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Posts posted by SocknBoppers

  1. If you ever do a Frost Skin concept/design; I beg you to keep his large boots in the skin.

    They're my favorite aspect of Frost and I just loved your Rhino skin so something of the same quality for frost would be an insta-buy for me.

  2. I mean, I'm not really upset about excalibur prime getting re-released like this. Why I'm upset about? The fact that this "Dark Excalibur Prime" has so much more effort put into it than ours did. I mean seriously, added bits, cloth scarf and loincloth and the higher quality designs on the suit itself.


    Seriously DE, when this excalibur prime thing is finished with, go back to Frost Prime and redesign him like the Chinese did with excalibur prime.

  3. So, for Rhino's charge I was thinking, why not borrow from Overwatch's Reinhardt?

    Have any enemies Rhino charges into get dragged with him, pulled and dropped where he stops his charge?

    This would group enemies, provide better CC and give us a reason to build duration for him.

  4. I mean, I could see frost being useful for non-tanks to have a temporary haven, though Limbo would be just as good. I also see no talk of Auras, will you be focusing on 4 Corrosive Projections and 4 Energy siphons?


    Loki could also be an amazing "medic" role of reviving everyone they could. Getting downed shouldn't be planned but it's nice to have a backup plan if a minor mistake is made.


    As much as I love Rhino, these enemies looked extremely damage dealing, I don't know if Rhino's Iron skin can really save him from that damage. I would almost argue that only Valkyr could really be the "tank", as long as they don't add a grineer type of nullifier.


    I'm not against joining this group, as I have all the required frames and majority of the mods but I don't know about these being the only frames you could do this with.

  5. Fixed

    I never said the males were worse than the females, I just don't like when the average male has the same thinset frame as the average female when you look at the last year of Warframe releases. The only "Wide" silhouette that I can think of recently was Hydroid's fat coat.


    I also don't pay attention to sex appeal of suits of armors with genders. Though I won't judge.

  6. Soon.



    Expected devstream summary... was dissapointed

    Well they did show Riot Moa, which was awesome. They did great work with that.

    More PvP showcasing, thought it didn't look as appealing to me as the last time they had shown it.

    Raid "early footage" look like a nightmare for pugs, also doesn't seem solo-able.

    No dragon as the OP said.


    Very few questions actually answered, unless you want to know about Rebecca's shampoo.

  7. The real problem is the fact that they are stalling to reveal the artwork much like with limbo

    DE: Mynki! Time to make a dragon frame concept! Get designing!


    DEMynki: I can just make it super scrawny, tiny and frail like the last five males right? I want to go back to giving the next female frame an acceptable look.


    DE: Lol sure, we'll keep the appearance private until release.

  8. .But on the other why remove arcane cosmetics to allow us to make our own?


    Because you'll be able to apply what bonuses you want to the items you want, they'll also have to be earned.

    Two big issues with the old arcanes is they were available for platinum much, much more easily than they were earned, also a lot of "bonuses" were applied to items that you wanted the appearance of but couldn't use because it was a bad bonus.

  9. Additionally, these kinda posts are the reason Soma Prime sucks as a primed variant-- lemme stop you there all you whiteknights with your "BUT DPS IS BETTR", it's got an extra 2 damage. Let that sink in, 2 damage. Over Boltor Prime's +30. (I know Soma also has double clip size but as a player who reloads after every kill that's useless).


    That's pathetic no matter how you look at it.


    Yeah, screw 20% more damage! Totally pathetic!


    Wait... what?


    I'm personally fine with the Galatine being primed. Or the Gram. To be honest popularity and base viability doesn't matter because the stats end up being good either way.

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