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Posts posted by Dragmod

  1. Everyone complains the game is too easy, but no one is willing to play outside the meta. If it ain't increased raw damage, it's straight up useless. No mods are "mandatory", just about every boss can be killed with an unmodded Braton. (Trust me, I've tried)

    Now, I'll admit, I main Inaros with umbral mods, the gladiator set, and adaptation. I literally cannot die, which is why I'll often equip the dragon keys even outside of derelict. There are always ways to find challenges in this game, just gotta think outside the box sometimes.

    Personally, all I see here are more collectables and another grind to enjoy.

  2. In the same boat as many of the others. I've invested too much time and money into it to just up and quit. I'm in for the long haul and cant wait to see what changes DE brings next. I love figuring out how to optimize things and there is always a new frame, mission type, or rework to keep me on my toes.

  3. Personally, Nightwave has pulled me back into the game. I got to a point where I was only logging in to progress the daily login. I honestly cant remember the last time I actually did an alert aside from maybe a nitain because I was building a prime frame or something. I have everything the alerts offer already. Nightwave gives me goals to shoot for, a reason to play old mission types and the like. I hadn't done an ascension room since lua first came out. Really, all I have left to do in the game is master some weapons and grind for a few rarer mods. Nightwave is a nice kick in the pants to get things done... and I'm a sucker for armor sets. So its max or bust for me.

  4. As someone who runs almost exclusively melee... I personally haven't had any real issues beyond figuring out a better key binding. I just moved melee to lmb and guns to rmb. Aiming in the middle and alt fire mapped to B. E is used for channeling since I only need it for life strike. I will admit staying in melee when trying to scan or mine is a bit annoying, should keep the old quick melee when using gear items. Other then that, no complaints from this melee player.

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