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Posts posted by CephalonShy

  1. Give them at least 5m of punch-through, make them silent, and give them and infrared scope that can see enemies through walls like the scanners (but don't have the outlines fade in an out.)


    Nah i think we should keep silent thing for the bows.

  2. maybe just have reduced weapon damage if not zoomed in


    Or lowered accuracy, or maybe no headshots unless zoomed it *shrug*


    Just want to encourage accuracy.

  3. Honestly, I'd love pretty much every single one of these suggestions, except maybe the no-scoping thing, since most of these changes relate to headshots. No scope headshots at range do take a decent amount of skill still, so not sure I'd go for that myself.


    But the biggest thing is the nullifiers. Even if it was introduced in the form of a mod called something like "High Velocity Rounds" where its a sniper only mod that can bypass nullifier shields with no damage drop off. The reason I say no damage loss because they are kind of squishy anyway, but you'd be sacrificing a modslot for it. This way you can put the sniper class into a dedicated role of anti-nullifier and actually make that high accuracy, high damage work for you in a team setting, and makes having a sniper in the team actually worthwhile again.


    I really don't want it to be a mod :/ We already barely have space for those.


    No-scope thing is up for debate, i just don't want sniper rifles to be shotguns xD

  4. in earlier versions the LEX is used for sniping... Pistol Snipe ?

    Which, carrying a Marelok/ Lex Prime would a lot of time be similar to carrying a sniper rifle (except for heavier enemies) 

    and using a Soma as secondary weapon.

    And the Marelok Is actually Superior to the Grinlok

    (Hence the bottleneck of DE not to implement secondaries which can overpower primaries)

    With the effective range, it is possible to make a overly powerful pistol that is much like a .500 S&W.

    That has more muzzle energy than a 7.62x51mm... (except at long range)


    And... more option... like a Mod to increase range at cost of reduced damage... or Increase damage at cost of reduced range....

    Even down to individual weapons having their own effective range which players can choose.



    Well, the global weapon damage drop-off is a thing in many games, like CoD and TF2, i don't see why it won't work in warframe.

  5. Damage Drop Off for all weapons, which is much like shotgun

    Maximum Effective Range, afterwhich the weapons will suffer damage dropoff and diminishes to be rendered useless.

    Pistols - 200 Meters

    Shotguns - 100 Meters

    Bow and Arrows - 300 meters

    Assault Rifles - 450 Meters

    (New) Light Machineguns - 600 meters

    (New) General Purpose Machineguns - 800 meters

    Battle Rifles/ Designated Marksman Rifle/ Special Purpose Rifle (Latron, Sybaris, Grinlok) - 800 meters

    Heavy Machineguns - 1000 meters

    Sniper Rifles - 1200 meters

    (New) Special Application Scoped Rifle/ Anti-Material Rifle - 2000 meters

    The number is just for reference, there should be a range where it would no longer be effective to kill the enemy

    with certain weapons

    This would make the Marelok and Grinlok each have their advantage.

    So depending on map type and missions, you can selective the most effective weapon for that map/range


    That would make sense i guess. But it's more like a total weapon rework.

  6. Still pretty unimpressive... Especially with the inability to point and shoot without scoping.

    Warframe nowadays is much like during the korean war where waves after waves of enemies basically made 

    precise shots with bolt action rifles and semi auto rifles useless.


    i'm open to suggestions

  7. Here's my ideas for sniper rifles re-work.


    1) Standart on-screen crosshair on all sniper rifles should be removed to discourage no-scoping. [Controversial]
    2) Damage of sniper rifles should stay the same, but headsot damage for them should be increased.
    3) All sniper rifles should have innate punch through.
    4) All sniper rifles should have innate ability to penetrate nullifier, and Arctic Eximus bubbles (maybe with decreased damage?)
    5) Headshot kills should cause all enemies in a small area around the killed enemy to panic and search for cover. [Can be a mod]

    6) Headshots should cause stagger. [suggested: Blind, Confused]



  8. Sniper rifles should be a utility weapon class, with high risk/reward. All of them should have innate puch through, able to pierce nullifier bubbles. They also should have crowd control ablities. For example, Team Fortress 2 makes sniper rifles useful in horde mode, by adding explosive headshots, which deal aoe damage, Payday 2 makes they useful by adding innate punch-through, super high damage, and ability to cause enemy troops to panic under sniper fire.

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