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Posts posted by spiralmenace

  1. the problem with this idea is that there are very few (see: virtually 0) warframes that fit into clearly defined "class" roles. any given suit has a fairly balanced mix of damage/healing/support/cc options, you can't just categorize each of them based on "this character only does X, this character only does Y, this character only does Z" roles

    take rhino. sure he seems to be a tank if you're only looking at his stats and iron skin, but he's also team support through roar and stomp. which category do you put him in based on that?

    and trinity, immediately she looks like a healer/support, but with link and blessing she's absolutely the best tank in the game. where does she fit in a tank/healer/dps class system?

    you really just can't lol

  2. honestly i'm conflicted about the syndicate melees. it's good to finally see them and lecta was probably the best choice for perrin, but the others are absolutely a missed opportunity.

    if y'all wanted for red veil to have a dagger, why not karyst? i kind of thought y'all would have learned from the player ire over scattered justice/vaykor hek, and ideally not "let's just allow the syndicate weapon to use the augment lol"
    kronen would have been fantastic too, given that they're literally named after the tonfa-wielding assassin from hellboy lmao

    magistar would have been a much better fit for hexis, (i'm sorry are you guys f*cking serious with the bolt* series? telos boltor was an absolute mistake) and tbh gram or silva/aegis would have been even better. give loka nami skyla or something, the flowy design fits their nature theme (ignoring the whole "pure humanity" space fascists part lol)

    imo meridian would have been better off with amphis, but that's mostly because i'm biased against sydon because 1: polearm stances still bl0w chunks, and 2: why is it puncture damage when it clearly has the same kind of superheated plasma edge as cleavers/machete/sheev?

    i'm mostly cool with synoid heliocor but really? really, y'all gave the cephalons a *hammer* when they would have been the perfect opportunity for a new gunblade or nunchaku?

    all in all i really expected better (but i'm not surprised) after what y'all did with the syn primaries, lol (TELOS TIBERON VAYKOR IGNIS RAKTA VECTIS SANCTI CERNOS)

  3. 1 hour ago, SquireAngel said:

    ...You get what a counterpoint is, right? Coat tails are add ons, just like the Rhino's add ons and everything else you mention. You're proving my point....

    yeah but, vauban's entire primed-ness is add on as well or the immortal skin would overlay like garbage on it the same as phased skin does? have you even seen the comparison here

  4. 42 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    Like many other skins meant for non-prime variants, these skins effect the base model, which is altered and then added onto for a prime. All that which is counted as base model in a prime will be effected by the skins, things added, such as prime coattails on Booben, will not. 

    counterpoint: rubedo rhino doesn't affect the shoulder or hip additions on rhino prime, nor do immortal skins on any frame that has one. (exception being trinity) so why is vauban prime's phased skin the outlier?

  5. On 4/8/2016 at 11:05 AM, ashrah said:

    dakra need 30% base crit 3x multi


    On 4/8/2016 at 1:51 PM, (PS4)DBR87 said:

    Think Dakra Prime needs that Lex Prime buff...as in be slightly better than Broken War. Like 85 Base Damage, 15% Crit, 2.0 Crit damage, 30% Status chance. But that's just my opinion.

    i'm definitely here for this. also make broken war primarily impact damage, for consistency with war

  6. are there any plans to PBR the remainder of excalibur's alt skins (prime, immortal, proto-armor)? they've been sitting without it since u15, excalibur's rework, whichever came first i forget

    also regarding pbr updates, what happened to that "tech that nearly automates it"? has that been used exclusively for environments? updates to warframes and weapons have fallen behind severely, to the point that trinity prime is almost completely unchanged from standard trin underneath her prime greebles. why haven't we seen more pbr updates for old equipment?

  7. forgive me if anyone else has posted this, i'm not about to dig through the entire thread lol. consider this a +1 for similar ideas

    creating any number of sand shadows in a timely fashion is a pain in the @ss. i'd suggest synergy between devour and scarab swarm, ie enemies affected by both devour and scarab swarm will spread devour's quicksand upon dying to devour damage

    other folks have mentioned that devour should damage a % of its target's health while consuming, that would definitely be welcome

  8. 11 minutes ago, Zippy0 said:

    Why would you want to buff desecrate? It's already really useful...

    it doesn't do Enough and as it is, it does not fit a necromancer's kit. corpseplosion is thematic and also i have a personal vendetta against the skill because nekros could have been So Much More but we got a loot bot lol

  9. instead of harmlessly dissolving corpses, make it explode them. 200/250/300/350 base dmg over 3/4/5/6m

    also maybe have enemies caught in the blast get "slimed" so they're added to his shadow pool on death no matter who kills em, ideally add this to terrify and soul punch too. that alone would make nekros feel *far* more Necromancer and less grave robber

    (yeah, i guess this is inspired by D2? i've personally never played and i know next to nothing about the game, but my friend says it's the same thing, so lol)

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