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Posts posted by heisthex

  1. Forma and Nitain shouldn't be in sortie reward, because no one is asking for it!!

    Make Nitain alert last longer than one hours, make it 4 hours.

    Don't limited Nitain to 4 per days, make it 8!!

    These are idea given by the community before and DE either skim it or ignore it.

    How about the removing of 2K endos talk by the communites? Ignored again.

    Doesn't Forma already common already in Void fissure relic? Why making Sortie (a challenge for high level mission) having such crap reward?

    Why keep making decision that is just opposite of communities wishes?

    Have DE forgotten what happened last time with Vacuum changes?

  2. Join a public game of Defense Fissure.

    When other players pick extract (including host), I have pick stay.

    The game migratde to me as the host. It show the relic picking screen.

    After the screen of picking the next fissure relic, the game just paused.

    I can press ESC to access menu, but the game is unable to resume as normal.

    I have to quit the mission and lost all the rewards.

    Edit: I also lost all the relic keys too.

  3. Stealth nerf... why, oh why...

    I am so angry with the corpse sensory and nullifer can fell their bubble shrinking...
    so many hard earned stealth multiplier can easily gone like that...

    Why destroying solo player trying to farm focus, don't even tell me the Convergence orb 45 seconds was so good idea with the corpse sensory thing now.

    I don't see any reasoning to do any focus farming now.

  4. Why Warframe, an action game is copying a stealth game design with a corpse sensory mechanic with so many patrol enemies in tiny hallway or room??

    So much half baked idea and the more DE try to do, it just making the gameplay getting stale and worsen the experience for solo player and co-op.  (50m affinity sharing range in interception map, WTF??)

  5. 1 hour ago, maikkeli31 said:

    I'm not sure if OP has play any other stealth games before, but try to imagine a situation where your best friend told you and someone else to stand infront of a door while he goes inside to do X. Suddenly your buddy gets an arrow through the head and dies, right next to you. How do you react? A) - Do you panic, scream and shout that you just witnessed your buddy die, thus alerting everyone in the general area and possibly through intercom as well? B) - Do you narrow your eyes and look around, trying to locate the source where the arrow came from instead of alerting everyone that your buddy just died? C) - Do you just shrug it off as everyday shenanigans?

    If your answer was either option B or C, you are doing a terrible job at being on guard duty and thus deserve to get shot. Option B is the current method of how Warframe enemies operate with, which is the absolute bare minimun of security for either Grineer, Corpus or otherwise. Hell - Corpus security cameras and even the Kuva Forthress detectors do not raise the alarm when they detect you. The only difference there is that Kuva Fortress alarms are only for that one room that you are in instead of - oh, I don't know - the entire Fortress. I mean, it's the Queen's home ffs, they are supposed to be the absolute best of the best Grineer forces, and you expect them to act like mindless idiots even if they are somewhat degraded clones?

    The stealth mechanics, as difficult as they may be, make perfect sense and follow basic logic and common sense. It might not be easy to deal with, but it makes sense. I, for one, welcome this change with open arms.

    The thing is Warframe doesn't do what other Stealth game do.

    Stealth game will not make you rushing a level with a timer telling you will lose the benefits of affinity multiplier. The AI aren't walking in a fix pathway so you can't observe and plan what your next step is. You do not have arsenal of gadgets to lure, put out nor drag any corpse that would compromise your rewarding stealth affinity bonus. You also have to think how to use the Convergence orb 45 seconds to get as much stealth kills so the low percentage of converting affinity to focus points is a lens of 1.25%.

    A fast pace game as Warframe make a change to slow us down is not a good change.

  6. Going in to a room and seeing a group of 6 - 7 enemies, bringing my Atterax in one fast wipe is so satisfying and fun, rewarding for the stealth kill and good amount of affinities.

    Now seeing a group of enemies in a room make thinking it will alerted them and ruining all the stealth multiplier you are so hard to keep maintaining at 500% through out the game because of the corpse sensory as soon one enemy die and triggered the entire room.

  7. 31 minutes ago, b0_on said:

    Well this is a game about loot and leveling and if its TOO fast, the lack of stuff to do would hurt the playerbase (loosing interest) and would not drive sales of all sorts of boosters/plat/forma bundles/waever is on sale currently (aka $$$)

    There is some twisted logic in pushing the co-op gameplay (not gonna say its a good or correct one, just that it exists), look at relics and how they treat soloers :) Plenty of companies has tried to push/favour co-op + multiplayer, caz of "insert reasoning here" on their part. Don't ask me, im not a Dev, i can only guess whats going on in the beautiful minds of [DE] :) 

    Not when the game have Convergence orb to make you rushing to make as many stealth kills as much as possible to get the highest amount of affinity for focus farming.

    I am still doing daily focus farming alone, soloing is much less punishing which might able to get me 12k - 16k of focus points in just one exterminate mission with carefully picking targets and retaining my stealth multiplier during the entire mission, versus picking a random team in a interception mission with a poor 50 meters affinity sharing range and wondering am I able to run from the group to get the darn Convergence orbs could jeopardize the on going killing.

    Now DE decided to destroy the only thing I login to do daily and instead I can get 100k focus points in under 2 hours alone, I have to pick a public game with better ping than mine and hoping I am bringing meta frame and weapons. Why can't DE give people choice for doing solo or public, instead have to making enough changes to make players keep finding new place to farm affinity?

    Are we having too much 'fun' a bad thing?

  8. What other stealth game did is rewarding player for stealth play, and Warframe is about leveling and farming, so adding these stealth nerf isn't helping with the game and actually punish player for playing instead of rewarding, DE surely have anything against affinity farming.

  9. Stealth is really bad  to play, the old stealth without corpse sensory provide more fun to choose how to execute flawless kill are fun and quick.

    Now the whole new stealth with corpse sensory is taking longer to finish a run with more wait and kill instead of sneaking.

  10. My Warframe have custom key binding for Forward and Aim switch around, so Mouse2 is Forward and W is Aim.

    The Decoration mode prevent me from using Mouse2 to remove decoration and will only made me move forward, as W will not act as remove decoration button.

    So Decoration mode doesn't reflect and update to key binding based on personal customization and only rely on default keys.

  11. In the Profile screen, under Equipment - Sentinel, show Adarza an Smeeta kavats and it doesn't have anyway to gain mastery points. 

    While the both these Kavats are also show in Kubrow section, perhaps that section should renamed to Companians, or Kavats should have their own entries.

  12. As a seller and buyer of primes/mods/weapon stuff, I have a notepad opened handy for typing down what I want to sell/buy and copying the texts into chatbox in Warframe. Currently U18.6.1.1 broke this feature of pasting text into the game from outside source such as notepad.


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