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Posts posted by Sorise

  1. 4 hours ago, TrinityPrime said:

    On the otherhand if you choose to leech with the lens on your melee with naramon, you can get more focus xp than the dps frame on maps like hydron.

    So knowing this, it is better to run around w/ a melee weapon swinging at things that die before you touch it(w/ nara) rather than being the frame that destroys everything before others touch it.

    So that meant that those who farmed on Draco back then got the same amount focus points as the Excalibur killing everything and never less unless one thing did not have lens.

    And more so than Excal when they had w/ Naramon.


    This encourages folks to not bring their destructive 4th...interesting.

    Its cool to not have to form  focus farm party for this.

  2. And a lens on Warframe.

    Would you gain the same focus points as another Ember/Banshee player(In defense) killing everything(power) w/ Eidolon lens equipped on their frame and a lens on their one weapon.

    Would it be smarter to use Naramon and put eidolon lens on weapon and a lens on warframe and try to kill everything w/ weapon in Hydron(as an alternative to stealth killing) or be the  eidolon lens equipped Warframe and lens on a weapon and use 4th power to obliterate everything(W/ Zenurik)?


    And why?

  3. 11 hours ago, Sabreracer said:

    I mostly used my generated Focus for ranking up the nodes and save the Brilliants for converting for that painful 1,000,00 Focus to unlock the waybound 

    However now I have unlocked four waybound nodes plus various other passives the pool increase is getting substantial at around 55K per point now which is slowing things down quite a lot.  I believe at the end they cost 150K'ish per point.

    It's all the same either way ya use the shards...

  4. What's wrong with that?

    Even listings can be auto removed after 24 hours or less to preserve rarity/value/w/e. Maybe 15 hours or 5 hours. Folks can also save their storefront so they can put it up again w/o reselecting things and players can also save others storefront so they can remember what they are selling after the store is removed by system.


    Perhaps you'd want to limit how many items in storefront too...

    Why must people instead post it on the forums and type the name of every item themselves or spam trade chat?


    Don't see why it has to be this inconvenient..in 2018.

    How do people do this?


    So many time consuming storefronts could be made easy to put up if there was a billboard in Cetus where folks can see what others want to sell and message them for that trade.

    This is not even an auction house, this is trade chat 2.0. Nothin changes. Nothin at all. People can still overprice their wares by 1000 plat if they like. Still need to trade in dojo.


    Is there a website that makes this all a lot easier?

    And what are the hot easy to get items these days?

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