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Posts posted by Numbsky1

  1. Nerf? It's a sidegrade to one of the most powerful weapons in the game, every stat lower than the Boltor P is neglible, aside from projectile speed that hurts long range accuracy.


    Agreed that it should have been something else though, Sybaris would have been nice.

    Uhm ,accuracy 50 vs accuracy 25, there was even a guy making a vid/thread about it complaining how bad it gets with Heavy Cal. Even without Heavy Cal it was clearly visible that the Telos Boltor had a lot more spread so I would not talk about "negligible".  

  2. Yeah, I kept a notepad for every boss runs I needed to complete their stuff...


    21 Vor runs for seer

    35 Jackals for rhino

    4 Vay Hek runs for hydroid (thank god)

    51 Sergeants for Mag

    88 Kela de Thayms for Saryn

    21 Alad Vs for Valkyr

    92 Raptors for Nova

    31 duo bosses for trinity

    18 duo bosses for twin gremlins

    158 duo bosses for miter

    8 Lech krils for frost

    12 hyenas for loki

    15 ambulas's for excalibur

    18 m alad Vs for mesa

    28 lephantis' for nekros




    532 Tyl regor runs for Equinox

    I am sorry but I doubt those numbers, 532 runs for Equinox, considering it takes 7-8 minutes for 1 run including loading waiting for Tyl to do his things even if it only takes 5 minutes we are still looking at 44 hours hard core grind or a full week and half a Saturday if you go by most union sanctioned work hours. I am sorry but this sounds extremely exaggerated as do most of the other numbers above 40.

  3. It is because unlike the manufactures of your head set windows recognizes your head set as what it is a head set and not some 7.1 speaker set up, unlike the guys who sold you the crap you are not lied to by neither windows or WF. 


    Unless your sound card has a 7.1 emulation sound processor simply plugging in a sham pseudo 7.1 head set will serve you nothing.... hence why WF and windows ignores it.

  4. It is a little over 1$ if you buy plat at the highest price and without discount, either lay off the hookers, drugs, booze or what ever else you are indulging in even if you live on your parents pocket money you should be able to afford a catalyst, reactor or 2 a month.


    DE dudes want to live and eat too, you need to give them something back.  

  5. Solving a band-aid problem with another one.




    This, just all of it



    Actually thats exactly what a bandaid fix is, using something already made and implemented instead of making something new

    Question 1, if you refuse to use your sidearm vs certain enemies, why do you carry one in the first place? 

    Question 2. why is it too difficult to prepare yourself for all types of enemies?

    Question 3, why is it too difficult to swap your weapon on the fly with a button press and swap it back after the target is down?


    Actually do not bother to answer since the answers are already known.


    Imagine a WW2 game that on occasion has tanks, would anyone complain that they have to use mines, rocket launchers or other tools instead of one shooting the tank with their rifles? No the people demanding to be able to kill the tank with their rifles would be called mo.....  


    Well it seems to boil down to: I do not want to adapt so everyone else has to......


    This discussion reminds me of a Big Bang Theory episode where they wanted to play rock, paper, scissors except for Sheldon there was the 4th option Spock, naturally Spock beats all.  

  6. Well Telos Boltor at this time was a bad choice since Boltor P exists and the syndicate variant can not be made stronger than the prime one.

    Telos Boltor in itself is fine as some people have already explained, the problem is, it came too early and should have only seen the light of day if Boltor P was bumped to MR 15 or something.


    A far better choice would have been to replace the Telos Boltor with a Telos Tiberon. It would have still fit the theme and no one would have bat an eye instead most people would have welcomed it.  

  7. I always assumed the different accuracy rating on both Boltors were just some sort a display querk. With some test in the simulacrum, it looks like the Telos boltor is indeed significantly less accurate.


    To take out the variable of range, I stood at easily remember landmarks (on the edge of the plateau in the middle roughly in the center of the 2 pillars on its edge) and to take out the variable of mods, both weapons were stripped of mods with the exception of the stabilizer mod to accound for any potential recoil reduce any potential recoil on both weapons to effectively nothing.


    Telos Boltor:


    Boltor Prime:



    I marked the marked the common outermost shots from both weapons from several testings and more than 10 screenshots taken of both weapons each. Even if it was an issue of abnormally large amount of outliers in the inaccuracies of both weapons, taking into account the amount of shots from each weapon, the comparison still says something about each respective weapons' average spread.

    Ahem the upper picture displays Telos Boltor not Boltor P, the lower picture does display the Telos (you can see that in each screenshot which weapon was used) and as expected the Telos has more spread due to only having an accuracy of 25.


    As expected Boltor p @ 50 accuracy has minimal spread, this gets worse by slotting Heavy Cal. as I already explained which result in Boltor P dropping to 23 something accuracy and hence having slightly worse spread and Telos dropping to 12 something and having a god awful spread (for a rifle). This explains the Op's experience and screenshot with both, remembering one to be pretty accurate and experiencing the other to be fairly inaccurate.


    There is no surprise here since the numbers already indicated this outcome.

  8. Boltor P: base accuracy 50, a fully ranked Heavy Cal reduces that to 23 something in game I think, the effect is negligible at short to medium ranges and remains pretty small even on longer range.   


    Boltor/Telos boltor base accuracy 25, fully ranked Heavy Cal reduces that to 11/12 something, the effect is very well noticeable and creates a rather large spread.  

  9. Spear means entirely new animation set which means entirely new stances as well. In your mind it takes 2 seconds. In reality it takes months of development.

    So instead of creating something new you prefer a 6th, 7th, 8th variant of the same things we already have?

    I would wager I am NOT the first person ever on this forums that asked for spears...... 

  10. Still no spear but a 5th throwing spiky thing, are spears too difficult? Take dagger, attach it to a wooden pole -> spear......either that is too difficult to make or too mundane. 


    I have an idea for another throwing weapon, impact based and very easy to create: Rocks, a pile of rocks/pebbles 

  11. Even at MR 2 you are lacking the mods, unless someone traded them all to you for free or you spend massive amounts of plat.


    For a normal noobie you are mostly stuck with the broken variant of most mods which means even if you level your gear and slot potatoes you won´t be able to use those points due to the lack of mods. Even if you obtain the regular versions you still need cores, a lot of cores to fuse them. 


    Even with Rhino P and Boltor P with no mods to slot you will still be hard pressed to kill any of the three assassins.  


    So unless you have a sugar daddy or spend 1k+ plat you will not farm those 3 easily, at least not solo not at MR0-2 which invalidates your whole argument. 

  12. aaand failed epicly if u ask me, 47 crit chance is nothing, needs to be at least 50+ to work perfectly, not that it is a bad gun, but a disappointment and a wasted love slot...

    I think I read it on this forum somewhere here, shot gun proc chance per pellet is really low like 4-7% per pellet so even if you hit with all pellets you are rewarded with 1,2,3 status changes at the most and only if you modded for status, the exception was when you hit 100% then it seemed like every pellet caused a status change but I think they fixed that. 


    So your status Hek is rather meh....


    Assault rifles and sub machine guns are the far better status dispensers over time compared to shotguns. Strun Wraith and Boar P were incredible because of the reach 100 and every pellet procs but I think that's over.  

  13. As others have said. No it's garbage. The problem is no sentinel weapon is good for damage. Period. And if it's status your after both sweeper and Deconstructor jkick Vulklok's arse due to RoF and multi-hit capability. Worse still even if it were viable alternative status to the other two, the fact that you have to use it on one of the longer ranged sentinels makes it completely worthless anyway.


    The only reason it used to be awesome is that it had about 4 times the current DPS giving it enough DPS to be a viable killy sentinel weapon and that was valuable in a way that competed with the precepts of Helios and carrier. 

    I have seen people having good results with it after I inquired what setup they used it boiled down to:

    Shred, Vile Acceleration, Speed Trigger, Serration, Split Chamber, Terminal Velocity, Vital Sense, Point Strike.


    No hiding behind cover, good hit rate even on targets which travel across....compared to all the other sentinel weapons it is quite good since they all have a habit of bad aim. At short range Sweeper (P) beats it hands down but that is no surprise.   On all the others, do not get deceived by paper dps they all have extremely bad aim despite the listed 100 accuracy, just try it out yourself.  They bukake all over the place, laser rifle, stinger, burst laser even the death machine gun. 

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