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Posts posted by LOD07

  1. vor 1 Minute schrieb Furebel:

    In looters shooters like it that is ALWAYS the problem. They force long grind to keep you, show you how much stuff there is to discover, but when you discover them all, and you loose that encouragement to discover more, you start to feel like you have no more reasons to play.

    It's never ending story that is still being written. If you feel like it, go play something else instead of bashing on forums, I don't want to sound offensive, I'm serious here. A break may be good.

    I'm taking a break now for almost a year in terms of actively playing the game I don't want to bash I here I really wanted to hear about people different opinions on this topic. I am coming back on each update to see whether it's catching me again or not. Like I said I haven't tested it out by myself yet. And so far... I will give it a try and probably go on depth about it because I love the idea behind it. 

  2. vor 10 Minuten schrieb Goodwill:

    Win for me. Bloody giant ass ship that anyone in your squad can pilot with pew-pew lasers and Warframe with a semblance of co-op content? I didn't think I'd see the day come since the raids left.

    There are a lot of things they can improve on but this is a surprisingly solid start. I thought at most the update would be to be able to fly the Railjack, I wasn't expecting all of the upgrade and customization systems in so early. My biggest grip is the space model of the railjack being disproportionately small in comparison to your Warframe. It would also be nice if they can make the railjack interior reflect the exterior or at least enough I can suspend my disbelief.

    But guys, lets not be hyperbolic and assume Railjack is a success or failure because of a vocal minority on either side. DE has the numbers and we'll be able to tell by what DE prioritizes in the coming year. If it turns out like archwing, we could write it off as a failure. However if they continue to implement it into every facet of the starchart, we can assume that it... passed rigor.


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  3. vor 8 Minuten schrieb Furebel:

    I mean that normal gameplay on normal tiles. Why do we play? Why do we grind? Why did you started to play Warframe, to start from zero and infinitely gain strength and new guns to try? Why did you payed for cosmetics? Why did you involved in trading?

    For fun. You don't have fun, you quit, that's it.

    That's the funny part of it. Back then I loved for warframe for what it was. New refreshing from what was out there in the gaming market. And it was so much fun. It just didn't keep up with the time to create sustainable content for everyone

  4. vor 7 Minuten schrieb DrakeWurrum:

    I've gotta say... there's a lot of angry complaining people here. Not that I expected different on the forums. Community forums are just a salt magnet, regardless of what game you're playing.

    I have plenty to complain about in Warframe, but I'm shocked at the instant "Thanks, I hate it" reaction to Railjack, almost as if all of you had these posts drafted up in a Word document and ready to go. It's been live for... not even 12 hours? Yeesh.

    My only complaint with the game mode right now is that it feels like, when starting out in the first mission, I'm unprepared. Unprepared... for the first mission. I don't have the skills required for the archwing launcher or the BFG. I don't have the resources to craft the payload for repairing breaches, making mission failure very difficult to avoid. Should get easier the more I play the game mode, but... It's rough to start out.

    I do keep running into annoying bugs. When I first left the ship with Archwing, I literally couldn't SEE my ship. I had to use radar to guess where it was and find my way back in. Doesn't seem to be happening now... maybe it was just a graphics card glitch.

    I'm not going to complain about bugs. I expect them. I've played WoW. I know launch day woes. They'll be ironed out. It's peevish to complain about them at this point.

    The issues you describe, honestly, apply to all of Warframe. (With the exception of "unfriendly to solo players" - but note that's something they will be dealing with in a future update with the Command intrinsic)

    He didn't say to leave warframe, he said not to play this game mode. If you hate this game mode too much and simply refuse to adjust to its unique challenges, then don't play it.


    To be fair, Operator faces the same problem. Railjack at least has a planned future that we know about. It's going to feature prominently in the New War against the Sentients, and we know that they have plans to expand on it.

    Even in-game, Cy explicitly tells us that we're building up our strength for the coming war. That's the point of the current grindy Railjack content. To make the ship stronger, to prepare for the actual hard challenges ahead of us.

    And more importantly, if you enjoy playing with a ship, here. Play with your ship. If you don't want to play with a ship, this isn't a game mode for you. Go back to 3 hour endurance runs.

    Really good point. 

  5. vor 3 Minuten schrieb Firedtm:

    Without the hot fix, it would be in my book a failure, before it was lagging a lot, enemies were jumping around, things in space was almost unhittable, you could not fix the Railjack at all before it blow up.

    with the hot fix, a lot of the issues were fixed, the only thing that was not clear till someone in mission told me about it was the saving your progress, it is a winner in my book so far, it is really enjoyable because it is a real break from how warframe plays right now.

    Cool. And do you see a connection within this system to the rest of the game? 

  6. vor 5 Minuten schrieb Zebiko:

    I feel like this is the main flaw of the game. Everyone likes the core game play of warframe. Then the updates start branching out into different, separate pockets, 'instanced dungeons' . If they integrate the modes into the central game loop, that would be great. 

    Indeed it would be

  7. vor 4 Minuten schrieb (XB1)COA Altair:

    So we have someone who complains about something they have read about but not actually done.  That's like saying I really hate swimming from what I've read about swimming, but I have never actually swam before.  

    They haven't made this game solo for years, people have simply played it solo because they don't wish to interact with others.  This is a co-op game, always has been as long as you have been able to have more then one person in a squad.  If you are playing solo it's either because it's forced in some cinematic quest or you choose to.  Everything is more powerful in groups, why do radshares exist.  Grinding a prime set if you play solo exclusively is a nightmare in comparison to radshares looking like heaven in comparison is one example, another is stacking aura mods for more benefits now more then ever as well as frame synergies like rhino roar + any damaging warframe abilities.  

    I don't get your point in the second part. For the first part. Like I just said. I am complaining based on what I've heard and saw. Game essence wise this is indepented whether you have played it or not. 

  8. vor 4 Minuten schrieb bananacat89:

    IMHO It does give more of a connection with your team mates over the regular type of quests we are used to.  Everyone seems to have to work together. Especially in the harder missions. I encountered a few players who said they were panicking a lot do to all the stuff going on. I think a lot of Warframe players are very used to being able to hold the fort alone without much stress or worry. This you are forced to rely on your team mates so a bit of communication is required. In that sense it does feel more team oriented. 

    Groups I joined were all pretty nice though. Everyone seemed happy to be learning it and work together. I even met a few friends along the way. So yeah it can build connections in that sense. Now in a week or two when everyone is meta'd out and acting all high and mighty that may not be  the case. I could def see this mode getting toxic when things do not go as planned. But I guess the same can be said about other mission types to.


    True. Glad to see that. Even though I meant connection in terms of the rest of the game. But that's good. Even though I am scared of the toxicity in the future as well

    • Like 1
  9. vor 1 Minute schrieb Trickster_God_Loki:

    Then what exactly you want to do? Get another 5 maps you can jump thru killing everything that moves like you do every day? Railjack is an OPTIONAL game mode for those who'd like a change of pace. You dont like it-dont play it.

    Some of us are dead tired of running same corridors filled with same enemies shooting them over and over again.  I actually skip any endless mode now because i have hard time staying awake waiting for next turn/wave/demolyst to come. Railjack is a change of pace some players need.

    1. As an optional game mode for change of pace it doesn't feel right in terms of ame essence. But fair enough 

    2. If you are dead tired as well as we are of the repetitive game modes we already have then railjack itself ain't the problem but as we are discussing it here let's not talk about the other stuff that's messed up within warframe

  10. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Lord_Babadook:

    if they didn't make this whole game Solo for year's then this wouldn't be a problem but people are so use to doing everything Solo . Now we have coop content and no one want's to say anything in Chat and make's it 100x harder , if they can fix that then it wouldn't be that bad after the bug fixes but right now it's not even worth it . 

    Exactly. Good point here. In other multi-player competitive games they are used to talk to each other so that everybody reaches the goal. That never happened and was never needed in warframe until now

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  11. vor 1 Minute schrieb (XB1)COA Altair:

    So you've ranked up your intrinsics all the way already and know what it's like after you have min maxed in railjack?  Good to know.  

    No.... I haven't even played it yet. As mentioned earlier. My thoughts are only based on what I've seen and what I know so far about it. However the essence of this is independent of what that. The feeling I get by all these information won't really differ to the actual experience. 

  12. vor 16 Minuten schrieb DrivaMain:

    1 Word, Fun.

    Empyrean will be fully intergrated in the main game Soon™️ with the addition of squad link and maybe using the railjack to fly into normal missions. This update is just the foundation of it.

    But why give us a foundation to play with when giving us the entire thing would feel so much better. Now its this typical soon it will be great... Just stick around... It will be fixed soon... 

  13. vor 19 Minuten schrieb (XB1)COA Altair:

    Update hasn't been out for a day and we get people trashing it, neat.  You want to know how it connects to the rest of the game?  It's still the same essence of game we've been playing for 7 years, loot resources, shoot bad guys, complete some objective, level up gear or in this case intrinsics.  How narrow minded you must be to think new war isn't going to use railjack in some fashion.  More stuff will be added as per usual, they can't just add things at a snap of their fingers however.

    Has bugs on release?  Yeah, just like every other release in this game.  They will never release an update that doesn't have bugs.  If you hate the sound of that, don't play after an update drops and let them work out the major bugs.  

    What you are mentioning here isn't the game essence. These are the game mechanics and in fact the core mechanics of the game. 

    The essence of a game is defined by the feeling a player is going to have while playing the game. In this case to feel very powerful to overcome the enemy as a single man army... That's the essence... Therefore... Not the same essence 

  14. vor 24 Minuten schrieb Bregastor:

    Is not that I get offended, I hate when people try to "invalidate" others opinion calling them whiteknights. 

    I did not suggest to not play warframe, I just said that if you don't like the new mode because is bugged and unfinished just give it time for them to get feedback and improve/release more. 

    I did not suggest you to leave the game, I just said that you can avoid that mode until is fixed a bit if is unbearable atm to you. 

    Someone said that "if you don't like don't play it" is invalid because it would make them quit warframe cause there is nothing left they like, but i mean that is what I did with WoW. If you don't like the game anymore just quit it, the game can't change completely to appeal you.

    And yes that is the attitude I use if I don't like a game mode, I leave it because it is not for me. If I like the game mode, I will play it to report things and have it fixed asap and enjoy it even more when it gets fixed. 




    I get your point now. Indeed it's not going to fit my appeal entirely neither yours or most of the player base. I just want to point out what I dislike about the system, update currently. 

  15. vor 26 Minuten schrieb bananacat89:

    It is pretty fun when it works. Unfortunately I have found bugs every mission. From doors not opening, To not being able to leave ships, to black screens. Lets hope the hotfixes over the next lil while get everything settled proper. 

    This update for me personally  really emphasizes the poor archwing gameplay and mechanics though. I think in order for Empyrean to shine the archwings need a complete overhaul. The weapons to. It is very clunky.

    I had fun last night though. Even with the bugs. 


    Alright. Good to hear. Do you feel like this system gives you this vibe of connection like it was promised to us? 

  16. vor 1 Minute schrieb XkillsQQNinja:

    I have played like 5 missions and already I can't bring myself to play more. Simply boring garbage. Can't believe the devs wasted time on this S#&$.

    I DONT want to float around in space like a spaceturd. I want to play my WARFRAME. F this content!

    Faire enough. Even though this is strong language I get your point. 

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