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Posts posted by timster7

  1. MOAs are badass

    not unless you use radial disarm on them and a rod sticks out of the top of there head which glows at the tip. I call them "light sticks" lol.

    Loki really does need an over haul on there abilities

  2. masamune.jpg


    HeavySword- Rare


    Armor Piercing damage 25% 

    Ice Damage 15% 


    Based damage - 75

    Fire rate 1.2

    Accuracy 100

    Base charge damage 300

    Base charge speed 2.5sec


    Polarity 18px-V.png



    Can hit multiple enemies at once.

    longer range then the gram.

    Random element AOE damage jump attack.



    Since the designers have the ability to create weapons from looking at different concept lets see if steve or a weapons designer blow our minds away with this concept.

  3. Currently, we only have two snipers, and I often wonder while playing, why only the Snipetron and Paris? I think a wall-piercing railgun is in order. Perhaps with inherent puncture properties, but a charge-up time and a fairly slow firing rate. I'm sure that this has already been suggested, but I feel that it would be a good functional complement to the current snipetron, which has a moderate firing rate.

    Damage: 150

    Puncture: 4.0 Meters

    Charge Time: 0.6s

    Magazine Size: 2

    Reload Time: 2.0 seconds

    Fire Rate: 0.8

    Special Property

    X-Ray Vision Scope?



    Doodle is meant to reflect corpus design of highly angular weaponry.


    Another weapon to look at:


    Great idea

  4. I think sheriken should have a cone aoe with primary damage on a target but then again that would make it to powerful but compared to frost ability it isnt that bad. I say reduce the energy cost to 15 on all first ability but then again I'm asking more from Warframes then they can deliver lol.

  5. Hello,


    Just noticed, there is collision system for warframe with npc, for bullets/arrows with npc/warframe, but there is no collision system for warframe with other warframe. Basically you go through other warframes like a ghost. But this is not the case with npc.


    It wold be nice to also add collision system for warframes with other warframes. More immersion and less annoying game physics/mechanics. Also more friendly with the eyes.

    no we don't want your collision malware that pushes other warframes away lol. :b

  6. Who thought it was a good idea to give a SINGLE ANCIENT the ability to STUN LOCK a player? I would really love to hear the justification. That doesn't make a good game, that doesn't even make a game playable, as you are merely the part of an inanimate punching bag in a pretty world.


    Change this. Its bull and you know it.

    it is a concept of design that might be irritable but its something that takes time in getting use to. the idea depending the amount of time let say 5 seconds. You adapt to this concept by rooting for your team mates on keeping you alive which will help you grasp the feel of team work. 

  7. So, honestly I'm not joking, but does anyone else has issues with trypophobia in the infestation levels? I get extremely uneasy feelings when I look at the weird infestation things on the walls. Would it be possible to have an option to turn them off?  

    I can understand that, its best not to run infested areas because you will get that sense of looking at the infested the same way. It wouldn't be easy to say that this game is right for those who haven't train themselves to stomach the graphic feel of unnatural designs but I assure you, that the goriness of this game is not for the weak stomach. Also it might have some explicit content to if you consider people wearing spandex explicit.  

  8. I don't know , a slot for warframes/weapons, a Orokin Catalyst/Reactor, ammo box or anything else.


    Obviously an appropriate reward for each level.(Players who are already, for example, level 6 will get the rewards of mastery1/2/3/4/5)


    Just an idea, what do you think?

    How about a pat on a back and congratz ?

  9. So I was thinking. We have these awesome ninja abilities so why not have a special "training" area to hone are skills. Practicing how to aim while running on walls and learning how to master some really neat acrobatics while not being murdered by enemies or going to Mercury and seeing hardly any way to really effectively master gameplay with creative play.

    Thoughts? Comments?

    Free roaming a whole base with level  of areas to explore. loading each level in a loading screen and messing around while afk at certain parts and taking your time without the feel of rushing a mission. I think that is what you mean right ? Constant hordes spawning in certain areas without auto aggro, just like an Area map to join in on. 


    I think the problem is that if they did that no one will be doing mission runs anymore lol. Unless they do a unique world map base that is huge enough to support a high player base but i think lag would be the issue for this one.

  10. Or a mod that fits the ability slot for ALL the warframes, automatically replacing the skill that you aren't using Why would general utility skill be warframe limited? Sure this would mean that we'd have to limit the amount of skill mods you can have at your suit to 4 but that's the way it pretty much is already

    It should be an item used at anytime in a mission 1 time use as a comsumible. 

  11. Washpole one from FFVII?..


    Is that an insult to FF...

    Cause I happen to like those games very much. :|

    the blade of a Masamune is around 4 to 5 feet in length. 


    Not to mention, Sephiroth is the only one who can weild this blade. :P


    I also think that Square Enix or whatever they are now own that sword.

    Could be wrong though.

     Japan intellectual Property if crafted with real steel.

  12. Yeah, the rewards feel like they actually go down on later waves (could just be despawning while we fight tougher enemies, I suppose).


    Why do you need ash's abilities anyway? You get a set when you craft the frame.

    I didn't know that I'm currently crafting the set atm so i figure i find the mods before hand.

  13. Swapping places with an enemy or teleporting to your decoy is useless. I think the tactic you just explain is something that doesn't work out like you explain and you don't need to be in the middle of a mob to use radial disarm. Second the Harry potter wand stick sticking out of the top of the Moa proves the inferior design of an ability animation which is made by amateurs  The team who made this game aren't amateurs so I'm sure if they notice they would of felt the same way.


    On another note: The current ability set up can be used to annoy other players not help because you can radial disarm a mob and have melee mess up a pretty good defense if they didn't have a good crowd control ability like decoy. 

  14. Then what does drawing the bow fully do?

    (also, what happened to the downvote button?)

    It does seem kinda silly that drawing the bow only seems to increase damage, without affecting arrow velocity at all.

    they need to add an animation to Paris with the bow being fully drawn back making the arrow look like its creating a sort of a sonic boom surrounding the tip of the arrow. 

  15. It seems that the ascending reward for rare drops doesn't happen anymore on defense. So I ran a mission half of the day trying to find the ash ability for teleport and blade storm but it seems to not drop at all. Running Valefor can get tedious with the frame rate issue happening atm.    

  16. What about more advance feature which might be hard to implement. Just like metal gear solid which is distraction points. Let say you fire at a object on the  map like a turret and it falls to the ground and breaks all the grineer or corprus will gather to the area and check it out or shoot an object which falls and smash the npc as an obstacle trap. For the infection blowing up little egg pods where they will gather and feast on so you can take them out as a horde without relying on an aoe all the time. 


    Also I notice infected doesn't have an alert like the corpus or grineer they should add a screeching warning so that people know that stealth is broken on infection map. 



  17. Would love some kind of an enhanced lobby system.  Improved chat window would help too considering how often pugs I've been in miss chat after a mission.  Very talkative ingame, then when picking next mission, no conversation, once the mission starts responses to all the chat during level selection haha.

    i should add on the pre flight idea is choosing the schematics and lay out of the mission starting point.

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