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Posts posted by xoxcloudxox

  1. You're doing 12,358,216, not "123.582160" as you clearly said. Commas go a long way, buddy.


    Anyway: HoM shouldn't buff the damage, so this is clearly a bug. HoM just creates clones and the clones themselves do an extremely small amount of damage.


    I hope they patch this soon.

    there is a red 0 under the other numbers.

  2. I have her, if it's her 4th ability you're referring to then it's not op at all. It is strong, especially against low level enemies and will clear away trash, but the damage is nowhere near pre-nerf nova and probably still doesn't even approach current nova. That's my opinion at least. All of her abilities are good, none of them are excessively powerful. Doubles draw fire, for example, but they don't block bullets so if a corpus with a detron starts shooting you're still gonna take plenty of damage. 


    In the hands of skilled players this frame is like me giving you the master sword.

  3. I would hardly call what DE did to Nova a nerf.

    If they make any changes to mirage she will still work fine.


    Besides, apparently there is no RNG involved in acquiring mirage in the first place.


    yeah its quite straight forward to obtain her to be honest, im just too lazy to run the mission.

  4. Kubrow - kill jackal on Venus, get mission from codex, go to elara Jupiter and do surv for 5 mins. Instal incubator next to arsenal. Buy incubator power core bp from market, build it(require argon), go to earth e prime and keep killing kubrow dens until it drop egg. Go to incubator again.

    Mirage - buy "intercepted message" bp from market. It need argon and orokin ciphers found in derelict vault. Don't know what next.


    Thanks Rob.

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