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Posts posted by Trucider

  1. I have been farming Void Exterminate since its release. Easily obtained every part dozens of times, but never got a single Frost Prime Systems. I was almost convinced the systems no longer drop due to a bug or whatnot.

  2. You misunderstood my post, I think. I'm saying that when I bought my founders pack, what came with it was what I payed for. I don't deserve any kind of special promotions, nor do I expect any. So I'm not bitter about not having some kind of discount on this new prime package. I don't have an opinion on the prime package other than that. I think the scarf is really tacky, actually.


    Anyone, people are harping on the price, yet people seem to be buying it. Good for DE.



    I suppose those exclusives are a token of gratitude for those who further support DE or did not get a chance to become a founder. And we founders should especially should not be complaining when we have gameplay exclusives while Prime Access is only time savers and cosmetics. Not to mention the shirt and headband we were rewarded with.


    And I gotta agree, Misa Syandana isn't *that* appealing.

  3. I still don't know how people cant see the obvious stalker in the background, and an obvious nyx in the front.

    Nyx doesn't look so obvious that it's a Nyx at first glance, considering that I never saw the Stalker codex before (which means I didn't know the player stands in the front) the recolors, and the impression that Nyx's alt helm looks different.

  4. Too lazy to see if someone already posted this here, but I'll make sure it's reiterated.


    Fix crit rates on weapons. Right now Soma is rendering less than 10%, with a +125% Point Strike mod.


    Do it or I'll shred Scott's beard and give Megan a kiss.

  5. I find it amusing that some founders tend to have the mind-set "If I don't have the new exclusives, nobody else will" Some people missed the opportunity to be a founder, does this mean that Excalibur Prime should be sold separately at a lower platinum price?


    Founders have their exclusives. Ember Pack has its exclusives. Deal with it. Not to mention the latter's exclusives are only time savers and a cosmetic. Time equals money, folks.


    Also we already got a nice discount for the plat during founders'. You're asking for more discounts? 

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