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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Trucider

  1. DPS is the most meaningless stat in the game. Damage and ammo economy are much more important in the long run, especially for against higher level mobs.


    Twin Vipers will destroy any boss much faster than the Kunai.  Yes, Twin Vipers burn through all of the ammo in a matter of a few seconds, but that is resolved with pistol ammo refills.



    The game doesn't need the depth of progression of an rpg.  It's a shooter and any OP weapon will always be OP unless they decide to make some major changes to the core mechanics of the game.  All you're suggesting is hiding poor game balance behind the unlock system.

    Please elaborate on this "hiding poor game balance behind the unlock system".  Because hey, it doesn't matter who has access to the more powerful weapons first easily (hence the Mastery level locks), so let's give Hek a Mastery rank 2. Doesn't matter, right?

  2. if it detected a cheat then, he was using cheat engine cheaters deserved to be banned

    Cheaters deserves bans. Non-cheaters don't.


    You can't assume the auto-detect is perfect, and I can't prove he didn't cheat. So we start by searching and fixing bugs/glitch on the system.

  3. Recently a relative of mine who plays Warframe had his account suspended for 5 months. After he sent a support ticket requesting explanations, a developer replies explaining that the account was suspended by the cheat auto-detect system, and that if such event reoccurs, the ban will become permanent.


    Thing is, my relative claims he never used anything in any way to cheat. Although I don't watch him 24/7, I vouch his claims. He's no fool.


    I think it's safe to say that the cheat detect system's coding will need a good look-at. Last thing we want are members receiving reckless bans due to a coding flaw or bug/glitch.

  4. Nerf the MK1-Braton as well, because everyone uses it.


    But wait, not everyone uses it. I see everyone with a Gorgon.


    But wait, not everyone uses Gorgon anymore. Now I see everyone with a Latron Prime. Nerf that S#&$.


    Wait, what about Dread? I see everyone with it! And Hate! So Overpowered? omfg get rid of it.


    Rage rage rage quit quit cry cry.

  5. First priority, fix his bugs. No fun to fight when he's glitched inside a wall, starring at a wall, or simply doesn't do anything.


    Improve Stalker's AI. Make him much more aggressive. Give him some sort of a large AoE ability if he can't see someone while being attacked, or give him Loki/Ash's invisibility to avoid being easy target if that player is invulnerable (Trinity's link, etc). Or have him not attack outside the Snow Globe while its active, and instead have him go inside and stay inside and use it to his own advantage. Simple changes yet significant gameplay improvements.


    Currently he's too easy to defeat and exploit, especially after his new bow gear (misses often). Maybe have him use high fire rate pistols while mid range, and bow long range. Seriously, I would improve his AI coding in all sorts.


    By the way, Stalker doesn't exist.



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