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Posts posted by Marvelous_A

  1. Isn't it great, now you can pay for a skin that reminds you of the Heirloom skins you can never get because you didn't pay when you had the chance, with plat? It's the most generous move I've seen in years!

  2. 1 hour ago, SirZorba said:

    The problem with Nourish is that it gives multiple *incredibly* useful things rolled into a single ability, further compounded by the fact that the specific status it provides is the meta. It should never have been given both the energy buff and viral, and I strongly lean towards removing the energy component entirely. It has completely supplanted frames that are designed to provide energy to the team like Harrow or Trinity(though she needs some work in general). It's so omnipresent that it's gotten to the point of people telling you to replace THURIBLE because nourish is better. Absolute insanity.

    If it was just the viral component it would still be really strong because viral is meta(which is a whole other topic of how out of control this game's damage scaling has gotten), but it wouldn't be nearly as ridiculous as it is now. And without the energy component maybe they could add the self heal back to the subsume in its place(if needed) since that's a pretty minor benefit. And it would keep some semblance of a connection to the ability's name, because viral isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind with a name like "Nourish."

    I don't know. I think it's fine as is, viral and energy are nice but the ugly animation balances them out.

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Letter13 said:

    Also here we see the duality of the forums. On one hand, the camp that complain about things only offered for real money and not platinum (read: heirloom collection) and the other camp who complain when things initially thought to be obtainable only for real money are then made available for platinum.

    Oh I know right as if the exclusive real money marketing works around exploiting this mentality. P2P and F2P segregation. Absolutely unheard of. Who would've thought of that?


    Anyway, I don't see a problem of [DE]ncent doing that. If players get mad when other players get to pay for things they've already owned, that's their problem. And God forbids EULA to exist because I guess some ignorant players will surely lose their s*** if they learn what [DE]ncent or any game developer can do with their game with absolutely no consequence.


    At the end of the day, the only duality I'm seeing here is FOMO marketing being alright for some players until they fall into the very same trap themselves.

    • Like 1
  4. He was ignored by the augment and cosmetic department (and I don't know why). While obviously he can receive a lot of QoL buff, he's mechanically a very viable warframe since he does pretty much everything to an ok extent. Maybe people just think he's a very boring warframe without a real niche, and he looks kinda ugly.

    • Like 4
  5. 7 hours ago, UnstarPrime said:

    If Nourish wasn't a problem, then there'd be a more equitable usage spread among those 15 abilities.  But it was a clear outlier.

    Which isn't to say that there isn't also an issue where certain Helminth abilities were dead on arrival; there is!  But that's a different problem, with a different solution.

    We shouldn't pretend like there's only one problem with the Helminth system that will require one solution to fix.  The reality is that it's a complex system and balancing it will require multiple different kinds of adjustments from multiple different angles. 

    Nourish isn't a problem. It's a solution to energy economy and viral supremacy.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Raarsi said:

    It was nerfed not necessarily for high usage as much as it was used VASTLY more than any other helminth option.

    Helminth abilities are mostly dumpster fire with very few exceptions (Nourish being one). Honestly I don't think any amount of nerf will make the other options competitive enough.

    • Like 2
  7. First of all you have to clarify if your account was migrated from PC to PS5 or if they were created separately. If you get to choose a secondary account you are probably doing the linking instead of merging, in that case you only get to keep the stuff on your primary account on both platforms after linking. And be reminded your FOUNDER PACK CAN NOT BE KEPT if you chose your PS5 account as primary because the founder pack is not a thing on PS5. That's how platform-exclusive items work for linking I think but maybe [DE]ncent will make special arrangements for founders idk. If it's merging, platform-exclusive items can only be accessible on the corresponding platform. You really should consult the support desk before deciding if I were you.

  8. 5 minutes ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

    Old corpus tile.. I miss it. It's still kind of there on Venus but that's the open version.

    I just totally despise new tilesets and their huge empty rooms. I wish they'd go back to making smaller, less bloated tiles. 

    Early Warframe was simple in that regard, which was what made the game for me.

    They make big empty rooms so that warframes like Zephyr and Yareli have more space to manuveur. That said the poor enemy spawn rate and navigation AI make these rooms a headache to play with.

    • Like 1
  9. They can work but honestly normal melee weapons will just get stronger and stronger. And they are cost free and aren't bound to a certain warframe. And [DE]ncent is still stubborn about Exalted melee for whatever reason as if they are OP or anything. That's not the case anymore since the introduction of Acolyte mods at least 5 years ago.

  10. 30 minutes ago, trst said:

    If 90% of augments were hot garbage and not worth a slot then these threads/arguments wouldn't exist in the first place.

    Nobody would be asking for "hot garbage" to be an innate part of a frame, to be able to have those effects equipped for free, players wouldn't be claiming that they're "band-aids" as if they're fixing the frame, nor would players insist that so many frames are "unplayable" without their augments.

    Instead all of those threads would be solely about wanting said augments buffed. Which is a topic that gets thrown to the side with players instead asking for them to all be entirely free additions to their frames.

    90% of them are hot garbage not 90% of them are bandaids. Bandaids are the 10% that players actually give a F about. If the 90% don't cost you a slot, there might be a reason to bother with them.

    • Like 1
  11. 30 minutes ago, UnstarPrime said:

    You seem to see this as a good thing, but I see it as a bad thing.  Because being constrained by mod space is the whole point of the modding system

    Limitations are what allow players to make meaningful decisions.  Having a limited number of mod slots means that players can't get everything they want, which means they will need to choose between different possibilities.  This is an important part of what makes creating a build for a frame so challenging and compelling, because you have to whittle down all the potential possibilities into a singular collection of choices that best fits your desires.

    And Augments are a wonderful part of this system, as these are choices that often contain some of the most meaningful ramifications.  As an example, let's look at this mod:


    This mod provides a lot of power.  And make no mistake, it's no band-aid; without this mod, Crush is already well-worth using.  It provides temporary CC, outputs damage, and caps my entire squad's overshields (including my pet).

    And with this one mod, Crush gets even stronger, gaining:

    • a cast speed buff
    • a powerful armor strip
    • a snare

    I can only put 8 normal mods in my Warframe build, and out of the hundreds of mods that were competing for this slot, this Augment made the cut.  That means I deemed it one of the best 8 mods to use in the build I wanted to make.  Its slot in my build is well-earned.

    But even though it's powerful, there are plenty of Mag players who aren't using this mod.  They want different things than I do, and because of that they made different choices.  And that's fantastic and interesting!  That indicates a system with depth!  This increases build variety in a very meaningful way, and it makes me think about what might be possible if I made different modding choices.  Maybe I'll even try them myself sometime!  But even if I don't, it's so cool to have decided on a build that fits me, and to see others deciding on different builds that fit them.  All of which is to say, removing Augments from this mod slot competition would remove so much of what makes modding a worthwhile system in the first place.

    And to be clear, Fracturing Crush isn't an outlier; there are plenty of Augments that do a great job of earning their mod slots.  I'm sure we can all think of Augments that don't, but that's a problem with the balance of those specific mods, not the overall system.  Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    Simply giving me more mod slots without giving me new choices to make with them isn't just needless power creep; it also serves to reduce the number of compelling choices I'm encouraged to make as a player, and reduces the value and impact of the choices that players make.'

    No thank you.

    Nice argument if we ignore the fact that 90% of augments are hot garbage and not worth a slot. Either way they require a rework. Making them worth the slot or take out the slot.

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