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Posts posted by PopGligor

  1. There are a few problems with your calculations
    One is that you assume endo hasn't gone down in plat value since before it was implemented and we were still using fusion cores. But it has, through the influx of new players, through the influx of people farming sorties, through the addition of the ayatan statue alerts, through the addition of amazing endo farms, through the fact that the more you play, the less endo you end up needing, as you max out your mods. Actually, just as the game is aging, endo is bound to drop in value, especially as most players by just raw numbers won't try to max out all the mods, they'll just spend endo on what they need.

    The upper end on an anasa statue is 17-18 platinum.

    If people followed your advice and everyone decided to stop selling anasas at ~10 platinum a piece, and jacked up the price to 45, nobody would be buying them. You're suggesting a controlled economy that wouldn't follow the principles of the free market, rather than doing what is sensible, which is finding out how the market operates and discovering how to manipulate it to your benefit. 

    It doesn't matter what any calculations show the market has to be. It only matters what the market is.

  2. 18 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

    The amount of Endo needed for the mods and Forma for pretty much everything (frame, Skiajati, Exalted) will keep me busy. I agree, there could definitely have been more. I'm also a bit disappointed with the lack of Helminth; still serves no purpose.

    Overall though, I enjoyed it.

    Steve's alluded to DE working on the Helminth. I think it being mentioned in the quest serves a purpose. Before the release of Sanctuary mode, on a devstream they were discussing the rewards and Steve said, paraphrasing "People are throwing ideas around, maybe the reward can be this or that, and I say 'No, this is a reward for the Helminth'". Something's coming, definitely.

  3. 9 hours ago, mrrobotto67 said:

    I always wondered why they did that last change to saryn to begin with xD

    Because her meta was incredibly boring. There's a common understanding in game design that if you give players a dominant strategy that requires zero effort to execute and is terribly boring, they will often pick it over actually having fun. Then you compound that with multiplayer games, incredible competition in this field, if players are bored with a game, they'll leave. So just purely as a service, you don't want players to have boring dominant strategies.

  4. Exalted weapons inherit the mods from your relevant weapon slot. Exalted blade inherits melee mods, artemis bow inherits primary mods. Titania's weapons inherit both melee and primary. I really like exalted weapons, because they're like an extra weapon slot. For me, an exalted weapon is a huge benefit to a frame.

  5. The main problem with Oberon is that you have to play the game and pay attention to benefit from him. You need to be around him, to stay on his grass and receive his healing to get the armor buff. On the other hand, the Oberon needs to combo 2 skills to strip armor. That's not meta. If you have to press buttons and pay attention, it stinks. That's the current meta. Trinity can restore your energy or heal you and give you damage reduction and you don't have to pay attention. Press 2 and everyone has their energy maxed. Press 4 and they're all healed. Very deep gameplay.

    This is my main issue with Trin - she makes it so everyone in the squad doesn't have to pay attention to anything. They can just derp around and blame you when they get themselves killed or run out of energy. Not so with Oberon. That's the rework I think Trinity needs - to make it so people around her have to be vigilant to receive the great benefits she gives.

    Oberon is great and he's simple. But still, he's far too complex to play for meta.

  6. OP clearly doesn't deal enough with riven mods. You get some cakewalk challenges and some that are still a cakewalk but you need the right loadout for. I don't get the complaining, really. Sure, if you compare 2 random rivens (your and your friend's), you'd get such disparity, but when you start doing sorties and start getting many rivens, it all blurs together. That's why empathy levels are low in this thread - that's the case for all of us. There's a defeatist thread running through OP's comments here. He doesn't take his riven challenge as an opportunity to learn the game, rather he's complaining that unlike his friend's, OP's game asks to be played. Why play Warframe in the first place if when the game says "play me, challenge yourself" you go on the forums and complain.

  7. I remember that test. Found it easy, because early on I loved playing Warframe in the exact style this test demands - no stealth skills, just watching where enemies are and picking them off one by one while the rest aren't looking. I did it with a melee weapon, not a glaive. A few tips - kill enemies while they're far away from each other and with their backs to one another. Enemy field of vision seems to be slightly higher than 180 degrees. Enemies can never hear a stealth finisher, but they will react to the dead body. Don't rush it, too. Take your time to learn their patrol patterns. It's an easy test.

  8. I'm not sure if the immediate effect on the market will be negative. Nobody is buying the Soma Prime right now, or the Scindo Prime for that matter. There's so many much better weapons that are way easier to obtain. Sure, the Soma is a great weapon, but it's not an AoE weapon and AoE weapons are the best. That's what makes melee so good - all melee weapons cleave. Nobody types "WTB Soma set" in trade chat, because why would you spend plat on a mediocre weapon. Sure, it's probably the best automatic rifle in the game, but automatic rifles are not all that good in general. It's all about weapons that can clear whole rows of enemies in one shot. 

    It's also a 3 year old weapon and I don't think there's anything wrong with giving away 3 year old gear for free. The Scindo Prime is even older. It's not like they're giving something that was just released or something valuable. Just because something is good doesn't mean people will buy it. There's so many great weapons and frames that are hard to sell nowadays, because *everyone has them already*. If you want to make plat, you can't be sitting on 3 year old weapons and expect riches. Not in a game that's constantly adding new and objectively better weapons. 

    The Tenora is at least equal if not better than the Soma Prime and it's objectively easier to obtain. This is why nobody's buying the Soma anymore. Get with the times. It's an outdated weapon. Both the Soma and the Scindo.

  9. Imo health regen makes the whole HP/shield system redundant. You have 2 frames without shields and both of them can heal themselves. In Warframe, like in the original Halo, your health is split in 2 parts - one that regenerates over time and one that doesn't. Want regenerating HP in PoE? Take Harrow. Problem solved. He has like no HP and massive overshield.

    Again, this suggestion is made while ignoring the game's mechanics - you have health restores. Craft them, take them. It's dangerous to go alone.

    Also, Warframe is a co-op game. If you don't want to craft health restores, and if enemies kill you - get a buddy to come along. There's a great selection of frames that can heal you one way or another. 


  10. There are quite a few things to consider:

    This is a free game. There needs to be a good value proposition for spending money on it. This is offset by adding time and chance to farming which can be skipped by paying. For me, the farming isn't boring because I just enjoy shooting and slicing enemies. But almost all warframes are sold in the market and their value comes from the effort it would take to farm them. If you had to kill a boss only once to get all the parts for a specific frame, why on earth would anyone buy them in the shop?

    The early game should serve as a vetting process. It should be honest about it is. Warframe is a grindfest. It's honest about it, right off the bat when you start it you know what it'll be about. If they change the early drop rates to being such that it takes zero effort to farm whatever you want, it'll attract new players of course, but those would immediately leave when they see the prime farm, or try to farm Nekros (which you get by farming a boss that requires a key each time which has 1 hour crafting time). Those players will feel cheated when they find out they're actually playing a grindfest and that's not what they signed up for. 

    With an easier farm, new players may never have to learn how to actually farm, how to look for what they need and how to maximize their efficiency. This may increase their frustration when they're faced with lategame farming. The main goal of early game isn't to attract players. It's to prepare players for the lategame, and in a grindfest you can only prepare your players if you actually tell them they'll have to grind. Kill bosses again and again in hopes of getting the items they want.

    I don't buy the benevolent "but if the game was made like I say, it'll attract more players" when Warframe has proved itself to be quite attractive the way it is. This is a very successful game, so the obscure mechanics, the farming, the time it takes to obtain stuff - those obviously work. There's no reason to suggest that if the game was more attractive to people demanding instant gratification (i.e. children) it would've been more successful. 

    It's definitely not a perfect system. Especially now when getting some prime frames is much less of a hassle than getting their nerfed versions. Farming Nekros is kind of the least offensive thing (if you solo farm him, you'll have to spend 10-20 hours in crafting the keys alone, and you can't craft bundles). Farming Saryn is a crime. I've never done it. I have Saryn Prime, she's easier to farm. Getting Vauban is the worst. Vauban Prime is immeasurably easier to get. 

    However, it's been getting better. Warframes are getting locked behind a quest, with a very small farm on top of it. Every frame we've gotten since and including Inaros has come with a quest. 

    So no... I don't think warframes should be easier to access. 

  11. The Sonicor doesn't have self-damage. Use it with a Hall of Malevolence Mirage and you'll have the same fun. Adding self-damage to the Tonkor was the right thing to do. It was too powerful. It had earned its name as the Noob Tube. Now it's a fun weapon that doesn't make you seem like an absolute noob when you're using it. It's a good change.

  12. Why is that the people most vocal about the focus changes know only of energy overflow and shadowstep. Nobody from the Unairu or Madurai school has anything to say about this. Every single thread is just about shadowstep and energy overflow. That's the problem. That's why focus needs to be reworked, even if it wasn't to become about the tenno's combat abilities. Nobody knows 3/5 of the focus schools. Nobody even talks about them. Well, people know Vazarin gives you instant revives. Maybe they wouldn't if it wasn't for the tip on the loading screen. The forum discussion is an exemplar of how broken and boring focus currently is. It's good to change it.

    Ivara is incredibly overpowered as she is. She's a rather interesting case, because she makes spy missions trivial, but to farm her, you have to prove yourself at spy missions. So by virtue of having her, you've proved that you are a master at spy missions, so you've earned the easy mode. Which I don't mind - you proving yourself to be the master of the game's challenges and earning things that objectively make them easier. That's fine. 


  13. 18 minutes ago, ReynoldsXD said:

    Fun is getting ruined here.

    You have the option to opt out of power regen. You can scale the game to your liking.

    No, it isn't. Maybe the problem is that Zenurik is such a meta build, that people adopted it without learning the game, without exploring all the other options they have. As I said - you have endless energy without it, too. So what's the problem?

    And no, it's not about options. Energy runs out, sure. But so do bullets and HP. Resource management is part of the fun. As I said - decent energy regain over time at a decent cost is good. Having it at no cost at all is not good. It effectively removes choice from the game. 

    When you have a game that lets players essentially get cheats for free, and you give us the option to opt out... sure, I will opt out. But I'll still end up playing with people who didn't. People who don't know the basics on how to play the game, because it's given them so much "fun", that it never bothered to teach them how to manage their resources, how to survive and how to make effective choices. Warframes are already powerful enough. If you want to feel like an immortal space ninja, just go to a lower level planet.

  14. I haven't tried it yet (as I was relying on pizzas until recently), but you can use Equilibrium. In theory it should work, especially if you equip a kubrow. Equipping a companion that can get damaged should allow you to pick up health orbs and thus allow you to regen your energy even if you're at full health. This is my next thing to test out. Also it's expected that some frames will excel in solo play, while others will excel in group play. That's not a problem. People wanting infinite energy are given infinite options and are still saying "But that's not what I wanted. This only meets 99% of my criteria, it's not good enough"

    If you want energy, you can have all the energy you want with no effort. There's zero need to trivialize energy further. So far everything in this thread is people trying to come up with scenarios in which they can't recover their energy. 

    A game is all about working around the mechanics. If you don't have to work around the mechanics, there's no real game to be played. You won't be able to make choices that matter, because everything will play the exact same. Sure, the particles of different frames will be different, but if we equalize everything, then when do you get to make a choice? You already have unlimited choice about energy, and you still refuse to do it. So it's not fair to conclude that the underlining thread here is that there should be less choices to make and you're masking it under the guise of "but it's about more choice". When you even out everything, when different frames don't have different advantages and disadvantages, there's no choice to be made. You're not trading anything for anything. And these trades are the only choice that matters. 

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