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Everything posted by Reedkage

  1. This is good timing because recently I just got someone back into Warframe last week. They asked me "OK so I want to farm that fancy Incarnon and Styanax, how do I get that?" To which I replied "You need to complete The New War." "What do I need to get done to start The New War?" "Build a Railjack, a Necramech, and about 4 quests." "F that, I'm just gonna pop relics, turn brain off and farm random frames." The story skip is NOT evil, it has it's uses. It's not even for new players who have no idea how to play, it could be used for returning players who seen trailers for new updates which grabbed their interest and wants to jump straight into that, instead of going through a laundry list of prerequisites. And as someone who enjoys Warframe's story, I know there are people out there that just don't care about plot and just wants to shoot the shiny gun at enemies and wants to get straight into the meat of the gameplay. That is to say, I understand the concerns most players have. "A brand new player with no idea how to play, suddenly skips to current content? They'll have no idea how to play." My suggestion, then, is instead of a simple "straight skip" to instead make the skip activate a special quest to "skill check" a player. They'll have to show they have a certain baseline level of skill to beat the quest in order to prove they can play the new content. The new quest may also give a special summary of the story, which can give players a tease of what they're missing to pique their interest in replaying old content later. Just think of it as "Vor's Prize 2.0" mixed with Mastery Rank tests 1-10 or something. I'm just tossing ideas that probably have a dozen issues I'm missing, there will probably be a lot wrong with my suggestion but my main point is, we can be creative with this. We can solve issues in unique ways that makes as many people happy as possible, though it's impossible to make EVERYONE happy. And for anyone who took the time to read through this, no matter which side you're on, keep an open mind, respect opinions and concerns of all players to improve this game.
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