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Posts posted by LX7_LORDXEN

  1. Sorry been dealing with school... and it looks like there hasn't been looking after the thread while I have been away... great... -_- Ok downloading U14.5 ATM, I'll send invites to all who are still waiting after I am able to get in, however if you are already in a clan you are gonna have to leave it and request another invite if you are still interested in joining. To those who didn't get an invite yet sorry and to those still waiting, be patient for just a little longer OK?




    In-Game name: Chattokung

    Why you want to join: Making new friends and Looking for Squad for grinding stuff and EXP


    Already in a clan


    Hi, I'd love to join your clan :) 



    IGN: bertuzzy


    Reason: Your clan looks really awesome and I immediately wanted in. Oh and the clan emblem is way too awesome.

    Already in a clan


    IGN: TwistyReptile

    Reason: I would like to join as the thread caught my eye and after doing a bit of research I was dead set in joining.

    Already in a clan


    Hello I'd like to be part of this clan.



    Already in a clan... and this is what happens when I am gone for a week and nobody else is looking after the thread -_-. Apologies

    to all I missed.

    IGN: NinjaCl0ne (with a zero)

    I want to join to learn more and go much more indepth with warframe through a clan and not just by soloing all the time.


  3. Me and my friend would love to join


    my IGN is M4D0X


    his IGN is Neonslash


    Btw M4D0X (Zero not O)


    Hope you reply fast :)

    Unfortunately I didn't (Sorry about that), Looks like you are already in a clan, if you and your friend would still like to join, please leave your current clan and request another invite.


    IGN: Cryless

    I would like to join your clan because I'm looking for active and experienced players who know how to have fun.



    Hi! I would love an invite pls :d  ING: Lik3aG



    In-Game name: xSilenT


    Why you want to join:  I'm back to Warframe and I want to make/play with new friends (since my old little clan was discontinued). And will be good to improve my english too :D


    (Already registered with same IGN)


    IGN: xgunzerker


    Started playing Warframe again to find the clan i was in before had disbanded.  So would like to join a larger clan and start playing this game more.

    Sent invites to the rest of you, Welcome! :)

  4. Remove unwanted kubrow: I posted this idea in another thread, might as well post it here. So a couple days ago red text said something about "Scientists improving the DNA stabilizers" Slowing the degeneration of DNA giving kubrows longer life. (Yes I am aware this is a joke but keep reading) Lets say these "Scientists" developed a stabilizer that cures DNA degeneration but has the unfortunate effect of making a kubrow behave feral thus making them unfit for duty. You would then release the kubrow on earth where it may live out the rest of its life. No putting it out of its misery, no releasing it just to have it deteriorate a couple days later. As for how you get this cure, sure you can buy it from the market like a regular stabilizer, or you could have a blueprint and you would have to get plant extracts from earth (Scanning plants with the codex scanner) to craft it. Just an idea that popped into my head the other night.

  5. IGN: Yalarun


    I wanna join because i'm playing this game too much and i want to play with elit players. I also loved the new dark sector system and i want to play it with my clan and ofcourse, i wanna see the winner as my clan.

    Well just gonna let you know now, we are currently not participating in any dark sectors cause the warlord says that there is no reward. I sent you an Invite anyway in case you would still like to join.


    Can i join this clan please?

    You appear to be in another clan, if you would still like to join, leave your current clan and request another invite.


    Id like an invite, im new to pc but i have a maxed out account on ps4.


    IGN: Popup4t4

    Invited, welcome to the clan.

  6. OK so when I am in a solar rail conflict, sometimes when I am downed and bleeding out, everything just becomes unresponsive. My UI displays my shields as full but my health as zero, I can't take damage, I can't shoot or aim, and nobody can revive me. I am unable to use the pause menu and thus the only way to quit the game is to alt f4 or wait for the mission to end.

  7. IGN: 69mylz


    Reason: My old clan died and I wanted to join an active one. Also I couldn't build everything by myself.




    In-Game name: kakii
    Mastery Rank: 13
    Why you want to join: Looking for a hyper active clan...dont wan to see a dead clan/alliance chat


    Invites sent to both of ya.

  8. In Game name: NachosBarto94

    Why you want to join: because i'm looking for a good clan with a lot of player to play with. I am active each day on warframe (have 556 hours of game). I am strong and i have a lot of warframes and weapons and i know all about this fantastic game! Hope you'll contact me in game!(if i'm offline please add me as friend)

    I'm registered to your website.

    Already in a clan, if you still want to join just leave your current clan and ask for another invite.


    Can I join? Reason to join: I'm looking for a clan, not any clan but a really great one. One where people help each other out and are always active, this is clan I'm looking for


    IGN: Kraiteria

    Invite Sent.  Enjoy your stay.

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