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Posts posted by ElectronX_Core

  1. 26 minutes ago, IEpicWolfI said:


    NO PLEASE NO. Just one separate augment slot is the best. I don't care about Forma, don't take my Handspring from me.


    18 minutes ago, deathcloud9999 said:

    4 augment slots are enough. 1 slot for 1 augment, so total is 4 slots for every ability.

    This is kinda OP on some frames.

  2. 5 hours ago, Digitalon said:

    First off, I know you guys have been working really hard on PBR updating the frames that need it and they all look fantastic, my fashon frame thanks you! But I'm wondering what ever happened to adding cloth physics to Frost and Volt? It was heavily discussed a long time ago but then nothing, total radio silence. Can we get a confirmation on if this is still going to happen?

    I'm a Volt prime main, so I would really want him to be more prime-looking, but I like the aesthetic they have right now.

    As for Frost Prime, this guy did it best.

  3. On 5/1/2016 at 6:45 PM, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Honestly, a good compromise is to use MR as an AFFINITY %PERCENTAGE% BOOST for forma'd gear so as not to break the current system.

    MR 1:+ 1% boost (101%)

    MR 21: +21% boost (121%)

    This. Is. Epic.

    Personally, I think this is a slightly better idea, but it maybe just me.

  4. 59 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

    Then what is the point in his other abilities when 4 does it all?  Srsly you want Volt to be constantly under 4 like Excal?  Meh.

    Sorry but these "flying god" concepts make me cringe.

    This. Volt is not thunder Excal.

  5. This makes me think... why does electricity damage suffer from armor at all? It would just get conducted through the metal and hit the enemy's body directly. WTF logic?

    Also, I am still pissed off about Shock not interrupting enemy animations.

  6. On 5/9/2016 at 9:08 PM, CrudShuzKong said:

    He was not a dps frame in the sense that ember or ash are. Their abilities are pretty much focused on doing damage while Volt's abilities make HIS WEAPONS do a lot more damage. Volt has great DPS, but not with his powers (at least since damage 2.0 rework) and is a utility frame because of that.

    Volt as a utility buffer. I like that. This gave me some ideas.

    1. Electric Shield gives a damage multiplier to all weapons shot through it based on how much fire the shield is taking, with the multiplier increasing the more the shield is shot at, and the multiplier would slowly decrease when the shield stops taking damage. This way, it would reward people for strategically placing their shields.

    2. Enemies affected by Overload (and maybe Shock) would take about 50% more damage, or a passive where all electrical procs applied by Volt would make enemies more susceptible to damage. Or just have Overload melt armor for every second an enemy is Tesla-Coiled.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Anonfox12345 said:

    "Forcing secondaries is stupid" Uh... Looking at the original suggestion thread for Riot Volt, that idea for a drawback came from a fellow Tenno: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/635135-volts-shield-adding-depth-to-something-stationary/

    In my opinion, forcing secondary is the price you pay for getting a mobile shield that still gives the same crit/electric buff as the stationary one. Then add to that the fact that it seems to interact with Volt's 1 so that it can be electrified, even when being carried, and NOT forcing secondary seems hilariously OP. And just how powerful is an electrified shield? Judging by the preview gif its at least powerful enough to make a level 33 Grineer guardsman keel over dead from walking into it. Not the toughest thing out there but still. Besides, with both hands on a primary, his shield would just float in front of him, which I guess isn't impossible but does look odd. 


    I said this earlier. Guardsmen take more elemental dmg than ips. I still don't see the logic in forcing secondaries. Shatter Shield still allows you to use primaries and provides much more protection.

  8. I just got this idea for riot shield mode based on the Antimatter Absorb augment, where the shield's damage boost increases based on how much damage the shield is taking, and the boost will wear off when the shield no longer is taking damage.

  9. 2 hours ago, Valsako said:

    Don't you know? When they say "rework" they actually mean "we'll put some nice little minor things in that seem helpful, then we'll nerf everything you like about the frame into the ground!".

    I don't honestly know why anybody expected anything else. Oh, but don't worry, they'll just let Volt "settle" for a bit until they make more "improvements"... Just like they've been letting Saryn "settle" for months now!

    Why are we bringing Saryn into this? She's fine in her current state, and the Devs haven't said anything about any form of change to Saryn. Also, when did this thread become "Complaining That the Rework is Just a Bunch of Minor Changes and More Nerfs"?

    Given the new changes, 4 shields is not enough, since you're already holding one, and you would be laying a bunch down to protect yourself or an objective. The shields have a depleting duration anyways, so what is the point of capping their quantity when they are just going to disappear naturally anyway?

    Also, Riot Shield should drain energy only if the duration is infinite. And DE, PLEASE don't force secondaries.

  10. 50 minutes ago, Me.Greedy said:

    4 is fine if stretch can affect the size of it now. And i agree with most people here, i don't think i've ever seen a volt abusing the amount of shields that can be placed (which is a MASSIVE amount currently) ... i'd prefer they leave it alone, but like i said, make stretch work for it then if i'm going to be limited to 4.

    A lot of Narrow Minded users are gonna be pissed of about that.

  11. 2 hours ago, Dante123pl said:

    at cost of energy drain that ill disable energy gain from any other sources than energy orbs


    yep. goodbye energy.

    also, with a maxed flow and a streamline, and not over spamming my abilities, i still run out of energy when using volt PRIME.

    am i doing something wrong?

  12. 4 hours ago, Wolfnrun said:

    A 10m giant shield 

    Mobile ES is half that 

    Ability to link shields to make an electric cube that covers all sides with a longer duration 

    Are our voices will be heard. We need to keep pushing! 

    I once had this weird idea where Volt would become invulnerable while casting electric shield, and you would just draw out the outline of the shield. You toggle the ability, hold Mouse1 to draw, scroll to move the "pencil" closer or further from you, then untoggle and the shields duration will begin. The energy drain would be based on the length of the outline.

  13. I said this before somewhere, but it would be cool if you could dodge enemy attacks like Neo from The Matrix or Quicksilver in X-Men Days of Future Past. But leaving a short duration decoy when you run fast is also cool on it's own.

  14. 6 hours ago, Duduminador said:

    I'm very aware why DE is nerfing the shields, it's not the spam, it's the possibility of players covering a huge area with electric shields pointing towards the ground (or up) and shocking them, effectively creating a huge stun carpet. Well then just limit how many electric shields can receive the shock buff, but for god's sake don't limit the total number of shields, it's gonna nerf it for every person that boosts shield utility.

    Frost's globe with extended range and the augment can completely freeze entire squads of enemies. And preventing mass stuns by shield is kinda counter intuitive because Overload is now ALL ABOUT mass stuns, so...

    11 hours ago, ElectronX_Core said:

    I'm proposing some things:

    1. Shield blocks AOE attacks

    2. Riot shield does not drain energy, but expires with duration

    3. 100% chance to proc electric on contact, and shock does not need to be cast on the shield for it to do so

    4. If shock IS cast through a shield, have it add 10 seconds of duration of the shield

    5. Volt is only knocked back instead of being knocked down while holding the riot shield

    Also, I'm adding something to the list:


  15. 3 minutes ago, Inmemoratus said:

    The biggest issue with the limit is that it will punish any mis-placements which happen frequently when trying to place mid-air shields in very specific places. There is no reason to punish players for attempting that.

    Yep. Like trying to block Kela's missiles in the new Rathuum. Props to Dante123pl. Also, can anyone teach me ow to get high enough to do that?


    On 5/1/2016 at 6:52 PM, Dante123pl said:

    there are many reasons i do like to keep my shields w,o them being limited to 4

    this is just 1 example, i ve blocked entire air strike at kela de thaym boss fight.



  16. 11 hours ago, PikeOrShield said:

    That applies to both his stationary shields and even Frost's bubble.  That's just how player shields work in this game.  Are you saying his riot shield should get a freebie buff for a downside that's existed since the game was made?


    10 hours ago, Inmemoratus said:

    Yes. Volt needs an uncompromised buff because of things like explosives and melee enemies (or enemies just walking past it in general) limiting his viability.

    Frost does a lot better against both types of enemies because with Stretch his globe allows for some safety from explosions and more importantly, enemies who try to rush in get slowed, or even better, frozen with augment.

    The bottom line is we're talking about a frame that needs straight buffs.

    The point of my statement was that a forward facing shield without a bunch of drawbacks is NOT OP at all.

    Frost's bubble is a health-capped dome that block all (both friendly and enemy) fire from entering with a slow inside, which can be upgraded to a freeze.

    Volt's shield, on the other hand, is a duration-capped wall that buffs electric and crit dmg from friendly fire shot through the shield, can be shrunk down and picked up, and can only damage/stun (maybe) enemies that touch it after casting Shock on it.

    Neither of them block AOE attacks from passing. Globe is defensive, Shield is offensive.

    HOWEVER, Globe is much more viable, because shield doesn't have stun until you cast shock on it while globe has the slow, and the globe's size allows you to not be too affected by AOE attacks while still under the Globe's protection. Electric Shield doesn't get that. The ability DOES need straight up buffs.

    I'm proposing some things:

    1. Shield blocks AOE attacks

    2. Riot shield does not drain energy, but expires with duration

    3. 100% chance to proc electric on contact, and shock does not need to be cast on the shield for it to do so

    4. If shock IS cast through a shield, have it add 10 seconds of duration of the shield

    5. Volt is only knocked back instead of being knocked down while holding the riot shield

  17. 2 hours ago, PikeOrShield said:

    Archwing and normal PvE have very different balancing and meta values.  In archwing, the enemies can come from above and below, not just the sides.  There is always a wall to back up against in normal mode while the same cannot be said for archwing.  There are virtually no enemies that can one shot you in archwing while there are tons in normal mission.  A forward shield that can absorb an infinite amount of damage is much more useful in the normal game than it is in archwing.

    The shield doesn't stop explosions. So bombards, arson eximus fire-waves, etc. will still damage Volt through the shield.

  18. 1 hour ago, Dante123pl said:

    they should completly scrap overload and give him new ultimate

    no matter what they do to overload i dont find much use of it besides killing myself with it

    or else make overload 2 step ultimate like inaros

    holding button give u buff

    2nd press of button does current overload.

    Or like Equinox's Maim. Store all dmg done by electricity and corrosive/radiation/magnetic (cause they use electricity), and recast to nuke.

  19. 5 minutes ago, PikeOrShield said:

    While I can't say cutting out primary weapons was called for, the energy drain is totally justified.  It's 100% damage reduction from one side for dirt cheap with the right build.

    No one seems to have a problem with this on the Odonata. The secondary only thing was in consideration. And if energy IS going to be drained, at least have it pause the timer on the shield while holding it.

  20. I have an idea for a Shock augment:

    Hotwire: Shock can hack terminals, give 10% energy to excavators, and proc radiation on enemy machines (ex: MOA's, Ospreys, Rollers) without damaging/stunning them.

    Also, Shock MUST interrupt animations if it wants to be on par with other CC abilities. So many times, I've cast Shock, only for it to not work.

  21. 15 hours ago, DoctorWild said:

    Yee, if the damage is capped as it is now, there isn't a reason to limit it at 4 shields.

    The damage is not capped, it is still based on duration (I presume).

    Also, the secondary only thing and the fact that it drains energy when you hold it pisses me off. If it IS going to drain energy, have it "repair" the shield or at least pause the duration to have it resume when you place it back down again.

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