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Posts posted by Spiros78

  1. The funny is, that the same weapon (like it happens with ogris), when nulls/bombards use them, they work like semi-auto, firing fast, while when we choose to use them, we have to charge them. I can't stand so much "balance".

  2. This, happened in corpus defense mission, during preparation for 11th wave when we had to choose relic. No esc would work but only chat to write or use the "/unstuck" command. I let it there 2 mins in case it would return me to ship or allow me to open menu, but no luck. Had to close game by force few mins before i post here.


  3. Not long ago, we also had Defense mission in archwing, but people would not play it mostly because it was split in two containers to guard at same time and xp range too small for archwing. Now we don't have defense but we have this rush mission that i dought anyone also plays, mostly because archwing turning delay makes u hit and "buy" walls in corpus tilesets that look like a labyrinth, so why ruin our nerves this way? I say better, remove this rush thing, make turning more direct, and make a proper grineer/corpus defense of one container like usual defenses are.

  4. It's not exactly a bug rather than a disturbing case, so i thought to give a note on this to get fixed. While switching to simaris scanner from any weapon, i notice a hiccup since U19 came. I didn't try codex scanner since i don't use it anymore, so take a look at this and make it work properly as it used to.

  5. They know it looks awfull like they have done similar "innovations" on earth and they won't change it exactly because they know it's annoying, like many other aspects of the game. They prefer u get used to it than to make quality work, quickie job is easier.

    Jupiter, Earth, Void... were so nice places to do missions, until they fill them with such annoying effects and remove clear fields.

  6. The specific extraction zone has obviously too large area to consider that the player wants to extract, but some times, we just want to go to the other side, to look for medallion for example, or open the caches lookin for stars or sculptures, but to go there, we're forced to become......acrobats !! Therefore i ask this area to be adjusted so that we can go without the fear that we'll extract without intention like it happens so far. I'm givin an example in the pic below of where the borders would be ideal to set.


  7. kuraken, i know what i see, use it first and don't assume. It shakes when it fires, not when it hits target. Besides other weapons that cause blast don't behave even close to that mess, they're absolutely stable, such as kulstar, tonkor, penta. The mod reduces it very little, makin it annoying to use, but it should prevent it almost completely like every other weapon that uses stabilize mod, except 2-3 shotguns.

  8. It's the only weapon that i have applied a recoil reduce mod (steady hands) and behaves like i haven't !!! The screenshake is terribly annoying and feels like i get slapped from left, not use a weapon that would push a bit back.and make me look sligtly up, somethin like balllistica that shakes left-right (another innovation)! Adjust it to be steady as it should.

  9. Sometimes, when we rush to get in a mission and change weapons fast, we forget to look if the weapon we picked is alarming or not. Now, since the sound is same and i have read that in older times, some people did not like to hear the sound altered for silenced ones,how would one be able to know his weapon status? I found a quite simple way which i present here and i believe players would like to have.




  10. Very well said the op, and to add that all they do in this game, is quickie fixes but not quality work or corrections. Whatever can give u trouble, they consider it innovation, proved multiple times....... "What? u dont want fog? ok we'll fill the maps with it" ! Your observations are logical, but u have to sweat to get somethin good here.. but wait, their priority is now to rename the chassis to armor...or systems to neurones !!!

  11. The specific side openings for the room, lacks of a step, makin it hard to land properly and enter. I have seen it for too long and i got tired tryin to enter in there with difficulty while there should be a small step to land on. It's a minor but usefull adition which takes no more than 2min to add on both sides.


  12.   Begining this topic, i want to drop my suggestion about sentinels, to add an interaction command to "cease fire" or "defend", like we do with syndicate helpers and specters. I suggest this because i've read few times topics where players wanted for their reason to prevent sentinel from attack, but had no choice but to either remove the attack mod or weapon.

      Next i'd like to give a straight & clear proof, that even with maxed vacuum, objects do not get pulled beyond 6m as DE stated to the last fix that they increased to 12m ! If it was 12m indeed, that would be equal to a 50seat bus length, somethin that is not happening in any case...i don't know how these devs measure meters.


    vacuum_under6m.pngimage sharing sites

  13.   The dev who made these disgusting changes in control of arhcwings, thinks he's also a spaceship pilot and knows how ships behave in space, he tried hard to add "realism"... which would be ok if someone wanted to learn to fly with a parachute ! 1-2 changes are ok, the rest control is totally lost, but who cares..

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