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Posts posted by QueenKharn

  1. They need to fix how damage and our abilities work and scale before they can even consider endgame content like people will propose here. If they develop it now, it's going to be in enviroment where Chroma can trivialise anything they throw at it. Where frames can be invulnerable. Balancing around having that as a factor means that alot of stuff players can use just falls to the wayside. It limits the options.

    I honestly think they took a good first step with Exploiter. That fight was satisfying because it relied less on the numbers and more on tactics and mechanical skill. However it was telling that to do that, they had to disable alot of ability interaction.

    That right there is a flag of what needs to change before we can get more satisfying content like that. Damage 3.0, enemy scaling and a full abilities sweep.

    • Like 2
  2. That her animation set looks good on some of the thiccer frames...

    But really, I want to do ghost shizzle. I want pass through people to damage them. I want to poltergeist enemies into other enemies like projectiles. Maybe possess someone for a limited period.

    If they play to her name, she's going to provide lights and distractions, hopefully playfully (given what we've seen of her animations, she looks playful), which is fine too.

  3. They need to fix how damage and our abilities work and scale before they can even consider endgame content like people propose here. If they develop it now, it's going to be in enviroment where Chroma can trivialise anything they throw at it. Where Slash is still king. Balancing around having that as a factor means that alot of stuff just falls to the wayside. It limits the options.

    I honestly think they took a good first step with Exploiter. That fight was satisfying because it relied less on the numbers and more on tactics and mechanical skill. However it was telling that to do that, they had to disable alot of ability interaction.

    That right there is a flag of what needs to change before we can get more satisfying content like that. Damage 3.0 and a full abilities sweep.

  4. 3 hours ago, HC217 said:

    100% status builds were and are overrated but alright.

    agreed on nightwave, but i'd still rather that than the old system. need stweaks for sure, but i don't miss pay2sleep

    Tell that to Condition Overload.

  5. 19 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

    I'll believe it when I see it. It's all very well to talk about what might be, but the important thing is what we actually have.

    Luckily it's already been seen. They demonstrated it on one of the Dev Streams before altering plans to do the staggered release.

  6. 4 hours ago, AliceLaFay said:

    But abilities don't do anything useful in the Exploiter fight, so you're contradicting yourself.

    You can still heal with Saryn's Shed. You can get out of the fire ring with Nova's Wormhole, you can still distract with Octavia's Mallet/Roller.

    There's various interactions with the encounter.

    I wish there were more, but of course that goes to my first point with how the way numbers are tuned right now, you could break the fight easily.

    Hell, Octavia can still break the fight with Mallet destroying all her vents at once. Nova can do something similar. To allow for more power interactions, they need to flatten the board somewhat.

    Still doesn't contradict my point that this is the most mechanically well designed boss so far next to Kela De Thaym, another favourite of mine. Lephantis too.


    2 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

    Yeah, but figuring out how to cheese content is half the difficulty of WF to begin with (the other half being the grind for resources to build the cheese tools). By removing all gameplay mechanics from the fight and thereby also the potential for cheese, they've removed almost everything that makes WF interesting.

    I'm of the opposite opinion. Taking that out of the picture actually made the fight far more interesting. There are still ways to break the fight, and I hope they get patched, but in this instance removing ability effects actually improved the experience and highlighted how badly they need to adjust numbers and/or how our powers work.

  7. I absolutely adore the Exploter Orb fight.

    Exploiter is you best designed boss encounter by far, because she's all about the mechanical execution, and less about gaming the numbers. It would be nice to redesign the game around this kind of play, squashing down the numbers a bit, while upping the mechanical executions. So satisfying.

    Have the numbers there by all means, but make them about just tweaking or honing play-styles rather than having them decide what is viable. It'd probably also allow you to have the Warframe's skills effect bosses without fear of trivialising them, like you had to not do with Exploiter (though honestly that lead to a much more fun experience this time around, but it'd be nice to actually use our frames' full capabilities).

    I understand that this is of course a highly unlikely and arduous course of action to take, but still, I'd rather see more fights like Exploiter than things like the Eidolons; bullet sponges with numbers tuned so high that only a few frames/weapons are even viable.

  8. Are you kidding? Exploiter is their best designed boss, because she's all about the mechanical execution, and less about gaming the numbers. They need to redesign most of the game around this kind of play, squashing down the numbers, while upping the mechanical execution and utilization of the frame skills/systems. So much more satisfying.

    Have the numbers there by all means, but reduce their importance to tweaking or honing playtyles rather than having them decide what is viable.

    • Like 3
  9. 5 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

    Have you tried using Hysteria in an Arbitration? Everything is immune.

    Valkyr needed a rework before, now she feels even worse weirdly enough. I am pretty sure she will be reworked soon, at least I lost all remaining interest in playing her at the moment.

    Yes, and no they're not. Only thing effected by the arbitration drones are, and there's lots of other targets. Let your team mates deal with the drones or it was easy enough to hop out of hysteria and in again.

  10. Valk and Baruuk really shouldn't be able to aim-swap out of their ults. They both imply a lack of control (one voluntary and one not) when engaging their ultimates and they should be locked in until they are disengaged.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm actually fine with the update except in one instance.

    If I equip only a melee weapon, no ranged, the aim-glide looks goofy as hell. You pop a squat in mid-air and glide around like that. It looks really silly; not elegant at all. Bring back the old melee blocking for instances where you enter the ai andglide with your melee weapon out. You can swap us to our ranged weapon as soon as we pull the trigger, but until then it'll both look batter and give us a minor defence boost.

  12. Actually, can I please have the ability to unbind an action from a button? I don't use Melee Channel at all, even before the switch and unbinding it would not injure my play style in the slightest as it stands. It being prioritised over other binds is really killing my ability to play.

  13. If you go with melee only and equip no ranged weapons, aim-gliding looks goofy as hell now. You just pop a squat in mid-air and float around like that. Not elegant at all.

    Bringing back the mid-air block aim just to fix that issue would probably be a nice idea, plus it also makes blocking while gliding actually possible.

    Having this even with guns equipped would actually be a nice defensive boost too. By all means have us swap back to gun aim-gliding if it's equipped or we shoot, but if we go into the air with a melee weapon out, let us block aim-glide.

    • Like 1
  14. 8 hours ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

    ...I mean why are elevators still a thing? Why? We are elite magical ninja space wizards. Why tha hell are we still using elevators?! 

    Because they exist in the achitecture, and having them would be an aesthetic choice to make us feel like the invaders we are, coming into an environment made for people without our abilities?

    • Like 1
  15. Any suggestions that WoF should be changed back to what it was can be thrown out instantly. Her standing on top of the defence objective, while dancing and killing everything in system map missions was the entire problem that got her the change. She stopped people from being able to play what consitutes most of the game.

    Also she still has that range, you just have to pulse it on and off now if you want to maintain it. It's just a more active version of exactly what she already had, but with an increase in damage if you let it run on.

  16. No thanks to an Auction House.

    Easier trade means much lower prices. Muuuuuch lower. The ability to flood the market because of how easy it would be to trade would lead to the absolute collapse of the value of Platinum items.

    It's far too disruptive to the market that's developed and been built around how Platinum actually is used now. It would need such careful handling that I just don't think it's at all feasible

    As it stands, Warframe.Market is where it's at and, honestly, where I hope it stays at this point. I also once wondered why there was no AH in the game, but thinking about it, that's the most obvious reason.

  17. For the people  denouncing the idea... as ideas go this one is one of the better ones.

    You can say it's not happening all you want, but that it would be fantastic to have is certainly my feeling.

    I've always thought that at least the ability to choose from matte, shiny and metallic for each colourable section of a weapon, Warframe. armor or syandana would be a great boon to fashion-frame.

    I use the Maestra skin for Octavia as an example. It's a notoriously difficult frame to accessorise because she's almost entirely metallic with an infested themed mesh. Allowing you to change up her, or her accessories' materials would open up so many more options for her look.

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