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Posts posted by neKroMancer

  1. Coming from vet ME3 multiplayer player, CD as a mechanic is doable and enjoyble. DE's mistake during closed beta was that they made CD too long and that ripped away the sense of fast-paced combat from the game. Reducing CD to a few second and allowing players to spam/use as needed to spice up gunplay is perfectly fun. So, the idea that CD = unfun and slow is misleading.

    Now, fast forward to the present - energy mechanic is currently well made but still dependence on RNG drop which, imo, not particularly annoying based from the abundance of energy drop and other means to replenish energy. Moreover, many subsystems were made under this core mechanic that changing energy into CD will be extremely hard in term of balance. Frames that rely on ability spamming will be affected, badly.

     Can we turn many mods in the current system into CD system? I believe we can but the resources required to do so can be better spent elsewhere. 

  2. Your frame is just a vessel that is strong enough to contain Tenno's void power. Kill Tenno and you will have a lifeless puppet without any powers (even if you add an AI into the suit to move and shoot, you still can't use any powers). 


    However, don't forget the moment your frame break Hunhow into half all by itself without Tenno's control. So, there may be something more in the frame than Tenno. 

  3. "What Excal went through was a radical change to make him more suitable for the evolved gameplay and make him fit a swordman frame theme."


    The reason I used that is mostly because thats what I am saying. Buff if possible instead of nerf but if a power is OP, make it more interactive and challenging rather than nerfing it. For example, if you think that excaliburs power is too good, instead of reducing the damage number, make it so only the very middle point of that EB slash has the puch through, that way its not nerfed. Its Changed, thats what I should have said.



    Change can be perceived as both buff and nerf depended on players' perspective. If DE decided to reduce or alter the amount of EB's punch-through then some players will considered it a nerf since it 'reduce' the effect of EB. This is why you see the forum divided into the 'accuser' and the 'apologist' every time change was introduced. One side see change as a threat while another see it as justified.

    Hell, from my experience, making things more challenging could be perceived as a nerf (albeit an indirect one) since it means the game is harder and new strategy or tactic is needed to make use of the change.

  4. Playing any game long enough and you will see balance change, both buff and nerf, on multiple occasions. However, nerf are more memorable than buff since player base are easily raged and volatile when power was taken away from them, even when it's for the greater good of the game. Before migrating to Warframe, I had been playing Mass Effect 3 MP and the same accusation/discussion took place for more than one occasions. Accusing the dev of nerfing the game to increase the grind even when the number of buff was significantly more than nerf.

    Look at Maple story if you want to see how buff-only can turn the game into a ridiculous game involving large number that take 3/4 of your screen.

    Back to the topic at hand, as other Tenno explained, buffing everything to the OP level is pointless and a waste of resource since it creates a loop buff the gun-buff the AI-buff the gun. However, your example of Excal vs Mesa was neither a buff nor a nerf. What Excal went through was a radical change to make him more suitable for the evolved gameplay and make him fit a swordman frame theme. Can DE does the same to other frames? Yes, but it will take time for many frames to evolve past pressing 4 to obliterate to whole room to become more interactive power users and many players will whine, rage, and quit the game in the process.

  5. Greedy pull is a result of the 'efficient' play. While the change is needed, I think that changing it into Mag 'personal' vacuum is not a good way to do it since it happens to reduce the cooperative nature and increase the frustration of trying to get mods and resources from hard to reach places. Just cut energy orb and health orb from pull effect and leave everything else intact will fix the 4spamming gameplay while keeping it useful for party members.


    Frost change is indeed interesting. Adding passive along with environment gameplay is a good concept. Avalanche with utility is a step in the right direction since pure damage abilities lose their power quickly as the game progress. Similar change is welcome in the future. Not quite sure about repelling globe though, must test it before giving feedback.


    Not playing pvp, no comment.


    Corrupted mods are what mods should be. A way to 'modify' not purely 'progress'. However, the cons must be equal to the pro given by the mods. Now, their value is depend on how game-changing these mods can be  

  6. Warframe is a fast paced TPS game. Sitting in one place, smashing one button for an hour isn't really going well with that concept. This is the reason for the change.

    As for loot system, that will require more time and fundamental change of the game's nature which will be received badly by at least half community (as always, changes are never appreciated even when the overall quality is better). This problem is persistent even in a bigger name in the genre (Diablo farming is quite worst than Warframe, really).

    Greedy pull change is another bandaid before the bigger change.

  7. This method was proposed at least once before.

    1. I support this.

    2. It needs the game not to make me cry when I swap weapon. The swap speed must be faster to almost instantaneous to make the game more fluid (got to admit that WHY DE hasn't done this yet is beyond me).

    3. We need more combo for melee-only players. Spamming EEEEE will no longer be an option. Moreover, more various and accurate air attacks are needed.

    4. Gunplay need more variety or tweak in automatic weapons since you can shoot probably a few enemies before it no longer give any meter. Gun stance anyone? Or some crazy idea from borderland like the Mechromancer that incentivize player to shot until you're out of round before swap or deal less damage.

    5. This doesn't allow much camping and duration-based ability need tweaking (effigy).

  8. I really don't understand how CD will slow the game down since it doesn't have to be 10 second long but it can be as short as 1-2 second.


    So, CD isn't necessarily slow the game down, at all.


    Moreover, we can use charge mechanic (not using ability longer more than its CD will give player a 'charge' to spam it later if needed) to create an ability spamming gameplay.


    If any posters migrated from ME3 multiplayer years ago then you should be accustomed to ME3 weight system - the more you carry, the longer your CD. This system created different playstyles between gun totting heavy, nimble light caster, and something in the between. Something WF really lacks (we can carry everything we want and cast everything we want as well).


    While one can argue that this game isn't Mass Effect among other thing, the game demonstrated that a nice balance between playstyle can be achieved by good mechanics. CD doesn't have to slow the game down. Synergy between classes is a necessity. 


    Note: I don't have a particular problem with the current system since energy is plentiful and everyone can do whatever they want. But I have to admit that it is really spammy sometimes. Seeing Saryn coptering ahead and fart the whole room to death can be a bit boring after the 10th time or so.  

  9. Thanks for all the positive remarks guys :)


    Is there anything you guys think should be added to this?


    Should Archwing nodes be included in Armadas currently, or should they remain as separate coordinates?


    Should Archwing function more like the Void and less like the star chart ultimately? Or would that limit it's potential?


    Based from the teased sharkwing, archwing could be combined with other mission types in certain section (imagine zooming around trying to get into the ship in the Armada before entering it and exterminate everyone on board like the Archwing trailer).

  10. Lovely proposal, the armada idea is especially good for endgame.

    TBH, I like this kind of well-made idea that can be implemented in the game without breaking it. This is what the game need from playerbase, creativity and boldness, not meekly waiting for DE to implements something and just test it.

  11. Bladestrom is problematic due to lack of gameplay and technical problem. Nice animation? no. Risk of getting stuck in the air? yes. Lag causing? yes. Can I press anything to 'play' the game during Bladestrom duration? no.


    Rework Bladestrom and leave other abilities alone, for now.

  12. Heavy caliber is pretty much a bad example of corrupted mod - the cons is significantly less than the pros it provides.

    That means the mod requires larger trade off in term of accuracy to make player stop and start thinking 'is this mod worth the loss of accuracy which means I have to get closer and taking more damage?'

    Your fleeting expertise example is a good way to portray this system since you have to waste another mod slot to counter the loss of duration instead of adding aother beneficial mod to your frame. Although some builds simply bypass the problem (I love my Ash).

  13. The problem is pretty straight forward, DE is trying to curve our god-like power and buying new type of enemy some time to do its job properly through damage cap. However, in the process of doing so, high damage, single shot weapon got hurt, badly. (I used Dread in my first encounter with juggy and it really didn't go as planned)

    Now, I believe that damage cap need to stay since it will prevent juggernaut from dying once he open his belly which kill the purpose of being a new tank of the Infest. However, instead of capping damage per bullet, it should be capped per instance. Each time it open its belly, player can deal up to 25% damage of juggernaut's total health. However, the weak spot should be smaller thus rewarding better shot instead of firing Boltor prime madly at the biggest yellow spot the game has to offer thus far.

  14. The solution might be making (almost)every mod affect DPS in one way or another.

    Turn every mod into a Corrupted/Nightmare mod with much smaller benefits and drawbacks and then we'll have different options for different weapons because their innate advantages and disadvantages will dictate which mods will be more and less beneficial.

    I agree, corrupted mod is how it should be done. It's a way to challenge player to customize their gears without turning the player a walking demi-god.

    Either this or removing them altogether since every single player in the game stuff max serration and multi shot into their weapons anyway. Therefore, they're no longer 'option' but 'mandatory'.

  15. Stamina, Solar map, Progression - no opinion on Trial since I have not play it yet being primarily a solo player due to network problem.



    Stamina is not working as intended since we have to use it with just about everything in melee combat - running, wallrunning, and blocking. Melee attack is somehow free of charge and you can infinitely spam it without using stamina.

    - Anyone who ever play 'sword alone' style will feel that stamina becomes a burden since player has to maneuver toward the target under fire from multiple target, necessitate blocking while running which consume stamina at an alarming rate.

    - There is no way to replenish stamina mid-combat which means less fluid action from one group of enemy to another (Hey, I just slice 20 your friends in half and I'm out of breath so I'm going to sit here behind the crate and regain my stamina!).


    DE doesn't have to remove it entirely but remove it from general movement action and keep it in melee-oriented action. Make the green bar actually matters! Blocking decrease the green bar without any damage to the player or giving stamina replenishment when you kill an enemy, etc.


    Solar map change

    I have to say that this particular map is bad due to the fact that it offers too much nodes. A lot of these turned into ghost town and waste a lot of opportunity for the tileset to shine.

    - Reduce number of node down to at least 'minimal' level - each planet should have one of each mission type or some should have certain mission type being exclusive to them (like Hijack). Cut down the generic ship-based tileset mission to minimal.

    - Currently we have 6 Grineer tilesets (including sealab), 4 Corpus, and one infest - multiply these with 8 mission type will gives us merely 88 mission nodes. If we are going to go lore-based, the Infest always assimilate everything they touch so capture, rescue, and interception wouldn't work. Left us with 85 mission nodes. 

    - That means cutting down some planets that doesn't have to exist anymore and combine assassination mission into one planet until each has his/her own tileset.

    - Create a 'series' of alert which involves multiple missions of different types in multiple tilesets that culminates in a boss fight - using Warframe's asset to the fullest. These type of event could be a daily 24 hours thing to prevent players from unable accessing it. 



    - Admittedly, I would like to see my excess EXP used in someway. It is a good incentive to continue playing with maxed frame and weapon.

    - We can go with Borderlands' progression in a form of Badass rank. Increasing specific aspect of each frame and weapon with repeated usage with diminishing return after each rank.

    - Or we can go with the old 'tree' to specialize each weapon and frame but that doesn't quite solve the problem due to the fact that it is finite system dealing with infinite EXP but it can be used in conjunction with Badass rank proposal. 

  16. We are god-like Ninja that live within a powersuit strong enough to stomp the ground and stop time itself and we have to stop, catch our breath once every 30 seconds.


    I can run for two hours straight without a powersuit, I guess Tenno have poor cardiovascular function lol.


    Stamina should stay but related to melee combat instead of movement.

  17. Imagine playing metal gear solid in total stealth with 4 players.... not particularly fun as proven coordination required by Raid Rage mission.


    If we simply refer to Ninja as ancient Spetsnaz then yeah, we are Ninja.

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