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Posts posted by Markael

  1. Oh Stalky... your constant appearances can indeed be drag. 


    Be a fret...


    But of all things that can happen in the Origin System...




    True story from Kala-azar Eris during a host migration! With your host a worried Ordis & Lotus both facepalming!


    Let us all give a grand thank you to Host Migration glitches for causing two Shadow Stalker appearances!


    Iirc, Wiki gives this kind of event a 0,02% probability of happening. I guess you took all our chances of spawn for yourself. Not cool, bro.


    I dont think mods are the real problem. Unbalanced drop chances between weapons are though. Maybe DE could create a rotation: for some time, more chances to get Despair, then Dread, then Hate, and so on... since all weapons seem to be as good as each other.

  2. Okay okay... Not a gif... But a video instead!






    *evil laugh*



    Waaaaah! *cries and holds his blanket in his mouth*


    Maybe if I get a 75% coupon one day, I'll consider (I said: "consider") buying that freaking pack. With the Scimitar as a bonus. But it just feels so wrong to me, like giving up on a hope, that could be realized the day after... And frankly, 800 plat for 2 weapons and a color pack, it just doesnt seem fair. But well, Despair (*laughs in the audience*) can drive to some sacrifices.

  3. Three times. Twice of them in the space of four missions. The kind of thing that happens only once in a player's life. Yet that must be the thirty-fourth time he "invades" me. And not even the shadow (ha, ha) of an interesting drop (which could be Despair, Hate, War, Scimitar part...).


    I just needed to get it out of my system. I keep playing mostly because I want to get something interesting from him, but this is just so frustrating.


    It's not even the problem of his enormous drop table, since he ALWAYS drops the same crap. I wonder how people who played for a few month only already got most of his weapons, while I now see his arrival as a non-event. Might just let him take me down and be done with it, the result will be the same.


    I know many people feel like I do right now. Come and cry with me, you feel better afterwards.






    ... Oh and if someone gives me that old .gif with the frame dancing with his stupid hat and shouting "RNG" in flames I'm gonna be very bad.


  4. From what I gathered, you only get a mark if you strike the fatal blow. I soloed every boss and got 1 mark each. Then when I killed them again, didnt get anything. BUT every time Stalker comes and I / he kill(s) him / me, I check in his taunt for who's death he blames me. Then I kill this boss again, and get a mark. Every time, that's not just chance.


    So I believe marks are consumable, and limited to one per boss.

  5. How about we create Stalker's master? An orokin dude who trained the Stalker as his disciple, a "bodyguard" or Orokin lords, willing to form someone to pursue his duty, knowing that Orokin era was about to end, and that he couldn't protect it any longer because of his age?


    Awakened by the incoming "void explosion" from his deadly sleep, filled with anger and a desire of vengeance, he would only have a chance to appear when the real Stalker fails to accomplish his mission, once the target is weakened.


    Watcha think? :D

  6. I think weapons rarity in AW is a good way to balance the fact that there are still only a few existing: it makes us want to farm hard to get them, as each is unique. Maybe when there will be more of them, farming will be easier.

    Personnally, I needed around 30-35 4-rounds interception on Uranus to finally complete my Fluctus, but I felt it was worth it. And it was before 17.5, which made Interception quite easier to run. And it allowed me to level up my wings and weapons too.


    AW is still in development, maybe DE will come up with a more comfortable drop system in time.

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