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Posts posted by freeformline

  1. This is the Saryn build I use for most casual play: wZFqrYD.jpg

    I have a melee-focused playstyle, so I use the Rage/Lifestrike cycle to maintain my health. If I am not planning on running heavy melee I switch out Rage for Intensify or Regenerative Molt. This build benefits from but does not need Zenurik for energy management, since the range is high enough that Spore casts should be infrequent, and Toxic Lash just about pays for itself if you have a high-reach melee weapon. I rarely use Miasma, and Rage provides energy whenever I need Molt, so energy isn't a problem most of the time. I have another build on which I trade out Stretch for Regenerative Molt and Cunning Drift for Handspring, which I use when survival is more important to me than damage, or when I don't want to bother my teammates by killing enemies before they can contribute. If I am using a pet rather than a sentinel I switch out Rejuvenation for Physique or Stand United.

    I usually don't use primary weapons on my Saryn, but I favor the Strun Wraith (gas and status), Sobek (Acid Shells), Vaykor Hek, or Rakta Cernos when I do. The Telos Boltor is also nice with its AoE gas proc. My secondaries of choice are the Akstilleto Prime modded for gas and status, Pox modded for whatever status I feel like (it procs toxin regardless of the elements it is modded for), and Hikou Prime with gas and Concealed Explosives. My favorite melee weapons are the Lesion and Secura Lecta modded for, you guessed it, status, but any melee weapon with high range and Primed Reach will work well. Since Saryn can maintain two status procs on all enemies at all times, Condition Overload works ridiculously well on her, so it's definitely worth hunting down if you really like Saryn.

  2. Light blues and white is my main color scheme, adapted from the first color scheme I used on my Mag back when I first discovered appearance customization. I also have a dark brown and red scheme and a light white and red scheme that I use when I can't find a white and blue scheme I like for a given frame.




  3. It makes intuitive sense to me that things like void traces, relics, and prime parts should drop in the void at a higher rate than outside the void, and that we should be able to open relics in the void at all times. Now we can get void traces from alerts in the void, but other than that I don't see a gameplay reason for it to exist as a region right now.

  4. In my case, Vacuum really is the main thing keeping me from using my pets. After that, it's Guardian, but that's only really important on a few of my builds, and my most played builds would overwhelmingly prefer kavat buffs or canine company. Back when I was running a lot of long survivals in the old void, I was mostly using my Huras kubrow since it survived better than sentinels, but I switched back to sentinels as soon as I stopped doing that simply because I find running without Vacuum less fun than running with it.

    When Vacuum was spread to all sentinels, I mostly abandoned my Carrier Prime, only taking it along when I was planning to use an unusually ammo-hungry weapon rather than my melee or when I expected to be up against a lot of ambient damage that would kill my other sentinels too quickly. Nowadays I mostly use Helios Prime and Diriga, so I really do believe that universalizing Vacuum to all companions or warframes would lead to me using my pets more.

    I suppose it is worth mentioning that, if Vacuum were taken out of the equation, I would prefer pets over sentinels for a few reasons. The first is that they tend to survive longer, especially since I favor melee-heavy play that works well with Pack Leader. The only thing I hate more than running without Vacuum is running without Animal Instincts, so survivability is very important to me. The second reason is that I like animals, so I enjoy having pets with me in the mission so long as they don't actively interfere with what I am doing. The third main reason I would prefer pets is because their abilities are more desirable to me: Huras kubrows have a much better stealth effect than Shade, and kavats have a number of excellent combat and farming buffs that sentinels don't really match. Other than Vacuum, I really only use sentinels for Helios scans, Diriga stuns (which are fun to look at but really unnecessary to my combat pattern), and, occasionally, Guardian or Ammo Case.

    Apart from lacking Vacuum, the only real problem I have with pets in-mission is their AI messing with my stealth and finisher-based builds and their erratic movements making it harder to land headshots on enemies that react to them.

  5. 7 hours ago, Stoner74 said:

    Because using the word main in this game is extremely stupid when the only thing to "main" is, in some cases, only smashing a button.

    I'm truly done now, goodbye.

    I agree that "maining" a warframe isn't exactly analogous to "maining" a role or character in PvP games, but it makes for a convenient shorthand. It's much faster for me to say that "I am a Saryn main" or "I main Saryn" than it is to say "I play Saryn the vast majority of the time," or "I have invested far more time and effort into learning to play Saryn well than I have for any other warframe." I share your instinct for linguistic pedantry, but this is a really minor thing to pick over.

    In an effort to stay on topic: The Hysteria nerfs were pretty mild, all things considered. They do force you to use a little caution when playing Valkyr, which does admittedly detract from the Hysteria fantasy, but I haven't had to change my own playstyle much to accommodate for those changes, since I mostly use an Endless War build and just dip into Hysteria for the life steal when I am not running Life Strike.

  6. I haven't really kept track of the prime part market since the relic system was introduced, but I can say that if you want to find reliable sources of platinum with pretty well-standardized prices, syndicate stuff and corrupted mods are the way to go. The warframe corrupted mods and Heavy Caliber reliably sell for 20-30 plat, syndicate mods sell for 10-20, and syndicate weapons sell for 30-60, though some people have somewhat different philosophies on weapon pricing. Farming corrupted mods and syndicate standing is pretty quick, and there is always a market for them, so they have always been my main source of plat, even when I was trying to sell prime gear.

    Obviously, as a general rule, you'll make more plat selling rare parts than uncommon or common parts. Sets don't really seem to be in demand anymore, except for new gear and sometimes vaulted gear. You can find good estimates for prices on Warframe Trading and Warframe Market, both third-party websites, but nothing beats watching trade chat and seeing what people are offering and asking for.

  7. As a newer player, Nyx will be easier to use and cheaper to build, so I would recommend you try her first. Saryn is my favorite frame, so I will, of course, encourage you to try her out, but bringing her to her maximum potential takes a lot of investment.

    I use maximum or near-maximum range on both Nyx and Saryn, Nyx for the Chaos range, Saryn for reliable spore spreading. On Nyx, you can dump strength if you are just using Mind Control and Chaos, and can fudge around with her other stats to fit your playstyle. On Saryn, you won't want to dump any stats, but you can let anything but range dip a little under 100% while you are collecting the resources for a full build. I would strongly recommend using Rage and Regenerative Molt on Saryn, as it makes surviving the star chart pretty easy so long as you are moderately careful. If you happen to have Life Strike, you can drop the Regenerative Molt.

    You can use any weapon you like on Nyx. On Saryn you will probably want to use weapons that synergize with her abilities, usually high fire rate weapons with good status chance and toxin or gas damage (especially with punch-through or Concealed Explosives) and long-range melee weapons. My weapons of choice on her while leveling were the Lesion, Hikou Prime with Concealed Explosives, Staticor, and, if I needed to cheese something, the Atterax. Now I mostly use the Lesion, Secura Lecta, Akstiletto Prime, or Pox.

  8. I agree that Fireball should be modified or replaced with something less redundant to Ember's kit, but Pull is one of my favorite first abilities, and the ability I use the most on my Mag. I would be pretty miffed if it gets changed significantly, unless it was changed to pull enemies only far enough to bring them into melee range. Honestly, I would like more of Mag's abilities to have similar effects.

  9. Saryn is overwhelmingly my favorite frame, so I am naturally opposed to her receiving major changes. Toxic Lash did seem very underwhelming to me when I first started playing her, but I have taken a shine to it since my playstyle on all frames shifted toward a melee focus. I have never really had energy problems on her, since I rarely use Miasma, and generally run with Rage and a high-range melee weapon to take advantage of the energy return on Toxic Lash. That said, I wouldn't mind if she was given just a little more defensive utility or a more intuitive toxin spreading mechanic on her spores, so long as those changes don't inspire a larger rework.

    I would like to see more work done on Mag, but she is far from being the weakest frame in the game. A high-efficiency, high-strength build makes her an efficient damage dealer, even if you just spam pull and go ham with melee, as I do. My main complaint with Mag's kit is that it is slow. Crush has an absurd casting time with fairly little reward, Polarize travels slowly enough that I often find myself charging ahead of it, and Magnetize has a tendency to linger and get in the way much longer than I would like. I have found Mag to be perfectly usable in high levels, but I don't find her to be as much fun as she used to be. I often joke that all of her abilities should just be Pull in different directions, but I would honestly find that more entertaining than her current kit.

    I haven't played Oberon or Ash, but it does sound like both of them could use some more attention to make them satisfying to a broader range of players.

  10. As previous people have mentioned, you can go ham with melee weapons on any frame, and that's pretty much what I do. If you find a melee weapon you like and figure out what each frame needs to do to survive, you can play that way on all of them. Throw on some attack and move speed mods, and you've got a party!

    As far as specific suggestions, Eternal War Valkyr and Abating Link Trinity are my go-to frames when I just want to spazz out with my melee weapons, since they let me play fast and hard and not worry much about taking damage while I'm turning Grineer into bloody graffiti. Valkyr in particular has an attack speed steroid, which can make up for slow attack animations, and Ripline to close gaps when you feel like taking a break from bullet jumping. I play Banshee and Saryn in a similar way, but I have to be a little more careful on them because they lack defensive steroids. Of course, Banshee pretty much needs to stay mobile to stay alive, and Saryn has a really good melee ability in Toxic Lash, so they are both well-suited to mobile melee play. If you have the energy to manage it, night-form Equinox with Peaceful Provocation works very well as a short-ranged bruiser. Mesa is a good tank as well, but it always feels like a bit of a waste to do melee runs on her.

    As for frames I don't really use, Jet Stream Zephyr, Teleport-focused Ash, Tidal Impunity Hydroid, Shield of Shadow Nekros, and Chroma all have skill profiles that might work for what you want to do. As previously mentioned, Volt speed builds are a lot of fun for melee gameplay. Rhino has a charge for mobility and a lot of defense, but I don't think he really speaks to the mobile fighter fantasy.

  11. I had never thought of Vacuum itself as a point of player progression rather than as a tool to achieve progression faster, and I like the idea. Perhaps the vacuum in a non-mod form could be linked to an early quest, like Stolen Dreams (whose current ending and nominal reward are so far beyond anticlimactically unsatisfying that I would prefer to have never done it)? It could be the first arcane available, especially if arcanes are given a minor rework so they aren't linked to cosmetics.

  12. When focus powers end the operator adopts the colors of the warframe's attachments for the duration of the power-ending animation, in which they fold back into the warframe. This happens every time I use my focus powers, so I assume it is a (probably unintended) feature rather than a bug.





    Operator in Transference state for reference. These are my operator's proper colors, but the warframe is using an unfashionable solid-orange-on-solid-black color scheme for the purpose of this test.


    During the focus power. Note that the operator keeps her original colors throughout the activation and use of the focus power.


    End-power animation. The operator uses the tasteless yellow-orange of the warframe's syandana. Baro would be ashamed.


    End-power animation. In this test, the warframe's default colors were used, no attachments were added, and the attachment settings were in their default state. These appear to be the default colors of the operator's various garments.


    I don't know if you will be keeping the old focus power animations around after the upcoming focus update, but if you do intend to keep it around, please fix this when you can. It's a small thing, but it very briefly irritates me every time a mission lasts long enough for me to activate my focus power.

  13. In the capture missions, were you trying the challenge before or after you captured the target? Even if alarms have not been set off, some missions types are set to the "alarmed" state by default, and that includes post-capture capture missions, defenses, and survivals at the minimum. You may want to try completing the challenge in a spy or exterminate mission, just in case mission type is the problem.

  14. I think it would be cool if there was a little more to the junction encounters, but I enjoy them well enough as they are. Admittedly, I am seeing them from the perspective of an experienced player who cleared the junctions after completing the star chart, so my impressions may not be relevant.

    As far as difficulty goes, I didn't have any trouble with the specters until one of them one-shot me as soon as I let the gate go down to start the fight. I believe that was the Sedna junction, though, so it makes sense that it might have a nasty surprise.

  15. I think they're fine to stick around, especially given the recent changes to make them less irritating, but I would prefer if they only spawned into missions after alarms are set off, since it doesn't really make sense that every Corpus facility would just have guys walking around carrying huge field generators and sniper rifles when they don't have an immediate reason to need it.

  16. I can certainly tell that enemies spawned or corrupted by fissures are more dangerous than regular enemies, but I admit that I only really notice the difference when I am using weak builds. I think it would be fine to make them a little more dangerous, but I would not want them to be made so much more dangerous that it feels like I am playing a different came mode entirely.

  17. After playing with it for a little while, I can say that I really don't like the Telos Boltace changes. My chief complaint, which I mentioned in an earlier post, continues to be the loss of the weapon's unique capacity for breaking crates, but I can say now that the Storm Path effect is actively detrimental to the Telos Boltace's combat usability. The vortex effect is okay, but the repelling move that follows will throw enemies well beyond my attack range, making what should have been a two-spin kill into a chore.

  18. 6 hours ago, Xrkr said:

    This is not how Maiming Strike interacts with Blood Rush.


    Maiming Strike adds 90% base crit chance to your spin attack. With an Orthos Prime, this would bring it to exactly 100%  crit chance.

    Further edit: This, obviously, does not include other sources of crit. Just Orthos Prime's base crit and Maiming Strike+Blood Rush.

    Following this:

    At the first combo counter step (1.5x) your crit chance becomes 347.5, well into red crit range, and only skyrockets from there.

    Pretty much why I stopped using Maiming Strike. It's probably one of the most brainless ways to play this game. Try it, have fun with it for a while, but try not to become too dependent on it.

    Thanks for pointing that out. It never even occurred to me that Blood Rush would work differently than other crit chance sources. That's pretty crazy.

  19. There's never really a good reason to drop Pressure Point from your melee builds, especially once you get your hands on Primed Pressure Point. If you want to keep Blood Rush on, I would recommend replacing one of your elemental mods with Organ Shatter, but I would personally prefer to remove Blood Rush, since the Orthos Prime base crit chance of ten percent makes Blood Rush's contributions fairly weak, even when maxed.

    I did some quick math below to show why Pressure Point is important to crit builds. Note that I did not account for the presence of elemental mods in these calculations, as I trust you can work those in yourself if you're interested. Also note that, though I included figures for second-tier red crit damage, your build has no way to reach the 200% crit chance required to proc those without an external crit chance buff, as from a kavat or an infeasibly high combo multiplier.

    65 base IPS, spin damage 144
    10% base crit
    2x base crit multiplier

    Organ shatter brings crit damage up to 3.8x.
    Pressure Point brings IPS to 143, spin damage to 316.

    Crit multipliers work by: (Taken from wiki)
    Damage Multiplier = Crit level * (crit multiplier - 1) + 1
    With Organ Shatter:          3.8 yellow, 6.6 red 1, 9.4 for red 2.
    Without Organ Shatter:     2 yellow, 3 red 1, 4 red 2.

    Standard Pressure Point, Organ Shatter combo will get a single spin attack crit to 1201, red crit to 2085,
    second-degree red crit to 2970.

    Without Pressure Point but with Organ Shatter, this is: 547, 950, 1354.

    With Pressure Point but not Organ Shatter, this is: 632, 948, 1246

    Without Organ Shatter or Pressure Point, this is: 288, 432, 576.

    Blood Rush crit chance:
    Base: 1.65 if maxed.
    Combo:    Crit chance:    With Maiming Strike:
    1.5            34.75             124.75
    2               43                  133
    2.5            51.25             141.25
    3               59.5               149.5
    3.5            67.75             157.75
    4               76                  166

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