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Posts posted by (XBOX)ForsakenMoon13

  1. On 2023-10-05 at 1:01 PM, AxilliaPrime said:

    i am pretty sure the idea is to be able to earn everything necessary to install an incarnon genesis adapter, namely the adapter AND pathos clamps purely from playing warframe content - the circuit.

    rather than forcing people who like warframe but hate melee drifter to engage in that soulframe alpha test upstairs, just so we can get our warframe gear, from actual real warframe content.

    yes, correct, i am complaining that they DON'T llet me "$$$" for pathos clamps, but force me to play soulframe pre-alpha instead of my space ninja game.

    You're missing the point that the addition of the rivens is to have an *evergreen* reward, something that always has a potential value to a player. Pathos Clamps have a very *limited* use, totaling at most 1460 used just to get one of everything (unlocking drifter weapons, applying incarnons to *every possible variant*, building kullervo twice and rauta once). If you use plat to unlock the drifter weapons and only want to apply incarnons to one weapon variant out of every type, that drops down to 620, and will drop even further if you purchase Kullervo & Rauta once, or even if you decide to buy Kullervo twice. So eventually the need for lots of pathos clamps will run out. Now, the Duvirir vendor already has evergreen rewards for pathos clamps for those that like doing the Duviri open world content, in the form of being able to buy exilus adapters, arcane adapters, forma blueprints, potatoes, kuva, and a riven mod.


    Meanwhile, Circuit currently *doesnt* have an evergreen reward, hence the addition of 2 riven mod choices in addition to the incarnon genesis adapters.


    also, there's been no indication Duviri is meant to be some "soulframe alpha test". You can dislike it all you want, but dismissing it as something it isn't just devalues your entire statement.

    On 2023-10-05 at 7:06 PM, Mixnek said:

    Unless you increase the riven cap. we have no use for more rivens we can't store. 😔 There are around 2.5x more possible rivens than available slots (180). And every update with new weapons makes it harder to decide, which rivens to trash - rivens, that we spent hours and hours on farming for. It's inconceivable why the capacity doesn't increase with total weapon count. ⬆️⬆️⬆️

    Veiled rivens have been uncapped for months now, if not a year. They start counting against cap when you slot them into a weapon to generate the challenge and unveil them. Until that point, you can have as many as you want.

  2. On 2023-10-01 at 7:36 PM, (XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom said:

    I'll channel @PublikDomain and say Pathos Clamps. Can buy Rivens among other things from Acrithis with them.

    So instead of adding the option for two extra rivens per week, you would rather get a resource that is thematically tied to a specific enemy that already drops a decent amount for what you need them for, in order to be able to buy one extra riven per week? 

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  3. On 2023-09-28 at 4:16 PM, (XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom said:

    Most of the changes seem great, but being able to get a riven instead of an Incarnon adapter isn't very spectacular. Like it's technically an improvement, but I'd appreciate a better pool to pull from.

    The rivens are meant to be an evergreen reward so that those who have already gotten all the incarnons have usable rewards for continuing to do the content, rather than having two 'dead' slots each week. They're not replacing any adapters, its additional options to choose from.

  4. Are they just not available seperately or is the link just set up wrong? Cuz I'd rather not get the bundle with the $260 statue that I don't really need or have a place for in order to get them if I don't have to. Also I wasn't entirely sure where to put this so I put it in Off Topic.

  5. And while we're at it, remove the 100 room limit. There's already a built in limit in the room capacity due to there being a limited number of halls and only being able to build one of each type. An architect mode will let people rearrange the dojo and remove any unneeded rooms without having to destroy everything else built after it. For example, under the current system, if someone wants to remove a room built near the beginning of its construction while at the room cap, it would take 8.3 DAYS to deconstruct everything, and that's if they queue up a room for destruction as soon as each previous room is finished without any lost time in between.

    Furthermore, an architect mode would let people reorganize a dojo and have a cohesive idea of how it's laid out rather than just random rooms. It could work if the person with architect permissions was the only person in the dojo, and maybe block access to the dojo for a few hours while it 'rearranges', similar to how rooms being built cant be entered. View would maybe be a grid system overlay kind of like the map, except with layers so you can build different floors using the elevators.

    Anyone else in agreement?

    Edited to add: In the example above, for someone at a 100 rooms, if they do take the 8.3 days to deconstruct everything and rearrange it, it would take up to 3.5 MONTHS to build it all back up due to 24hour build times unless they rush it.

  6. this...isnt the anniversary event though? thats next month. this is for unlocking bonuses FOR the event. It's not meant to be a big thing, hell, its stuff that was basically guaranteed anyway because it involved killing basic units of each faction and some vaulted relics. this was literally just to give people something nice for the weekends leading up to the anniversary.

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  7. yessss. i have wanted this for ages. it'd make things so much easier, and i could get rid of rooms I dont need anymore from when I was first building the dojo, but cant dismantle now without destroying everything else.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Telluric said:

    There are a few guides that are cross-platform. Not many, but a few. If they want to guide on both platforms, they are allowed to.

    Guides don't get picked often. The program is currently undergoing some changes, but once they're done, I would keep an eye out for announcements. Probably won't happen for a long while, but I wouldn't lose hope.

    Ah I see. And yea, I was just curious about if there would be one soon, as I've been wanting to apply for a few years now, just keep missing the announcements. Been playing on Xbox and just started recently on playstation so was curious about whether both would be eligible or just the xbox account, if I can apply next time they recruit more.

  9. Has there ever been a guide that plays on more than one platform, or are they all single-platform players?

    If a person becomes a guide and has an account on Xbox and PS4, do both accounts get labeled as Guides of the Lotus, or just the older one?

    Also how often do new guides get picked? (I keep missing the announcements because I keep looking for them in-game rather than on the forums XD)

  10. Yes, being able to reorganize the dojo would be extremely helpful. And while we're at it, can DE please remove the arbitrary 100 room limit? It vaguely made sense when Dojos were client based but now they arent. And if they want a cap on building, there already IS a hard cap coded into the game in the sense of the capacity, which has a maximum amount you can get. It's frustrating to be building stuff, have over 250 capacity remaining, and then hit that 100 room limit and be unable to build anything anywhere.

  11. 3 hours ago, DesFrSpace said:


    Cool, might be Player Featured!

      Hide contents

    Low Guardian, 7 Principle,  and Lua is what I am reading.                                         UMBRA was here! :P

    Player Featured?

    as for your guess, nope, nope, and somewhat related. :P

  12. If this isnt the right area for it, just let me know and I'll delete and repost it in the right area (or it can be moved if possible).

    Anyway, from time to time I like to do competitions in my clan for various prizes, and came up with a riddle based competition. I havent gotten ahold of the last few pieces for the prizes yet, but I wanted to post the riddle and see if it's at least solvable on what to do by someone other than myself. (I chose here rather than the subreddit mostly because to my knowledge, none of my clan members read the forums) (the prize, if i can get ahold of it, is intended to be an Ember Prime set with slot and potatoe, and Maiming Strike, for those curious)

    anyway, the riddle:

    Many brothers orbit the dreaming path. One is smarter than the others, and guards the nightmares VOICE. A PRIZE to be had, but yours, or mine?

    Traverse the TRENCH of the SLUMBERING world, where all life is ruled by two. Six sisters grow amongst the weeds, thier equal COLOURS to combat the GLOOM.

    Three spires guard the gates, lest dreams be sundered and a shattered sky made WHOLE ONCE MORE. Make haste, for your end is nigh and the tide is rising.

    Four ROUNDS must you face, before the final path will open to you. Your JUDGEMENT is upon you, and there is no one left to RESCUE you. Let the GAMES BEGIN.

    Empty and barren, pressed in on both sides, five lords SCREAM thier rage, control and vengeance wreaking HAVOC in thier realm. Thier GLUTTONY will PURGE the system if left unchecked.

    The sixth giant in your WINDING WAY will claim to help you, but his lies will only SABOTAGE your steps as his WRATH BURNS inside. His BLOODLUST is without end.

    They will LEAD you on your way, but be not SLOTHFUL, as others will be seeking the path as well, and be not PRIDEFUL, as even if there's no other in sight, they may not be far behind.


    You found the place now know your task. Those that are fallen must match he who fell. Let GREED not consume, let you not be BLINDed by Hate. Complete your task and return to me, thus incite ENVY.

  13. The new force revive says "hold X to revive" but in actuality it triggers if you so muchas tap the X button. Twice ive died as soon as I go to reload and it eats the revive amd cost me roughly 24k affinity in total.


    So it needs to actually be a "HOLD to revive" and not a "barely press this button and get revived and lose affinity immediately"

  14. I decided to practice the MR24 test now that it is available on consoles, and encountered a bug. Basically, I completed the test with less than 10 seconds on the clock, and Lotus started her success speech, but the timer didnt stop counting down and reached 0 while I was in the kneeling down animation, triggering a fail and causing the results screen for a failed test to come up. When clearing away the results screen it leaves you locked kneeling down in the test area, where you cant move the camera or pull up the menu to abort and so the only way out was to forcibly close and reboot the game. 


    Figured I should submit a report about it so that it gets fixed by the time people are able to take the MR24 test for real on xbox and not just practice it.

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