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Everything posted by SylvanEvergreen

  1. So, I just got a Kuva Tonkor, but its base skin is kinda bad for my loadouts. I looked on the wiki and saw that Conclave gave a skin for it. I haven't played Conclave in so long, so I thought "eh, sure, let's give it a shot." It took me an extremely long time to find even a single other person to play against, and even then they left after loading into the match. I literally got up and warmed up a bowl of leftover tomato soup and came back to still waiting to find a single other player in free-for-all. So that sucked. But what was even worse was that I finally did find the one match of Conclave that was going on. It had about 6 other people who clearly did nothing but sweat Conclave—bullet-jumping around like monkeys after a quintuple shot of espresso. Apparently it's some sort of dedicated server hosted by their group, and they were exceedingly unfriendly. I dared to use a random weapon that I had equipped—the Sigma & Octantis—and after getting a single kill with it some guy in the chat was like ">sigma and octantis. bye" and kicked me from the server. No warning or anything, just insta-booted. I messaged him afterwards and asked if I was kicked from the match for using the weapon, and he was like, "yeah that's your fault for not visiting our website and looking at our banned weapons list." So the only way you can play Conclave nowadays is by rubbing elbows with toxic sweaty elitists that host the only Conclave server—the Warframe equivalent of TacoBot, if any of you are familiar with Team Fortress 2's MvM community. Please add some other way to get the Conclave weapon skins and cosmetics. No one should be forced to torture themselves with the Conclave community long enough to get standing rank 5 and then 50,000 standing for every weapon skin. Conclave was bad enough back in the day, but now that it's taken over by rude gate-keepers it's so much worse. (I fully acknowledge that this thread will do nothing. I guess I just needed to vent a bit.)
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