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  1. So I get the whole reason why weapons are MR locked. New players should experience some of the game till they can unlock the most powerful weapons, but why lock higher MR primes in trading? Just lock it in the buyers foundry. I'm saying this because I was approached by a player wanting a boar prime (MR11) and the player was only MR 8. Why should I not be able to trade my item just because they can't use it yet?
  2. This is more a general question for everyone. Am I the only one that seems to receive more Kitgun/zaw rivens from Palladino? I've had at least 4 kitgun rivens in the past 5 weeks and a few zaw rivens thrown in too. Out of the 6 riven types available are they all balanced equally or biased towards certain types a bit like sortie riven rewards are with higher chance to get melee rivens than shotgun rivens. Can we not just choose what riven type we want? If I wanted a Lex riven for example I'd select pistol rivens but would still have a 1/135 chance or 0.74% to even get a Lex riven; this is down from 1/518 or 0.19%.
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