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Posts posted by Sasha-

  1. On 2022-04-02 at 10:17 PM, Morteno said:

    is about to change undesirably in a big way. In hindsight the signs of trouble were there earlier

    I'm sorry but you just seem incredibly salty about something (probably opinion related). Your entire post reads very angry and salty. 🙃 I thought TNW was great. I have been playing since 2013 lol.

  2. Thanks for this thread! I was thinking about making something similar, but I found this so I will for sure post here.

    At first I was a bit apprehensive of the event, because there were some issues at first (Awaiting kill codes??) (And I'm a Negative Nancy a lot of the time), but after many hours of this event I can say I really enjoy it now. I love the challenge, the team-work and this event actually makes me *want* to beat those Sentients back and help everyone get their bonus, not just to get the rewards (which are pretty cool, it's the first time I have managed to get fully rank Warframe Arcanes, since I shy away from Eidolon hunting...). I have 150000+ event points, more than 3 times the requirement to get the best emblem and I keep coming back for more. I have spent so many credits on support drones, but it feels great to be able to contribute that way too.

    So from a long-time Warframe player, I can say I am still enjoying Warframe to this day. (playing since launch more or less every day, so one cannot accuse me of "not knowing about any issues" the game has).

    Thanks DE for continuing to make my favourite game.

    Also I am extremely hyped for the next Cinematic Quest.



  3. Forgive me, I'm a sort of newb with Rivens (in how they work, like being changed). But some of my best weapons got a slight stat nerf today. My Zaw (Sepfahn) went from 210% Crit to 196%, same with my Reaper Prime, both had really good rivens.

    Am I to expect these will get lower and lower? Thanks.

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  4. Gonna pass on the event unless they change it, I absolutely am not doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over again until it literally becomes a chore. IDK about everyone else but I play video games to have fun. I started a ground assault mission on public, and nobody joined me. Then I left after the 3rd Condrix to change my equipment (I have no idea who this mission even 'ends') and went back to the Flotilla Relay thing and then left the relay and it said Mission Failed and I didn't get anything, but I also don't care. I don't even properly understand how this squad-link stuff works. I prefer to play solo anyway.

    Gonna play more Doom Eternal.


    Will come back in a few days after potential Hotfixes have cleared up the bugs I've been reading about, etc. Aside from that, it's back to the Kuva-farm for rolling my Rivens.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

    the problem is for solo players like me....i hate pub missions. Always a leechers here and there....friends? they are all logged off....


    Not playing untill they fix this....

    Mostly solo player here, too. The first few missions are tough, but after you get some decent Instrinsics/avionics and upgrade them, the lower level missions are a cake-walk solo. I'm doing the level 15-20 fighter missions Solo with speed/firepower focused Railjack. Get one friend to help you out and you're all set - I avoid the public missions since without Dedicated servers there's gonna be some issues when you trust all the hosting to someone's potato.

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  6. Thanks for this thread. I was going to post something similar, I don't usually check the forums but here I am. Never thought Warframe'd ever scratch the space battle itch I have had since Freelancer (nostalgia), but here it is and honestly, it's pretty damn awesome.

    I don't concern myself with the whiners who cry about everything and complain about everything - yes there are issues and bugs that need to be ironed out, but most people who get angry and complain are what I'd consider 'armchair game developers'. As far as I've played, a good couple dozen missions solo or with one of my friends, it's been pretty solid with only one major bug (stuck under the map after completing a Skirmish at the helm of a captured Crewship).

    That aside, I've never had so much fun in Warframe in a long, long time. I mean don't get me wrong, I love Warframe gameplay as is but this is just something else. If I had any reason to play Elite Dangerous or continue hoping for Star Citizen to release, it's now gone (lol). I'm absolutely hyped for the future updates with more Railjack'y stuff and the New War update.

    So, thanks Digital Extremes. Just two cents from a Founder and player since the beginning (though, not quite the very beginning).

    • Like 1
  7. Be aware, I was given an "Inactivity penalty" (no reward drops) after using my Operator for long periods of time on Hydron, Sedna (as you do to level up the AMP). Work around will be to switch back to the Warframe and move around or kill some mobs then back to the Operator.


    Unless this was a UI issue as I did get a Relic despite the game saying it was Activity Penalty or whatever. So IDK. I am posting this as I did see the UI element that says my rewards are forbidden due to inactivity.


    Just saying.



  8. Is anyone else having this?

    Title says it all. I have the mod which vacuums the loot and it just follows me around but isn't taken by my character. I also cannot take Focus orbs, or interact with objects (terminals, etc) or revive players. This happens almost every game on the Open World Zones, and lots on the PoE recently.

    Temporary work around for me is to switch to Operator mode, which seems to alow me to interact and collect loot, but switching back doesn't fix it for my Warframe. Jumping in water doesn't fix it either.

    Quite frustrating

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  9. Long story short, had a Tusk Thumper Doma disappear with about 25% of its health left, on the last leg weak spot after about 15 minutes of three of us pumping firepower into it. It's really not fun to have the damn thing just vanish into thin air and we don't get our loot / reward for it. So these machines have some experimental emergency teleporting system? Whereby they teleport back to an orbiting galleon or something when they are heavily damaged? because that's what's happening.

    This was also reported a while back in April/May and it's still happening.

    Digital Extremes, please can we get Dedicated Servers for warframe Open World Zones, please? Many of these bugs are caused by hosting / sync issues I believe. If the PoE and Vallis had regional dedicated servers you'd also get rid of the "Host Migration" failures (you don't get your loot, or bonus!) , and joining a game only to be hit with the "Connection lost, returning to menu" box, and it usually takes me about 3-4 attempts on Vallis to actually get in a game.

    I've actually started leaving the squad and making myself the host 99% of the time in these zones, just because I don't trust the host not to DC and then the migration fail and I lose Everything.

    I don't follow the news here, are we getting dedicated servers or is DE just absolutely insisting on the P2P hosting for this now, hugely popular MMO game? Please can I get a DE official response for this? I hate to bring it up now, but Warframe has grown up, it's no longer a baby, and it needs dedicated servers. The average gamer cannot be trusted to provide a stable hosting platform for this game anymore (specifically, open world zones, missions seem to be fine for now.) You can afford it, DE, pretty please? Been playing since launch and spent 4 digits in this game (welp), not about to abandon it but I've seen it evolve and i know it needs dedicated servers now.

    Sorry for Rant.

    Thanks for reading.


  10. Hello.

    The current system of P2P hosting for Open World Zones, that is the Plains of Eidolon and the Orb Vallis, is broken. It needs to have games hosted on persistant, dedicated Servers in each region owned by DE that players connect to.

    I am absolutely sick (and so are many other people) of the constant migrations and disconnects caused by hosts leaving the game, rage quitting, or whatever it is they are doing and the game's inability to successfully migrate to a new host, and leaving me, and potentially everyone else back at their ship with no gained progress or loot.

    I simply can't play Public Orb Vallis now because of this.

    DE, Warframe is big enough now that you really gotta start considering dedicated servers for co op games, at least for the open world zones. I know it'd cost more but seriously it's going to fix a ton of issues with this game.


  11. Open World Zones NEED dedicated servers hosted by DE, the P2P method is completely broken.

    Literally, I mean this, not exaggerating, 50% of the time I join a match in Vallis or Plains I am thrown back to the orbiter with "connection lost" either during Loading the mission or sometime during it. With ALL Progress and Loot completely lost

    This is not an exaggeration. It happens once in about every 2 games I play, more so on Vallis, so much so that I am now not really able to play public Vallis missions anymore, but rather play Solo/Friends only.

    People just can't be trusted to host open world zones on their computers since they don't understand how the P2P system Works.

    DE: Dedicated servers for Open World Zones please. Fix this soon Kthx.

  12. I'm going to leave this here, to demonstrate the issue with this Boss. he is broken, there is literally no other way of describing it. Spawning at level 70 he has so much EHP it is just ridiculous, and you can see the frustration in the Squad chat. You can't beat him effectively because you can never know when he turns up, and he always turns up when I'm not running my best gear.


    I recorded this video of trying to beat him while leveling in Hydron


    We lost all bonus + progress because we simply couldn't do enough damage to him in a reasonable amount of time. my ALL my weapons are Radiation set up now, and my Kohm was fully built with 4 Forma. The Tatsu fully built with Riven and Radiation damage, even life strike, which couldn't keep me alive long enough.

    Many times I've just seen people leave the squad when this guy spawns in, because it's easier than be so frustrated you just hit ALT+F4 anyway.


    Can we get a more interesting boss, you know with some challenging but rewarding game play (Exploiter was FUN), and not just putting a few too many 0's on his health bar? Thanks.


  13. 3 minutes ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

    Well, first off, you made it harder on yourself.
    Wolf of Saturn Six has Alloy Armor, not Ferrite. Your best bets are Radiation and Cold damage, coupled with crits. Further... you'll want to bring Corrosive Projection, because he's Alloy Armor for both armor and health types. And yes, it takes alot to kill him. I've emptied 3,000 rounds of radiation-build Imperator Vandal into his face (literally) and barely burned 20% of his HP bar. Guess there's an upside to wearing XO-rated armor. (That is EXplosive Ordinance.)

    Right. Thanks for the heads up. But he still seems a bit broken especially with the tendency to spawn when I'm not tooled to beat him. I usually run Steel Charge, but I think I might retool to Corrosive Projection since I'm usually fighting Grineer anyway.

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  14. Basically: I've had to abort 3 missions now because this guy spawns in with so much health that the entire squad cannot make a noticeable amount of damage to his health pool. He usually spawns when I'm not using my best Warframe, usually a low-ranked one. So he's basically a coward, never challenging me when I'm at full strength, because the last time he did, my Valkyr build beat him, but only because I had like obscene damage through Crit + Melee combo with her Warcry and Hysteria. That's almost the only way I'm aware of that you can even touch a level 70 Wolf, Unless something is seriously bugged.

    He's impossible to beat with normal means. In this last encounter, I had a Dex Sybaris with Riven and 140% crit chance, 5.6x Crit Damage mult and 1000 corrosive damage a hit and I'm doing 100-150 dmg per red crit headshot and it's not touching his health. Tatsu riven with 2.1 x channeling Mult, and over 2000 corrosive per hit and 2x attack speed, not making any noticeable damage to him. He spawns when i have a low -ranked frame and his fire damage downs me in 2-3 seconds easily. This seems extremely broken since most people in our squad will just leave when he spawns, me included.

    I'm a bit annoyed, because this is either a bug or a very cheap way to make a difficult boss. I mean I pulled out my fully built Imperator Vandal with 40 fire rate and Bzzzt his head for 10 seconds non stop and no noticeable difference to his health bar, bug or impossible health pool?

    This needs to be addressed. I will Alt-F4 when he spawns in-game and I'm not using my Valkyr Prime + Triple Umbral set and Riven'd Critical Zaw or Hysteria.

    Anyone else noticing this? He's breaking the game by being undefeatable. Also kindly don't reply if you're going to say "Oh, git gud!" Be constructive and tell me how to beat this dude, I've tried everything and he's immune to most procs as far as I noticed. And it's not just me, other people are just leaving the squad when he turns up.

    Also why does this dude spawn more often when you're weak, what is this? DE are you trolling me? Wolf is a confirmed coward. Cuz he knows he won't stand a F***ing chance vs my Angry Kitty Prime.🙄


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  15. Basically every time I press "leave squad" to leave the world since i don't wanna abort and lose all my loot... someone else joins in 5 seconds and i can't ever leave the world unless everyone *who just joined* also wants to leave. So many times I've had to either abort and lose all my loot or sit in the elevator to fortuna and spam leave squad and hope it's quick enough.


    So what am I doing wrong? How do you leave Orb Vallis (solo extraction)?

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