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Posts posted by freeformline

  1. 11 minutes ago, Niliam said:

    So, I gave almost all of my stuff and platinum away when I choose to leave this game last time due to the stupidly insane despicable immoral grind this game have become.


    Now, I read on Steam review, the grind have been reduced significantly, is this true?

    If so, what do I need to do to catch up?

    I seem to remember that, actually. It was quite a show. If you think the word "immoral" applied to how DE was running their game when you left, you'll probably not find things acceptable now. DE has done some great work on Warframe since you left, but farming is still its main feature after you complete the star chart and quests. A few quests have been added, as well as a number of immersion elements and entertaining weapons. The relic system can make for a pretty awful grind if you are trying to collect new or unvaulted items, but the actual opening process is pretty decent once you have the relics you want. The sortie reward system has been improved substantially, and is likely to continue to get better. If you're serious about Riven mods, you'll likely find a lot of grinding in generating Kuva, but even that has been smoothed out a bit.

    Completing The War Within should be your first priority. After that, I would recommend completing the other new quests and picking up the new melee mods. You should also go for Nitain whenever a mission type you don't mind is offering it, and check the invasion list regularly, as special weapons have been moved from sorties to invasion rewards.

  2. It depends a little on the enemy level, but my Corpus loadouts are usually very similar to the loadouts I use for every other mission, just with slightly different elements. I usually run with a radiation Rakta Cernos/Vaykor Hek (depending on my frame) a status secondary (Akstiletto Prime/Pox/Staticor) with Magnetic, Gas, or Corrosive (if I didn't put Radiation on my primary), and a Magnetic melee weapon (usually one with good status chance).

  3. 8 hours ago, Methanoid said:

    equilibrium or at least a broken version should be made avilable to new players to help with the health problem for new starters.

    I had a damaged Equilibrium when I came back to Warframe a little over a year ago. It was essentially worthless.

    I'm a big fan of offering more ways for new players to keep their health up during missions, since that was my near-exclusive focus through the mid-game. I had to spend a lot of time Vacuum, health pads, and Rejuvenation before I was willing to play anything other than my Trinity. It didn't help that I didn't even find a Life Strike until after I was comfortably into the end-game.

    The energy economy was also pretty miserable to deal with, especially since the warframe abilities were a big part of the game's appeal to me. I had an Energy Siphon from when I first joined years ago, so I was at least able to do a little, but I probably would have quit if I hadn't had it.

    For now I just try to hand out Energy Siphons and Rejuvenations to any new players I meet in pubs and hope it's enough to keep them around.

  4. I believe there was a friendly fire option in the new nightmare mode system, but it was removed before I had a chance to play it. I was pretty bummed about that, honestly. It could have been pretty amusing to run with an organized squad.

    I would love to play your hardcore mode, but only if it was completely optional. My only requirement would be that frames are immune to AoE effects from other frames, since space void magic and whatnot. It wouldn't be any fun if nobody could use their AoE just because they had friends nearby and the game doesn't let us aim most of it.

  5. 23 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    One of the cool things about completing the Inaros quest is that Baro has unique dialogue when you trade with him as Inaros. 

    It would be cool if there were more stuff like this. Like in a RPG, a random NPC gives you a gift for being awesome. Or a group cheers you on for completing a certain quest like vanquishing that monster from that cave.

    Stuff like this would be cool, it could also depend on your morality level. 

    Or when you walk by, NPC's are gossiping by of your recent achievements (like "Hey, did you hear that Tenno killed that boss" etc) 


    Assuming DE makes more quests involving non-military NPCs, like the Mycona colonists, it would be really cool if they periodically visited the relays and reacted to seeing familiar frames or gave special missions.

  6. 40 minutes ago, (PS4)MLG_PRO_69_ said:

    I was just wondering what's the overall strongest bow that can take me the farthest on high level missions highest possible. Excluding warframe abilitys

    In the future, this kind of thread should be posted to Players Helping Players rather than Feedback, which is designated for giving feedback to DE, not to other players.

    As a bow-lover, I would generally say the Rakta Cernos is the best due to its insane charge rate, which opens a mod slot for more damage and makes it easier to use without stealth, and its syndicate proc, which adds a lot of damage and gives you energy. For stealth play that does not rely on the energy from Blight, the Dread and Paris Prime would be better against Infested and Grineer due to their 100%+ crit chance and slash/piercing damage. You can, of course, use the Rakta Cernos for stealth and sniping as well, but you have to be a little careful about timing your syndicate procs to avoid alerting enemies by killing enemies within their sight.

  7. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

    I think everything that can be said has been said on this topic. 😔


    ☆ Group A - feels it's Mirage basic needing rework.

    ☆ Group B - Wants to destroy SS.

    ☆ Group C - Enjoys or doesn't mind the build.

    ☆ Group DE - Isn't sure what to do.. 😂



    I think there is one more significant variation or elaboration to Group C: There is a group of people who appreciates other players trivializing their missions and believes they are doing others a favor by running things like the Mirage/Simulor combo. I'm in group B, but I can't fully discount the people who would be really upset if the Simulor was removed or hammered into acceptable shape. DE really has a tricky situation here. (Though I can't imagine many people would be upset if the audio/visual aspects of the weapons were turned down.)

  8. Anything that allows us to regain slain sentinels would be welcome to me, even if I have to build a million pieces of gear to make it work. I just hate losing my Animal Instincts machine right when enemies start to get nasty enough for me to really want it.

    I have also always wanted companions (or just sentinels if it makes sense) to benefit from defensive buffs (Link, Iron Skin) and healing effects (Regenerative Molt, Life Strike) on our warframes. That way, they would be able to stick around through almost as much as we are, rather than passing out the instant a Scorch looks at them, and when they die and cannot be revived, at least we would know that we could have done something for them beyond not going near enemies.

  9. I don't know about PS4, but the Neptune Mobile Defense has been the most reliable source of archwing mods and affinity for me, once you are capable of running it. When I was really working on my archwings pre-War Within, I was usually able to find a squad to run it with, so I could afford to bring leveling gear if I had a strong archwing or weapon.

  10. You're just getting bad RNG. I personally don't think I'm getting enough lenses (at least of the non-Madurai varieties), but there isn't anything to do about it other than to try to enjoy the missions themselves and not worry too much about the sortie reward. You're already getting a boat-load of affinity/focus and credits from most sorties.

  11. On 12/12/2016 at 2:41 PM, Yurinaga said:

    Speed Holster


    What options are left to you when:

    1) You don't have Life Strike
    2) You're not a Warframe that can heal itself
    3) You're not using the Rejuvenation aura
    4) Enemies don't drop health orbs by default
    5) You still can't find Medi-bot or...
    6) You have no pizzas?

    You've got some good points! The two I left in the quote above are the ones that have bugged me since I (re)joined last year. Holster speed is abysmal and it makes me wonder why we have a designated secondary/sidearm class rather than just a second gun slot. If anything, I think that you should be able to rapidly draw your sidearms, so they work in a pinch, or use a quick-secondary option much like the quick-melee, again so you can use it when your primary is out of ammo or won't do the job. That, or just make holstering much faster.

    The lack of healing and the awful energy economy of the early game almost turned me off from this game a second time, but a combination of wanting to play Trinity and spite for the game I was coming from kept me going. I try to hand out Rejuvenations and Energy Siphons to as many new players as I can, but I would really prefer if there were just some innate mechanic of the game that would reduce the attrition element of the new player experience. It could be as simple as giving every frame an innate health and energy regen stat, so you can chill out and get some back if you find yourself at a wall in a mission. Maybe you could channel some energy directly into health? Just about anything would help, honestly.

  12. It sounds like you understand what I was getting at! The ability would certainly require some simplification to run efficiently. As it is now, it could well be too intense for many computers to mix in with the rest of the game. You could say it is too digitally extreme.

    6 hours ago, userutf8 said:

    3. It will possibly cause lags (especially with big power range) and it will depend on lags (can behave unpredictably). 

    This is actually a very good point that I had not thought of. FPS drops or lag spikes would be fairly unforgiving if you were relying on the ability, so any implementation would require either a wide response window (which could make it too easy to use most of the time), an inborn mechanic to guarantee that a mistake would not be instant death, or some sort of client-side calculation of response. I have heard that the upcoming music frame has a step-sequencer in its kit, but I don't know enough about it to say if that would have any technology relevant to this discussion.

    As for the ability still being spamming or being potentially overpowered, that is something that would have to be worked out. If the ability can be essentially infinitely stacked, it might dominate the frame's gameplay, especially if it required frequent re-activations, and requiring you to remain near the original casting position to maximize the effectiveness of re-casting would limit the player's options in a game that is supposed to be unique because of its mobility. If you were to really want to go with the resonance idea, you would probably want it to interact with Banshee's other abilities, either in an amplifying way, as Saryn's kit works, or by allowing the casting of other abilities to bounce/recast/resonate the wave. That would, of course, probably lead to high-efficiency Sonic Boom/Soundquake builds, which would be pretty chunky to play unless Sonic Boom were made one-handed.

  13. I agree that the energy economy needs a touch-up, but I don't think it should be solely due to overabundance at high levels. As a new player, getting enough energy to use your abilities more than a few times per mission is an ordeal. I probably wouldn't have stuck to Warframe if it had been much harder, and I was lucky enough to have nabbed an Energy Siphon from when I first joined back on update 8. For a long time, most of my goals in this game were focused on getting a workable energy economy, which is a large part of why I wound up playing Trinity for most of my intermediate levels.

    If nothing else were to change, I would wish for every mission to begin with full energy. It is nonsense that we start with our tanks on half-empty, especially when we can just drop a quick consumable to fill it all up when we load in. We don't start our missions missing half of our ammunition, so why start with only a fraction of our energy pool?

    Other than that, I would add some baseline energy regen stat to every frame (though some might have a stat of zero for whatever reason, if DE thought it would add to gameplay), and then balance pads, orb drop rates, drain effects, and powers accordingly. With luck, that would let new players feel that they could actually afford to use their powers and it would offer some flexibility in builds later on. If every frame had an inherent energy restore rate, you could even make room for mods that increase the regen rate, or balance other regen abilities (Zenurik, EV) around that statistic.

  14. Interesting. I've never actually seen the time show up, and I have run several missions in which the squad kept playing well over ten minutes after the last enemy was killed. Admittedly, I cannot confidently say any of these missions were somewhere other than Lua (on which we were working on the challenge rooms), so that my just be a local exception.

  15. Maybe it would be called "depth" rather than "z offset" to avoid confusion. I think it would be a solid idea, especially on those frames that have fairly detailed surfaces. I just wonder how well it would work with animations that substantially distort the angles on the frame's surface.

  16. Primed Reach is probably my favorite mod. The instant I put it on one of my melees, I was ruined forever. Now I never go without it. I own a few melee weapons that I cannot justify putting it on, and I simply do not use them.

    The runner-up for non-augment mods would probably go to Concealed Explosives.

  17. Not a bad idea for a thread. It's always good to get context when discussing divisive topics.

    1. My attitude toward (Synoid) Simulor Mirages is very negative, but not so much that I will ditch missions before extraction options because of them (though I might if there were three of them in one mission). It should be noted that I hate simulors in general, but the Mirage makes it substantially worse.

    2. My favorite frame by a huge margin is Saryn (Spore/Toxic Lash builds mostly), currently followed by Equinox (mostly Calm & Frenzy Night form) and Banshee (Savage Silence). I also frequently use Trinity, (Speed) Nova, and Nyx as necessary. I usually try to match my frame to the mission at hand if I expect it to be difficult or if there will be a strong focus on some variety of farming. I currently only own the female frames. I mostly run melee (Lesion, Secura Lecta, limited use of Telos Boltace and Rakta Dark Dagger), then favor status secondaries (Pox, Staticor, CE Hikou Prime) over my primaries (Rakta Cernos, Vaykor Hek, Lanka), though I use my primary substantially more than my secondary when playing Banshee.

    3. I am never happy to see a Simulor Mirage in one of my missions, but I don't usually mind them too much in all but the highest level survivals, since I can simply stay away from them then. I am least happy to see them in defense-style missions (defense, MD, and excavation) and linear missions (exterminate, capture, assassinate). In the former case, they will usually trivialize or prevent all of my weapon play (I can out-damage them with abilities on some frames, but it's boring as spit) and ruin the audio-visual experience of the game, and in the latter case I will see only a few enemies, since Mirage is faster than my favorite frames. If there is an exception to my universal loathing of Simulor Mirage, it would be in Vay Hek and Kela de Thaym assassination sorties, but even then I wouldn't exactly say I am happy to have them along.

    4. I generally prefer endless missions, especially survival. I loathe interception and mobile defense. These days, I mostly run the sortie of the day, then run void fissure missions (endless, if available) or farm relics on a defense or excavation node. I have yet to run a trial mission, and I can't say I am tempted to.

    5. I usually run public matchmaking if my friends aren't on (they rarely are at the same time as I am), and tone down my more overwhelming builds accordingly to make sure I am not spoiling everyone else's fun. I run most of my non-endless, non-fissure missions solo.

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