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Posts posted by PopGligor

  1. On 2020-06-26 at 12:57 AM, yarl5000 said:

    The tile is just Grineer Sealab so they just have a facility underwater on earth. Earth still has water in the future that Warframe takes place so makes sense to me there would be at least one underwater facility on earth still.

    Totally, it's just that I kinda like every planet having an unique tileset that is associated with that planet. In a way the Uranus open world map is the one I am excited most about because it just has to be interesting

  2. Marianna on Earth has the Uranus tileset. It seems to be un porpose, as its mouse-over card also shows the Uranus tileset but... it feels out of place. That tileset is Tyl-Regor's lab and I think it warrants some explanation. Right now it basically makes Uranus and Earth feel like the same planet, especially after spending some time farming the node.

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  3. Not a fan of the survival suggestion. Survival is all about killing, not defending an objective. We already have multiple game modes that revolve around defending an objective. Defense moving between tilesets will just make the game mode mobile defense with hidden loading screens, it won't add any challenge. 

    Grineer shields/corpus armor also isn't good, because then you don't have to mod around fighting the grineer or the corpus, you'll just use universal weapons for both. In fact, DE should go in the opposite direction - corpus have so many shields that if you don't mod around dealing with shields, you'll fail, and grineer have so much armor that if you don't mod specifically for them, you'll fail. Maybe consider adding new units - for the corpus you can have tough moas with an aura that makes everything around them immune to gas, toxin and viral procs.

    Hostage in rescue - not a fan of it, it'll make it a more generic escort mission that will be more annoying than challenging.

    Spy missions failed on alarm is a good idea. But make it *any* alarm.

    Enemies blind firing on invisible players is good. Also taking damage should break invisibility, but that's just in general, not for the hard mode.

  4. On 2020-06-13 at 6:29 AM, _R_o_g_u_e_ said:

    This is the most disgusted I have ever been with warframe. I did the quest, I sat through the grind. All god damn night. When I finally had her pierces I tried to build her.

    Thousands of Carbides and Copernics. Weeks of god damn grind. Across both of my accounts I’ve been playing for nearly three years in total. I’ve seen you guys do some back handed stuff but this is a whole new level. 

    To think that I was done, only to realise I have literally weeks of farming ahead of me has really got a chip on my shoulder.

    No material cost for a build should ever take weeks to get, I am so disappointed in you.

    One thing I love/hate about Warframe is the ability to skip most grinds. You can just farm relics, sell your items for plat and buy warframes that way. I've done it for some that I can't be arsed to farm the way DE designed the farm. It is a weird system and I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand it's good because I can do something I enjoy and skip content I dislike. But on the other hand, it enables DE to get away with some atrocious farms. Although the Protea one isn't that.

    • Like 1
  5. I think the old way of locking access to different void game modes was better - you had keys. More or less, players dictated what they had access to. Now, the game tells you which fissures you can do. This is my MAIN complaint. When I want to do exterminate fissures, there's a huge difference between the game saying I can't and I have to rely on RNG to be able to, and the game telling me "Just get some keys and do them". In the latter, the agency is mine, I don't have to pray the game lets me play it the way I want.

    The game mode can be endless, or there can be multiple void fissure modes that are locked behind keys. Just like how current granum void is locked behind different tier coins. It's so weird to see DE go back to the old void design, because deep down they know it was perfect and they only changed it to solve an issue that wasn't even a problem. DE fell for a developer meme, where devs think it's their job to dictate how you consume their game. Blizzard did the same with the latest WoW expansion and it might go down as the worst expansion in the game's history.

    The main benefit of the old void keys is that you could select what you wanted to do. You could target specific keys if you wanted to do these modes. And now you can't. If I want to farm Axi exterminates and there aren't any up, I may have to wait HOURS until I can do what I want. But there's no way of knowing. And this is the worst part. 

    The system can be changed a bit to allow for player choice. Instead of having random fissures, why not have entire planets face void storms. When a planet has a void storm on it, ever mission node has a fissure on it, and players can select what they want. Then the level of the fissure is based upon the relic you select. That way we can still have prime farming around the entire solar system, but we can also at any time select any more we want. And it'll be perfect.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Majkuss said:

    I disagree. I think fissures are fun especially when you play like defense, survival, disruption which it makes kind of dynamic and challenging in some ways. Also you can talk with your teammates and I usually have a lot of fun when doing any of those endless missions. 

    For SO / ESO and the Granum Void that's the boring part. Usually when I do SO / ESO I afk through it. Playing EV is like the most active role when in group since you have to play to keep the energy up. As for Rhino I just buff for 65s and alt-tab to like FB or 9gag. As far as Granum Void goes.. that's even more boring when you can just Mesa the whole thing. It brings zero excitement to the game. The only fun thing about SO / ESO is the talking with other people. When no one talks, it's boring as hell and I just like sleep through it. 

     Want I want to say to this is that a enemy random spawn is kind of bad. At the early waves you have to control the speed of killing enemies so you don't accidentally don't kill too fast resulting to fail to open a fissure. Or what happens quite a lot is that all fissures spawn around 1 member on the other side of a map while the 3 other members don't have any enemies around them. So some tweaking should be done but I think this mod is otherwise all well done. 

    Survival fissures are my favorite type to *play* but due to the reward being every 5 minutes as opposed to every ~2 minutes for rescue or capture, I really don't like doing them to burn relics. This is the main issue I have - the different game modes simply cannot serve the same reward. Because then it becomes all about how much reward you can get per minute. And even if survival fissures are fun, they are 250% less efficient way of farming relics. 

  7. Since U19, DE has added plenty of new modes to the game, which sooner or later end up feeling completely vestigial. Fissures were added to diversify the maps we visit. Kuva floods serve the same point, but unlike Kuva floods, fissures are just a mess. They are, in my opinion, not a good mode.

    There are many aspects to the problem - the timed nature of the fissure, combined with the game mode can only discourage you from running fissures. The only fissures that are worth running are exterminate, capture and rescue. So if there's none of those up, I feel like I might as well not pop a relic of that quality at all. 

    Just look at the modes we've got recently - sanctuary onslaught is fun! The new granum void is especially FUN. I think ideally fissures can work much like the granum void - where the fissure opens and we enter it, kill enemies and pop our relics open. 

    Right now the mode is just chaotic, enemies spawning randomly, too much flickering going on and it really feels outdated. And this is one of the main modes of the game, definitely one of the most played due to the rewards. At the time it came out, it solved a problem that only existed in DE's heads. Yes, we were only going to the void, but we were having fun. Now you have 2 modes mashed together, incentives that can only punish you, and a mode that really just isn't fun. 

    I want relics to be fun. I want them to be a mode I look forward to doing. The granum void has novelty to it, and probably that's why I find it fun, but... ESO is still fun, even after like a year or two since it was released.

  8. 2 hours ago, krc473 said:

    General Discussion is not a place DE tends to look. So, you are wasting your time. 


    Post it in the correct place if you want them to see it. Feedback is probably a good place. Try it, no one cares if you have an archived thread. It is still more likely to be seen if you post in the correct place.

    TBH I just want more people to notice it. Because it is ruining everyone's gameplay. Some just don't notice it on a conscious level how bad it is. Or underestimate how big of a deal this is. More players need to be made aware about how bad this is, how damaging to the eyes it is, how it ruins Warframe fun. When DE removes it, everyone will notice their game has just become better. They may not realize why that happened, but they will all notice they are able to play for much longer without their eyes burning. I post here because I want players to notice. 

  9. Fissures flicker. Everybody knows this. If you ever get eye strain from playing Warframe, it is the fissures. The effect is ugly and has no place in the game. There is no excuse to keep this effect in. Depending on your settings, it can only get more intensive than what I show in this video here. This is fissure flickering with the least possible intensity. Remove it.

    Back when U19 came out, some epileptic people were saying there was something wrong with the update and they had to quit the game. It is a shame this is still unadressed when it is in such a major part of the game. This was just as the update came out and everybody was doing fissures, and they thought the lighting was messed up. But it's not the lighting, it's the fissures. No, this effect isn't light from the fissures. It works by causing the brightness of the entire scene to flicker. I cannot believe it's been like 3 years and this effect is still in the game. It's as if DE doesn't play their own game.

    I've made threads about this before, being much nicer, but I don't think that works. This effect is ugly, and it should be removed. Or at the very least, there should be an option to remove it.

    Yes the video is old. The effect is still in the game. It damages people's eyes and it is ugly. It adds nothing. No excuse to keep it in.

  10. People are just bored - it's been almost 7 years that we're fighting the exact same enemies. Warframe has always been pay2win, but that's fine - if someone pays to win, that makes your squad stronger, and there is no real competition in the game, so who cares...

    There just isn't any... content. Yes, there's 69 million weapons to farm but once you get the one that you like, and Hunter Munitions, and you obliterate everything... why would you farm the other ones? Once you have your favorite warframe, that feels just right, dishes out massive damage and is unkillable, what is your incentive to farm all the other frames? The only one is... mastery rank. Mastery rank is also the only limitation to the game's pay2win elements. But what if you don't have to care about mastery rank, what is then your incentive to play the game?

    For me it doesn't exist. And that's why I lurk around and keep to myself instead of crapping on other people's parades. But this is why the community is becoming more nagging and negative - there is simply no content. You have PoE and Fortuna - look gorgeous, but it is braindead content, not challenging at all. You go there to just gather your resources to get the weapons you don't need because you already oneshot everything. Both are balanced to be accessible to new players, so they cannot be balanced to be challenging to old players. And this is why Warframe is stagnating - nobody feels like they need any of the new "content", because they already delete the entire map when they press left click. The reason to farm a new weapon is its ASMR qualities, not its actual power.

    My point is, there is too much player power, and zero content that can challenge it. The problem isn't the power, the problem is that DE focused too much on giving players new tools and new power, and not enough on making content where that power will be needed. The minimum level of Fortuna enemies should've been 100 for the easy bounties. New content should be made to be challenging to the people who have beaten everything that preceded, not the people who started playing last week and still have 6 years of game to get through. But it will not happen. Warframe right now is amazingly fun on an empty account. There is challenge, there is the possibility of failure, there is progress. Since the Ignis Wraith was added 2 years ago, I haven't felt like I need to get any new weapon - the ignis destroys everything still. And this is a problem. More than 2 years, no feeling like I've progressed, at all.

  11. From that point of view, the new mode might be better. My issue is that the way the reward structure is set, and how at least I perceive relics, I feel discouraged from doing most of the modes. The only endless mode worth doing is Excavation. For opening relics in general, capture or rescue works best. As I have infinite amount of relics, I just want to burn as many of them as humanly possible in as little time as possible. I miss the resource management of the old system, the encouragement to push yourself to maximize the use of a key - stay as long as you can in endless, or seek out all the caches in sabotage, that part.

    Tbh, I'd be happy if I was able to open a relic at the orbiter for 50 traces. That would greatly improve my relic burning efforts.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Emolition said:

    Unlike doing the same 40+ wave defense mission 100 000 times for only mission worth doing?  I will take relics over sitting in same defense all day.

    Tbh, all it would take to make relics legit interesting would be an element of resource management that old keys had. You were pushed to do as much of that defense, because the key for it was kind of rare. Right now, one relic is one item, no matter what you do. And you get more relics than you know what to do with, so it really comes down to currency per minute, which is just boring. There is no real element of resource management. I don't think the current system is better, because even if you're visiting different missions, each of them plays out exactly the same, and none of it has any value. One of the things the system was trying to fix is that people didn't farm their own keys, all of them were leeches. But the current system encourages the same behavior - you don't need to go and farm the relics you need. Just burn random relics and hope to get the Ivara Prime parts (which you'll get, of course) from someone else. Due to the ability to pick other people's rewards, your own relics kind of don't really mean anything. My main complaint is that none of the steps involved in this system mean anything. You might as well have a random chance at receiving a prime part at the end of any mission and it would be the same.

  13. I have 2 main issues with the relic system. They've been here since U19, and have caused me to quit multiple times

    There's too many relics, and opening relics is just boring. 

    The prior system made prime farming feel special, the void was special, it encouraged you to do the best you can in a mission, because your keys were finite and relatively rare. Now you're showered with relics, more than you can possibly use, and on top of that, opening them is just doing the same old modes, just with more enemies in them. It's really boring, I'm sorry. The way it is right now, I don't want to open relics, unless there's an exterminate/rescue/capture fissure active, because all the other ones simply aren't worth the time. It is all about your relics per minute, and nothing else.

    So this is where my 2 suggestions come in. The first is to add a dedicated void fissure mode. Let's say it could be about finding an "orokin forge", loading it up with relics, and then powering it by defeating enemies, or doing something else, to open a relic. And let's say players can load up the forge with more relics, up to 3 per player (so popping 12 relics at once) which will scale the mode's difficulty up, but it'll allow you to burn relics.

    And the other is a much simpler suggestion - let us spend void traces to instantly open relics at the orbiter. Players will have to balance refining against just burning relics (burning will win by a landslide), but also balance the fact that they'll only get the rewards from their own relics, they won't be able to pick other players' rewards.

    My relic inventory is depressing me. I want to burn my relics, and every time I try I just want to quit warframe, knowing it simply won't ever happen.

    • Like 1
  14. Right now, and for the next hour, Mariana Lith Fissure will load the Submersible tileset. Ever since Railjack's release, matchmaking has been a mess 😞 Invasions matchmaking sending you to the wrong node, forcing you to solo them (which isn't hard, but it's a co-op game), and now the totally wrong tileset reliably loading. If there's one node with this bug, there's surely more.

  15. 20 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

    You mean the one whose permanent invincibility and infinite energy remove all archwing gameplay mechanics other than the DPS of your gun? What a great endorsement of the archwing system!

    Mate, this is the entire Warframe game right now - everyone is invincible and the only thing that matters is DPS. This is why people complain every time some rebalancing happens - DPS goes down, and there is literally nothing else that matters. Remember the damage rework that didn't happen? Yeah... nothing outside of DPS matters. 

  16. Further on the crashing issue - with TAA disabled, I did eventually crash, but it was after almost 2 hours of playing.

    I don't know about the connection issue in the Orb Vallis. I know others have spoken out about it, but I usually play solo there.

  17. 1 hour ago, Tovon said:

    ^ Excessively unhelpful reply which apparently doesn't understand the words it was trying to read.

    However lets not leave out how some stances require you to use RMB which also puts you back into gun mode and makes the combo impossible to perform. I agree with your post, there should be some way to toggle full melee mode without the unwanted intrusions of guns.

    Block combos still work, you just have to hold RMB after you begin the combo. To the best of my knowledge, there is no combo that begins with a block.

    In the settings, under controls there is a setting addressing this exact thread - it's called "melee with fire weapon input"

    I personally really like this change because it does what it set out to do. Initially I thought some parts didn't work - like zaw exodias. Then I... you know, learned to play. My favorite thing now is to slam attack enemies in the air and then shooting them with a shotgun. It's really fun.

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