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Posts posted by Markael

  1. Gauss rifle........ hmm......... Opticor anyone?


    Opticor is nice too as an energy weapon with high (charged) power shots, but it doesnt qualify itself as a Gauss, since Gauss projects a metal projectile at extremely high speed through magnetic induction, and Opticor only unleashes a "blast of energy".

  2. BF4_Rorschx1.png


    This is imho what Lanka is supposed to be.


    This is the kind of design that would make the Lanka a real railgun indeed.


    I agree with the fact that sniper rifles are quite an oddity in this game, since autoguns do 4 times their work. But I use them for simple pleasure and fun: aligning running Grineers one by one, taking them out with every shot, killing 3 or 4 of them with one bullet thanks to punch through, staying away while clearing their ranks as they run, desperately trying to reach me... some things have no price. :D


    Vectis Prime is fine so far for that kind of stuff, but a railgun, at least one worthy of that name, or even a Gauss rifle, that would be awesome. DE keeps releasing autoguns and melee weapons, but they dont give sniper rifles the attention they deserve imho.

  3. Greetings.


    As a fan of Sniper rifles, of their logic "one shot, one kill", despite they dont always work as well as other weapons in this game, I have been relatively disappointed when I finally got my hands on what seemed to be the ultimate marksman weapon: a railgun turned into a handable gun, with a scope!


    Considering its crafting price, the required MR to be able to use it, and the principle of sniper, I would like to suggest some ways to rework it.


    - New sound: first thing that hurted me: the noise it makes when it fires. There no kind of impact, no satisfaction to release the trigger when you have acquired your target. It feels like you send an electrical worm to feed on your enemy, and that's it. I hoped for a sound more like Mesa's Ballistic battery release, or (for those who know it) Mass Effect 3 Geth's sniper rifle.


    - New trigger mode: I'm fine with charging the shot for 2 or 3 seconds, since a railgun needs to be charged properly. But I'd rather see this weapon working the same way as the Daikyu: just press once, and it will fire when it's ready.

    Why? Because there is always a risk you will release the trigger too soon, and lose half of the damge, or too late, and lose time or the target.


    - Hitscan: many have already complained about it, but since when a railgun projectile is so slow? We already have to deal with a tremendously long charge time without any "fire rate" mod, so calculating the trajectory of the target really takes off all the fun. Same for Archwing Velocitus by the way.


    - Less ammo: as a conterpart of the enhancements proposed here, less ammo, longer reload time would be sufficient and would increase the feeling we're holding a powerful man-sized war machine.


    I really wanted to like this rifle, but in the end I felt betrayed. And so did many players it seems, since I only encountered 2 playing with this gun in around 3 months of game time. Which is really, really few.


    Please DE, here my prayers, and give us what the Lanka deserves to be!

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