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Posts posted by freeformline

  1. I'm also eagerly awaiting an update. I mostly want to have a version of the female armor where the breast cups are absent or at least not exaggerated relative to the actual shape of the operator's body, because everything else about the female cuirass is excellent.

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  2. Nah, that tile has been around for a long time, probably since the introduction of invasions (though I wasn't playing at that time, so I can't verify).

    The ramsleds are used by the Grineer to board enemy ships, so you use them in anti-Corpus invasions because the Corpus have invaded a Grineer ship, so ramsleds are the most convenient way for the Tenno to hop on over to the Corpus mothership to mess up their day.

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  3. I like having the grunts be an army of mind-controlled foes from other factions, but I'd like to see some form of tower-specific special units added into the mix, like an Orokin equivalent to Nox, Bursas, or Juggernauts. My first thought is something like a large ayatan-like automaton or an enemy made out of pure energy.

    Also, as Totorochan mentioned, I'd like to see the Void become a more special place. I mostly just want key-locked endless Void back, but it might be neat to add in other ways to make Void access rare and meaningful. Perhaps they could add some fusion of their upcoming hard mode selection and Path of Exile's map mods, allowing you to buy or risk nasty environmental modifiers spawning into your Void missions in exchange for enhanced rewards?


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  4. Yeah, if you want to have access to multiple high-forma builds that use different polarities, it can definitely be nice. I have two different Saryn Prime builds (one Umbral, one not), and I'm considering building a third, since the one that became my Umbral Saryn was actually made for a different build back before The Sacrifice was released. I also have two Banshee Primes, Trinity Primes, and Nova Primes for their own alternate builds.

  5. I find Garuda's fourth ability to be the most interesting part of her kit, but trying to build and play around its slash-vulnerability debuff is tedious due to the ability's long activation time and the need for frequent reactivation. To improve the feeling of the ability, I would propose an augment for Seeking Talons that operates similarly to Equinox's Calm & Frenzy or Banshee's Resonance, making the slash-vulnerability debuff spread to enemies within a 10-ish meter radius when an affected enemy is killed. This would allow Garuda players to spend less time recasting and more time actually engaging the enemy, making her combat pattern much smoother and more fluid than it currently is.

    I would suggest a name like "Reaching Talons" or "Hemorrhage" for this augment, but you could also go with something cheesy and edgy like "Bloodstorm."

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  6. 16 minutes ago, (XB1)CLUB FO0T said:

    I completed the star chart and the entire main story line (required to complete star map). I spent most of my initial time doing just that and nothing else. Now I spend most of my time getting my standing up with some factions and doing Arbitrations for the Endo and killing Lich’s for the weapons. Also I do the daily sorti of course. I’m open for suggestions on what I should be focusing on though because even though I’m MR14 I still consider myself a noob. 

    At MR 14, you're probably still working on your mod collection, so that's what I'd recommend working on. Things like Condition Overload and the corrupted mods can take a fair amount of work to get, but they're really nice to have. Likewise, Baro's primed mods will take some serious ducat/relic, endo, and credit investment, so you'll never go wrong in farming those, even if you get a fair number of them while doing other things.

    Otherwise, do what you always do: Identify frames, weapons, or builds that you want to try and work toward them, then refine them by playing them in difficult missions until you've found a version of the build that you like.

    And, of course, have fun and dink around with things you enjoy, since this is a game and not a job.

  7. Wow, man. Here I am sitting at MR 24 at 1600 hours of play over several years, thinking I'm so hot. Out of curiosity, how much of the story and side-systems have you gotten through? I'd be interested to hear how much of your play time was power-leveling and how much was more "normal" play that you simply managed to level through.

  8. Nah, Mag's awesome. She was my starter, back before her rework, and her early game is actually probably stronger now than it was then. Use Pull if you want to CC a bunch of guys, Magnetize to deny fire access or kill a high priority target (Mag is great at killing bosses), and Polarize to weaken enemy defenses and do AoE damage. I find that efficiency is the most important casting stat on her. You can find Streamline, the basic efficiency mod, in Cetus bounty rewards and on enemy drops listed here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Streamline. Energy Siphon, which was my main energy source throughout the early game, is a rotating item in the Nightwave credit store (which is currently down, at least on PC).

    The advice I generally give to new players is to make goals and work toward them. Look through the market/codex/wiki to identify frames or weapons that look cool to you, and then check the wiki to see what you need to do to get them.

    Other than that, work on clearing the star chart (I recommend doing most missions solo unless you get stuck), unlocking and completing quests, experimenting with the game systems, and exploring the features available to you. In friendly areas (Relays, Cetus, Fortuna), talk to every NPC you can find, since some quests and game features are locked behind them. You'll get a lot of staple mods just by working through the star chart.

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  9. Yeah, the Lanka is a very good weapon for dealing damage to high-priority targets. It's one of my main weapons on Mag due to its synergy with Magnetize, but even on other frames, it hits very hard. I used it a ton in Scarlet Spear for Condrix killing. A good Lanka build will kill most non-sentient enemies in one hit. Of course, it is a projectile weapon with a charge time, so its damage is balanced out a bit by the inconvenience of using it.

    It also works well with Heavy Caliber when scoped in, if you want to build it up for raw damage/crit for things like Venom Dose builds.

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  10. 34 minutes ago, (XB1)Catch Lightning said:

    I'm gonna need you to link a full play through of that 8 zone melee only Valkyr uncut for me to believe you. 

    Then you're not going to believe me, I guess. I'll admit that it happened in a couple of weeks with unusually favorable tile rotations, but I still think you're overestimating the difficulty of getting to zone 8.

    If it helps you at all, I was using Valkyr Prime with a high-strength Warcry build, Galatine Prime built with Blood Rush and Primed Reach, and Naramon focus so I didn't need Drifting Contact/Body Count to keep my combo up. I don't remember if I had any good arcanes at that point, but if I was doing it now, I'd be using Arcane Guardian and Arcane Fury. The first two or three waves had other people, but they dropped out like cowards and I just kept going ham like I always do until efficiency ran out around Zone 8 or 9.

  11. It's literally the kills-per-second game mode, so I don't think it's unreasonable that cheese would be important to reach high levels. That said, I've soloed to zone 8 as a melee-only Valkyr on several occasions, so I don't think that's a critical problem.

    My main complaint in ESO is dead time. For a game mode built around constant enemy engagement, it can be pretty irritating to have to spend time standing around in an empty map for a few seconds because your build clears too efficiently. Other than that, I actually quite like ESO, since I'm the kind of player who likes going ham 24/7 and gets irritated with how low enemy spawn rates are in survival, which would otherwise be my favorite game mode.

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  12. I think every frame should have an energy regen stat that you can mod around, rather than relying on external sources of energy at all times. The regen would probably be small, at around the level of Energy Siphon, with some variance from frame to frame. Some frames might even have no energy regen at all if it is thematic and appropriate for their kits. As some other people have mentioned, this would mostly be for the sake of the new player experience. I was lucky enough to get an Energy Siphon early on, and it made the game much more enjoyable than it was before I had it. Nowadays, I make a point of collecting Energy Siphons and Rejuvenations and giving them to new players I meet in-game who don't have any auras of their own, just to help them enjoy the game more.

    But before any of that, though, I want frames to start missions with their energy bars full. I have never been able to figure out any reason why we don't, or why DE released a mod for it rather than making it default behavior. Our ammo and health start at max, so why on Earth would we not enter missions with our batteries fully charged?

  13. I don't know about Excalibur because I've barely played him, but I really don't agree on Frost, Rhino, and Saryn.

    Saryn is my favorite frame. She's worked well as a bruiser for years, and now with Adaptation, umbral mods, and the recent nerfs to enemy scaling she's even more amazing. Also, as other people have pointed out, she has a decoy, speed boost, status cleanser, AoE stun, and insane AoE DPS in addition to her good defensive stats, so it's hard to justify making her tankier.

    Frost and Rhino are already some of the best defensive frames in the game, and they are both very good frames in general. They don't need buffs, especially to defensive stats, given that they defend themselves with abilities rather than health and shields. If they do get a change, it should probably be to their abilities or their energy economies.

    Also, just because some frames got stat buffs lately, it doesn't mean others need buffs too if they're already in a good place.

  14. I was pretty hyped for archwings when I was working through the quest to build them, right up until I launched my first Odonata and discovered that I couldn't use my Mag's abilities in space. If we were able to use tweaked versions of our warframe abilities in archwing mode, likely with one or two passive or active abilities on the archwings themselves, I think archwings would be a lot more fun.

  15. My main complaints with Hydroid are his passive and his first ability.

    His passive is unreliable, gimmicky, and sometimes actually counterproductive. I would like to see it changed to something that enhances his old mobility-based identity, such as the ability to ignore unit collision with enemies, so he can't be body-blocked by crowds. I don't notice body-blocking very often, so I don't think it would be a broken ability, but it would certainly feel good to have when it comes up. It might also be amusing to allow him to pass off status afflictions from himself to enemies he walks through.

    His first ability is, again, unreliable, and its augment, which was a big part of its utility, has been significantly weakened with the changes to corrosive status. I'm not picky about what it should become, but I would like it to be reliable, so that you know you will affect your targets when you use it. The change could be as simple as making the ability hit its entire area (or just its center) immediately when cast, then transition to its current random barrage pattern for the duration.

    It would also be very nice if he regained the ability to complete reloads while pooling. Before his last rework, Hydroid could start reloading a weapon, then pool, and the weapon would finish reloading while he pooled. This gave him a bit of slipperiness, safety, and---dare I say---fluidity that at least one old Hydroid main I know sorely misses.

  16. While hosting a Scarlet Spear Murex raid, my ship was boarded by sentients on the way to the first murex. The boarding action activated the catastrophic failure countdown timer and marked a catastrophic hull breach inside the splinter ship that was embedded in our hull. The breach was visible on the map, but could not be seen through splinter's face, nor could anyone in my squad access and repair it with our omnis, leading to an unavoidable mission failure when the failure timer expired.

    This happened in two consecutive murex raids. Both times, the splinter and hull breach formed in the breach point behind the port-side door connecting the arsenal/turret room to the lower ship. The two missions in which this bug occurred came after one successful murex raid with the same squad in which the error did not occur.

  17. 14 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

    Someone that speaks good of the void key system? You're the first besides me 😮

    i miss those times, I think of them every day.. T-whatever survival was my thing.. I loved it so much.. now, the void has nothing to offer, and the fissure tab mostly doesn't feature different survival nodes.. 

    I loved tower endless missions. T1 Mobile Defense farming for Saryn Prime neuroptics made me want to kill myself, but the endless missions were a lot of fun. There was a real risk of losing everything if you pushed a little too hard and failed out, but the rewards were good enough that we'd try anyway, which put us through a lot of close calls. ESO and Arbitrations are both decent stabs at making compelling endless missions, but neither gets the risk-to-reward ratio right, mostly because there is no actual risk when you have unlimited access to the game mode.

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  18. Multiplying the rewards like that would certainly be nice, but I don't think it would lead me to go for hardcore endless missions nearly as often as the old void did, since rotation rewards are rarely actually the main thing I'm interested in a mission.

    What I really think DE should do is just bring back tower keys or something like them for the highest level mission of each endless type in the void.

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  19. I've been doing well with Mag (Counter Pulse works on sentients), Banshee, Equinox, Trinity (with Abating Link), and Saryn, and plan to experiment with a number of other frames, since a lot of things seem to work well for this event if you know how to play them. Next up for me will probably be Harrow.

    Frames I haven't played that I have seen do very well include Limbo (duh), Frost, Nova, Mesa, Gara, Wisp, Octavia, Mirage, and Khora.

    Nekros works pretty well, but his shadows make it difficult to quickly identify and take out battalysts, so he's not perfect. I've also seen Atlas once. He seems to have a decent kit for it, but the player I saw didn't seem to know how to really make him work for Murex missions. I would expect Rhino, Oberon, Nidus, and Volt to do well, but I haven't seen them in pubs yet.

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