram Prime.

    Though I would have to say, Tatsu with Umbra colours on Umbra is probably something Lotus/Rebecca wanted to witness.

    Comparison notes, for straight-to-point facts:


    War: Good against Corpus. Slow.
    Paracesis: Good against Sentients. Not as slow as War. Useful for slam-based attack methods.
    Gram Prime: Effective, but too slow to deal with fast attackers if you don't put Primed Fury at max on it or don't use Arcane Strike.
    Galatine Prime: Effective. Fast, but not as hard-hitting as Gram Prime.


  4. Solution for controller unusability:
    -Open Task Manager, kill Steam, then start Steam up again.

    Inquiry regarding keybind options:
    Would it be possible to get an option to turn the 'shoot' in melee mode to 'block'? I miss having full control over blocking.



    -Camps with Konzu radio system installed.
    -Orb Mother prefers to do knockdowns herself, and thus terrifies all nearby Corpus into not doing knockdowns for her. See also: Megatron wanting to kill Prime personally.
    -Endless missions self-extraction enabled.
    -Doors and weapon-swap is now tithed to you, and not to the host.

    I like these changes. Also spotted on Twitter a thing you've missed:
    -Notifications, like messages, built items, boosters, and so on are now in a drop-down menu, much like a particular social media site's method of handling different notifications. I like that, but when will we get to send emails to other Tenno ingame outside of Clan invites and gifts?

    Now that Survival and other endless missions are extractable, will there come a day where the squad can 'vote' by sequentially interacting with the 'Trigger the Alarms' button in a certain timeframe of each squadmate interacting with it to reset enemies and save progress (essentially restarting the mission, in the mission and allowing for new Tenno to come in, allowing the mode to be run endlessly, endlessly; the same trigger system should be applied across all endless missions so this endless-er endlessness can be even more endless)?

    • Like 3
  6. 6 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

    I mean, honestly. Banning bots is not that hard. Every MMO with a proper trading system manages to do it, Warframe would manage it too.

    The solution to this dilemma is not by simply inserting a traditional MMO auction house, but by copying in the Warframe.market system by bootstrapping the 'set up shop' system found in Maroo's and Dojos to an ingame advertising board which could be an unlockable thing to do with Maroo.

    What this basically is:


    >You go to Market console.
    >You click 'Trade' or whatever DE would end up calling it. 
    >You click 'Offer to sell'.
    >You put up the items you want to sell, and select plat prices or other items wanted in exchange.
    >You click 'Offer to buy'.
    >You select the items you want, and add the amount of plat or items you want to offer for them.
    >You wait.
    >Then you get a message from someone who saw your offer.
    >Trade as before.

    The crux of it is a permanent (as long as you're logged on) advert which shows what you're really selling.

    DE does not want us to sleepwalk in the literal sense.

  7. 6 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

    Vacuum on pets had been a request for a long time. DE had answered that question many times before.

    It took years of pestering and asking, but aren't you glad they finally relented? It's going to take years more to get them to just give vacuum to everything by default withotu requiring a mod, and you're going to be glad then too. And the same with an AH.

    Auction Houses are a very, very different thing to this.

    Let me explain.
    Vacuum/Fetch is a QoL addition that affects gameplay but doesn't impact Primes, rare mods or other items that can be traded.


    Auction Houses would not be a welcome change for Warframe in particular, because, and I say again because you've completely overlooked this, this would open a door to bots, and kill off any form of doing anything. 
    New Prime? Buy it in AH for 60p.
    New Wraith/Vandal? Buy it in AH for 30p.

    A select few using bots would be doing all the legwork. You'd get to sit on your Orbiter for the majority of your day fashionframing, or roaming missions aimlessly, or whatever it is you find enjoyable. 

    And then you realize you've got no resources to craft that Railjack with in your Dojo, and by then you can't be bothered to even farm the resources, so you check the AH...
    ...only to remember that they're not tradable. So you check the Market. Too expensive. So you try to farm Primes and sell them to get the resources from the Market.
    Insufficient currency.

    Virtually everyone else by this time would have this exact same mindset. It would make new players even more confused, and make them believe the game's even more pay-to-win than they already believed from seeing the Market's plat prices for the 1st time ever.

    Please do not pick a single point. This subject requires you to examine the full image rather than preferred regions. Artistic example: that new Warframe, Wisp, while Steve was showing off new Plains visuals.

    If I have somehow not managed to help you understand why I am one of those against an Auction House, let me remind you:
    Maroo's Bazaar is the Auction House. Don't expect it to be automated, we're not the Corpus.

  8. Auction Houses have been a request for a long time. DE has answered this question many times before.

    In short, it's why Maroo's Bazaar exists - that's your Auction House. Open spoiler for some details that may or may not change your mind.



    Look how that turned out for Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, and any (or rather, most) other MMOs or MMO-like titles with auction houses. If Destiny wasn't under Activision's grueling jurisdiction, it would probably be different, and have one of those too, but Bungie was cut short; it will take them years, if not at least a century, to recover at all from the loss of reputation.

    Why an AH in WF won't work:
    -It would be exploited mechanically, inevitably. -Actual participation would go to zero (DE dislikes 'sleep-playing' methodologies like the macro'd slide-attack with Riven+Max_Range+Atterax). -Prices would skyrocket due to instantaneous purchases, or fall to unprofitable margins. -Sets cannot be sold directly via traditional auction houses. -DIY/farming parts yourself would stop happening for most people, who would buy parts cheap, then when the Relics for them run out, would pump them back out at absurd prices. 

    I could probably think of a few other issues that can rise from this. Also, Maroo's Bazaar is supposed to be the closest thing to what you're asking for. Don't let trading turn into a process a bot can exploit.

    If this didn't change your mind, then my words are of no use. I thank you for reading this all the same, and hope you find some understanding in my perspective.



  9. We already have Conclave. Just play Conclave.

    In fact, if more people played Conclave more often, then DE would actually do something about it's decrepit condition, and do more than just consider a racing mode.

    Speaking of Conclave, because nobody plays it (besides about 10 people, half of which are on the Team Annihilation mode and the other on Annihilation for about one hour a day, meaning I never find them) I never get the opportunity to get the standing for the weapon skins - been trying to get the Lato skin recently, but because of that it's taking forever. 

    DE can easily cobble together a Battle Royale mode using the Plains/Vallis, a Railjack, and Archwing-based spawning (but you have no weapons and are forced to fly down) with a Relay server's capacity of people and Conclave settings.

    But obviously, they don't want to follow such overhyped trends. Look at when they tried to with Lunaro and the Conclave Events.

    Generally; Battle Royale is just FFA with 32+ people with no respawns. I hate no-respawn gametypes.

  10. Elite Sanctuary Onslaught while having as many Focus lenses equipped, regardless of their lens tier (basic, greater, or Eidolon, that is) or Eidolon hunts as often as you feel like it or can.

    Do also consider fighting Orb mothers on occasion for the Vox Sol reputation for the amp parts and Operator arcanes they offer.

  11. That's very strange, as I have never experienced this anomaly myself. I suggest going to the plains at night and capturing a few to see if that silences the noise.

    One guess is that somehow you're connecting to the Plains and unintentionally listening into an Eidolon hunt at random, though that's just blindfolded sword-swinging speculation.

  12. That's an interesting concept you have there - to have the Tenno literally replicate the first ability of the Warframe, but I think it should be tied to the amount of time you spend with that Warframe or by 'marking' a Warframe of choice as the 'imprint'. For now though, that's a bit much for DE to do right now.

    That said, though, I miss Focus 1.0's benefits. In the spoilers below I've listed some abilities I'd imagine the Tenno would get, in time.


    Tenno powers:
    1: Transference (a very small charge time small enough to warrant for the animation used to send them back into the 'frame), or hijack an enemy (has to be bipedal and upright - meaning Leapers, Ancients, Lancers, Crewmen, and Sentient Fighters (based on experience from hijacking Golden Maw), or a creature like the Golden Maw).

    2: Your first Warframe's first ability. This would be an exact copy, and would use the normal/Prime/Umbra version's modded stats, if you have them. Only get to pick from Slash Dash (after Sacrifice, this uses the Umbral look if Excal Umbra is equipped), Shock, or Pull.

    3: Void Surge. Exalted weapon - overrides Amp with a super-version of your normal Void beam, with an Opticor-sized beam which increases all stats the longer it's active, at the cost of draining your energy like the no-amp beam does. Void Blasting, dashing, or mode is not possible while this is in use.

    4: Focus School ability. Literally Naramon's confusion waves, Unairu's petrifying beam, Madurai's death beam, Zenurik's levitation pulsewaves, or Vazarin's healing waves. Is emitted from either/both hands as if in the middle of a Void Blast. Drains 1/4 of energy to cast a single charge/wave of it.


  13. 5 hours ago, Gamerovertron said:

    Lol you had the same idea as mine the ends of them would be extra sharp forks xD. if i knew how to design things then i would so make this into a tonfa blade that does not have a handle and is just strapped to your arm.

    It would be easier just to make it another Tonfa. We have too many weapon types that are in dire need of more weapons in their category (glances at machete, scythe, staff, nikana, shield-sword, nunchaku, etc... categories, which have been neglected).

  14. Questions:


    1: Can we get confirmation that we can use Archguns beyond the Vallis/Plains/space? People are assuming it's Vallis-exclusive or usable anywhere; clarity required.
    2: How do Archguns function on ground? I'm worried they won't do adequate damage by comparison to the rest of our arsenals.
    3: Sentient Odachi/Nodachi + appropriate stance for it and Paracesis - will there be a Melee 2.5 or 2.75 to push what you've got working from Melee 3.0 in now?
    4: Has there been any consideration to allowing Conclave stances to be used outside of Conclave, and for stances to be interchangable on some weapons - like we have with Dark Split-Sword?
    5: Will we ever get Grineer/Infested/Tenno/Sentient/Prime K-drive parts? I'd like mine to match Umbra in more than just colouration.
    6: Will we ever get Classic, Bursa, Ambulas, and Vallis Moa parts? While I like our own Moas being unique, I would like the option to run with Corpus 'traditional' models.
    7: Since we have Moas, will we ever get Ospreys?


    • Like 1
  15. Title and tags misleading. Reword those please.

    As for the argument of 'less Warframes/weapons, more skins/cosmetics/stories', why not both? Keep adding more items, but perhaps gate them with mini-Quests like with Mask of the Revenant if they're particularly powerful? Sure, this would possibly take multiple months in bigger cases - like with Railjack and New War - but there are ways to work around this.


    When we get the ability to post custom missions/quests/alerts/weapons via Tennogen is when we will finally have more content than we can munch on, proverbially speaking.

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