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Posts posted by (PSN)Exia0321

  1. With over 50 frames and 100 weapons per slot it is about time DE allows us to custom arrange/order our items. 

    I want to be able to place my frames and guns in a specific order so that I can find them quicker. 

    Yes I know there is a search feature, but who can spell some of these weapons.

    Seriously, I dont feel like participating in a spelling bee when I am trying to find that new melee weapon.


    Also, can be get a "unequip" button in the Arsenal for weapons. 

    • Like 1
  2. It is counterintuitive to have to abort Duviri missions as the ONLY way to exit without doing the Worm fight. 

    Plus, when I do abort to extract I am not getting ALL the intrincics and items I earned. 
    I have tracked and checked this several times, I only keep about 60% of my rewards. 


    DE you need to do better. 

    This is your 3/4 open world. In each one you added an extraction portal.

    How many hotfixes will it be before you add one?

    • Like 5
  3. On 2019-07-06 at 11:06 AM, Gabbynaru said:

    Endgame is a stupid concept anyway, way more limiting than freeing. I enjoy the current endgame of "do what you want, when you want, how you want, cause you now have the power to do it" much more than something that you have to repeat ad nauseam for minuscule chances of some barely better loot.

    Thank You VERY MUCH!!!!!


    You are not alone in this thought!


    I love so many of our Youtube community members...but I have gotten sick of this annoy request for an endgame (looking you Life of Rio). 

    I am glad DE refuses to give in to their boring notion of an endgame. 


    Your right the current endgame of do what you want, when you want and how you want" is the best. 


    Hence to the OP...I do not want caps on power level. 

    I want to create an op Limbo (yes there is such a thang) and go straight JoJo on them damn Grinner.

    • Like 2
  4. DE you have in your recent updates answered so many prayers of this 4 year veteran so first 


    My next request is that you allow us to custom organize the list of Warframes when we are in Aresnal. 

    I like the option of Most Used but since the system factors in my entire history that means at the top of that screen are a bunch of normal frames that I have not touched in 3years (man I mained Nyx just because of LOR and NightmareLOR).


    If we cant get a custom order then please give us the option to arrange warframes in order of most recently used. 

    "Last used"--this really would be what I want, just list the frames in terms of the order I most recently used them with the most recently used appearing at the top. This would push to the bottom the frames like normal Nyx that I no longer use (but have logged tons of hours of use in my 3years).


  5. On 2019-03-03 at 8:21 PM, --Leyenda-TorrasqueChan said:

    Warframe fighter

    Ohh hell yes to this...

    I would love to do Warframe fighter with others.


    I am not trolling but sorry folks...one person's trash is another person's treasure. 

    I love the addition of these challenges. Yes I admit it is a collection of tedious time sinks...but man some of us are really okay with this.


  6. On 2019-03-02 at 4:27 PM, torint_man said:

    If you think alerts were better for someone like you, you are deluding yourself. One is at the complete mercy of RNG with that system, and it only gets worse the less time you have to play the game. In all likelihood, you can get most of the weeklies done in 2 hours (you only need 65% completion), and the dailies stack up to 3, so you only "need" to log in once every 3 days. Expecting to have to dedicate even less time than the little you need to is asinine, as the RNG alert system was replaced with a guaranteed system. Of course you'll have to spend a decent amount of time to earn the rewards.


    I agree.


    And to the OPs other point..srry bud I play the game religiously (4-5hrs a day) and I would have a hard time collecting Nitain.

    THe old Alert system was RNG based on time.

    This is way better.  

  7. On 2019-03-07 at 1:05 AM, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    Typically a good rule of thumb for high level survival missions is that once you start to hit your limit you should find/locate Extraction then camp near it as enemies very quickly start scaling into 1 shot territory after 1 hr.
     I've somehow stomached helping my friends do this challenge and at 50 Minutes I tell them to head for extraction but stop 1 or 2 rooms away from it.
    Once the timer hits 61 (to be safe) minutes we extract.


    ^^^That is my standard operating procedure when I do long surivals with randoms. 

    I use Limbo as my man...yup buddy proud of it. 

    I have insane range and just bubble the room right before extraction. 


    To the OP I would also advise using recruit chat to get a 3rd buddy..really there are lots of vets who Kuva farm and would have tagged along with you guys.

    I know thats what I was doing.

    I was in recruit chat yesterday giving 1hr taxis to randoms who wanted to do this challenge. 

    I made over 12 "friends" since I had many who also needed to do the 1hr with a fiend challenge. They just added me as a friend before mission starts, I made sure we had at least 1 Nekros and boom success. 

    Limbo's passive negates the concern of taking damage as you look for the exit. 


    Yes, that Kuva map is awful--you could just blame that for your loss.

  8. 17 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

    Hey now, EA and Bioware worked very hard over 6 years to turn those consoles into paperweights.  The least we can do is show the appropriate amount of appreciation.

    I sent this message to 2 people who I know are now scared to turn back on that paperweight creator game..

    My boy said Bioware created a game so scary he refuses to play it again. 

    But we all know he is not scared of the game content...but of the game itself. 


    Now back t to farming Kuva--I am on 500k and hope to hit 600k earned by end of this week.

  9. See, 

    1. I loved the difficulty of the Riven challenges and I wanted more. 

    2. I am loving the difficulty of some of these NightWave challenges and I want more

    Some of these suggestions are not challenging...

    We all know DE is reading these forums and taking notes so lets give them true challenges.


    if your scared of these suggestions coming true--message me on PS4 and I will carry you through OR we will fail together (cause I am not that good, I just like a good challenge). 

  10. To the OP...


    I will join your fight...eventhough Zephyr is my bottom used frame.

    I admire your passion. 

    I appreciate your logic.

    Okay no really, 

    I just want more flying and umm yeah Zephyr should fly. 


    So come on DE lets get that augment mod that gives Zephyr flight. 

  11. "People dont get the roses when they can still smell them"


    This new Nightwave update really represents why I tell folks to give Warframe a long look.

    You folks are not willingly to add new layers that just keep the game fresh.

    Yes they have flaws.. aint no company perfect. 


    Too easy to throw shade to that EA-Bioware dreck killiing PS4s right now.


    So Thank you DE is enough

  12. I love going through memory lane. 

    4year vet here

    Mag was my starter frame...I felt she would be challenging to learn and use. 

    I switched frames as quickly as I could because I really could find one that fit 

    UNTIL I found

    L I M B O

    Oghhg the glory that is Limbo.an 

    I used Limbo for all other missions...my clan even allowed me to bring him to our old Tier 3 Survival runs (man I miss those days).

    I love Limbo...

    Ivara is my 2nd most used (after Limbo)

    Nyx Prime is my most used prime (from my days of LOR Raids and Jordas Raids)

    Vauban Prime yup for the same above (seriously for you new folks know that Raids IMHO were so toxic because folks would DEMAND that you only use certain frames... and for me Nyx and Vauban were the ones that I HAD to USE) 

    Trinity Prime  (same...ughh I hated Raids)

    Mesa---the first frame that made me feel like a true-killing-machine.

    Then Gaurda first cause she is more violent Valkry but also cause of the Bloodshed Sigil--it is so sweet.

  13. Yeah funny thing was it was NOT during an Atlas bonus....

    I had the 3 Atlas during a Oberon bonus (so yeah I was pumped...since that is who I like using in these AA survivals).

    and I have seen Atlas often in several AA survivals but I never seen him anywhere else. 

    I guess I was checking to see if there was a new meta about him that I had missed.

    Didnt he get a rework or something recently?

  14. I so agree!!!!

    I want more riven slots

    Can I add Rivens have been the biggest reason I try out old weapons that I had just treated as Mastery fodder.

    Rivens have given the game for me as a 4year vet another reason to go through and try things out. 


    I do want uliminated Riven slots. 

    I am cool if it cost plat to get more slots...I got tons of plat and rivens have become the only thing I feel interested in spending plat on.

  15. 23 minutes ago, (XB1)ObiWanBeernobi said:

    Umbral Nidus - for everything that I need dead

    Hydroid Prime -for levelling up weapons. Corrosive barrage is a God sent.

    Rhino Prime -when everything needs to die except me

    Harrow -when everything needs do die and I don't mind dying.

    I like your thinking for me its...

    Octavia== for everything that I need dead

    Saryn= for leveling up weapons.

    Nidus/Inaros-when everything needs to die except me.

    Yeah...i go with Harrow or Wukong--when everything needs to die and I dont mind dying. 

    I only die with my Wukong becacuse I get so caught up in blood lust that I forget to refresh my defy and Harrow gets me so focused on headshots that I never seem to see that Lv 110 bombard rocket aiming at my prayer beads

  16. I love threads like this...positive disucssion of fav frames is so much more enjoyable than bashing of frames. 

    I also love hearing the communities different viewpoints 


    #1 Limbo--his playstyle is EXACTLY the way i play all games (even when it doesnt fit). I love strategic attacks over brute strength. 

    2-Ivara--Invisible 1-shot sniper without the need of a sniper weapon. Yeah sign me up.

    3-Mesa: I hate aiming...wait you are giving me an aimbot as a 4th ability. Plus when I use my Zenith I get a wall-hack tool...wow! Where were these tools when I was doing Counter-Strike back in the day.


    Nyx is my 4th most used frame according to the game. But alas her and Vauban (my 5th most used) are so in need of updates I no longer use them. 


    Then I rotate between WuKong for up close killing

    and Equinox/Octavia/Saryn because they allow me to nuke things from afar.


    Man I have too many favorites. 

  17. 7 hours ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

    but so many of us mod our weapons and frames to obliterate maps I wonder how many of the "leechers" are actually just tenno that have given up trying because the MR22 Saryn is massacring the enemies so fast.

    I love these debates. 
    I will continue to push my belief and hope it is accepted as official practice---I dont care about leeching...DE should give Tenno who carry others through missions prestige and in-game screen credit 

    I was once a weak Tenno...I am now a strong Tenno...no better sign of my greatness than to carry 3 others.

    I have no problem with leeching...DE (and other games to be honest) just dont give me enough credit for carrying the squad. 

    I want DE to give in-game credit to Tennno for completing things like i.e. solving a spy room. Let the team know that it was I and my 6-forma Supra (with CC+ CD+ MS+ riven) that ravaged these foes. Go ahead and fish...DE should give me credit for carrying you while you fish). 


    Let me give a sports example cause to illustrate my larger point. 

    The Cleveland Cavaliers (an professional NBA team in the US...for my non-informed Tenno) is the greatest example of leeching. 

    There was only 1 person on that team that did ANYTHING to help that team  get to the championship finals (yes they lost 4 out of 5 times recently) and that was Lebron James. The rest of the Cavs leeched off of Lebron's skills. 

    But in professional sports, the leeching of the sucky Cav players (looking at you J.R. Smith) is sign as evidence of the greatness of the 1 good player on the squad. We give that 1 good player tons of credit. We put their name in lights and celebrate how that 1 good player carreid the rest of the team. 

    Thats what I want DE.

    Thats why this leeching issue is a non-issue. 

    Enjoy the fact that you are sooooo good that you can complete a 4-person mission using only 2 people. 

  18. 35 minutes ago, Daziri said:

    Would be nice to "mark" specific items as "favorites", so we get a bit accurate on player profiles and what the corresponding player prefers to play which IMO would help personalize players; tank player, supports, casters, melees, cc etc.

    Yes this is a great feature that I hope we get soon. 


    My most used is Limbo and since Limbo Prime came out I have been hell bent on getting him to my top 3. 

    The slow process to get him to my top 20 has me confused as to how this "most used" is calcuated. 


    But an option to mark your favorites and then arrange your arsenal would be greatly appreciated. 

  19. So right now on PS4 and I am debating with this random in a Kuva survival. 

    He is trying to tell me that using a Resource Drop Chance Booster (RDCB) actually affects the rate at which the Kavat gives you the charms.


    I am saying no dude a RDCB only affects drops from enemy kills.


    Who is correct here?

  20. I must admit when they first came in game  I was against them.


    But I have to admit it they do give me a reason to go back and relook at old weapons. 

    And there is no denying that rivens have boosted the Plat economy in-game.


    What were/are the issues with rivens again?

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