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About FalxonPSN

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  1. The Looter precept would normally break crates around you consistently, but now, even standing still in a room with a bunch of crates can take 4-5 pulses to break most of them. Even then, some never break. This may or may not be related to all the LoS changes, but the timing is suspiciously similar. The whole value of burning a mod slot for this was for it to work quickly and reliably as you ran past crates. In its current state, it's really frustrating, since it's just better than broken, but not good enough to be like it was.
  2. The final word in the store description for this pack (for English players) is "pallets." It should be "palettes."
  3. Make Hildy Prime your active frame and go into Appearance -> Skin. Hildryn Skin is shown, but instead of showing "Hildryn Prime" with a proper thumbnail, it shows "None"
  4. The description lists that it includes 13 weapon skins + dethcube skin. In fact, it contains 16 weapon skins + dethcube skin.
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