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Posts posted by SocknBoppers

  1. When DE "messes up" in our eyes: "Woah guys, we're sorry! To make up for it we'll take note of this and do better in the future".


    When we "mess up" in DE's eyes: "That's it, you have taken advantage of us for the last or only time! Permanent termination!"


    Truthfully though, neither side is in the clear for this. DE should know better then to force exclusive mods behind such a moronic "feature" as a referral system and "we" shouldn't have manipulated the system to get said (stupid as all hell) rewards.


    Honestly, I believe DE knew some people would be upset at a referral system in general, but to offer exclusive mods for it is beyond naive. I am in favor of it offering naturally obtainable things like the already implemented slots, but also boosters small (like 25-50) clusters of platinum and potatoes. But never exclusive mods for an out-of-game source.

  2. I've gotten two from void drops, but three from transmuting four rare mods together while farming nightmare for blaze.


    I would personally recommend the transmuting way, if you don't mind farming nightmare for rare mod rewards to transmute.

    Of course if you only wanted to know the drop chance, then my post was a complete useless waste of text.

  3. It's being fixed in update 10, if you guys were really watching the stream you would have heard it. Unless you guys came in late, then here you go.

    Did you really just post in a thread, with the post before yours being pre-stream... to tell them to pay attention to the stream?



  4. Not a big fan of search the dead, any chance you could also make the corpses explode for AoE damage based on their health whilst searching the bodies?


    Edit: What was the reason for this thread again? If you're going to ignore feedback don't ask for it.

  5. Never hurts to help anyone if they ask for it.

    Which is funny because up to this point, nobody has actually helped him.


    @OP: When the optional reset first became available, an error occured where you would reset with all Avatar packs unlocked including the Frost Prime and Excalibur Prime avatars. I do not believe there is any way to obtain them currently, so no you're not dense.


    Edit@Below: Ah, yes. I apologize; your post wasn't there upon me creating mine. You did give him the explanation he was actually asking for.

  6. It really depends if that is his stance or not, if he stands straight up like that at all times then he looks less human actually.

    If one of his stances has him hunched over with his back flappy things fitting more like a split cloak then things that dangle parallel to his back that would also give him a more human shape.


    The only part that will seem unrealistic is someone that skinny and weak looking starts sprinting and wall running.

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