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Posts posted by PopGligor

  1. Nullifiers and bursas are the only enemies in the game I've encountered that require a change of tactic. Usually, that means slide melee attack into the nullifier to take him out immediately, or a well targeted bullet jump to drop right on top of him and still kill him in an instant. I don't think they were designed to be challenging, I think they were designed to quickly change the pace of the game.

    Like headless kamikazes in Serious Sam - they're not a challenge, but as soon as you hear their scream, they become immediate priority. 

  2. On 6/2/2016 at 4:11 AM, 321agemo said:

    Honestly scanning has multiple benefits already:

    - knowing enemy stats and weakness

    - Mod drop locations

    - Location of enemies

    - identify weak points (using helios mod)

    - Lore elements.



    That being said, i wouldnt mind having some kind of innate bonus, like +5~10% additional affinity on completed entires.


    One huge benefit for me would be to make the Cephalon Suda syandana glow permanently on full codex. Is that too much to ask :s 

  3. A major way of getting master is the so-called "mastery fodder". Those are equipment pieces you level up to 30 just for the mastery. Once leveled, you sell them for credits. Go to the market and buy some weapon blueprints for credits and craft them. In your arsenal when you go to equip primary and secondary weapons, on the list of things you'll see some weapons you can buy right away for credits - level those up first. 

    If slots are an issue and you want to play for free - do some low level void, get some prime parts and sell them to people buying prime junk. You can easily sell 5 for 8-10 plat, meaning you only need 10 random parts to get 2 weapon slots. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Btabc said:

    I think this is standard with all accounts.  Some sentinels use more slots than others so getting them all you MIGHT have to buy more (not too sure about this).

    Buying slots isn't the issue. I just wanted to make sure those that I got were legitimate and not due to some bug. Thanks for the replies! 

  5. I started playing a while back, took a break and came back about a month ago. I remember before I took my break, I didn't have any sentinel slots. Coming back, I never checked until I started crafting the carrier prime a few days ago. I checked and I had 7 or 8 slots that I don't know where I got. Can someone explain what happened? Is this a bug or what? 

  6. Regular Ash is very easy to get. All parts drop in the first part of Law of Retribution. I got them all in my first (failed) run there. It's not that hard to get a party for newbies going. I'm assuming many will be up for Ash farming as well.

  7. I don't really like exterminates *in general*, but syndicate exterminates are an exception, because of the ~8 items hidden on the map. Because of the limited nature of standing, hunting for these 8 items makes the mission interesting. Also when I'm fooling around and take my time with a mission, exterminate can be fun - trying to headshot people with the paris prime, trying to not get noticed, despite playing valkyr and not a stealth frame.

    Deception is downright boring as there's no payoff to what you do. You don't get to notice any change from you uploading that thin on the enemy's computers. 

    Sabotage is fine, it feels like there's a payoff. You blow up the reactor and everyone comes chasing you as you're trying to get to extraction. I like it. Corpus sabotage has a bunch of extra objectives to make it interesting and void sabotage has cache hunting which is great.

    Mobile defense is meh. Mostly because defending the terminal is almost never an issue and the mission becomes a waiting fest.

  8. I don't think nullifiers designed to be a challenge. That would be bursas. Nullifiers an enemy that demands you to change how you approach things. There's also a reason they have a bubble and not a shield - because they're supposed to provide cover for other enemies. I think they're one of the better enemies in the void.

    I think Warframe needs more enemies like this. Enemies that demand you to change your tactics. In the void there's so many enemies and only 3 types that affect how you play - nullifiers, bombards and healers. Everything else requires the exact same approach, the difference in enemies is more cosmetic than essential. 

    I think there's a problem with their script in later stages of void/corpus missions where too many of them can spawn at once, making the concept of them being a priority kinda useless. When everything is a priority, nothing is. They should join bursas and juggernauts as special enemies that spawn rarely and are always announced by Lotus. Which should also affect their spawn rate. 

    I think the void altogether needs a more varied enemy roster in terms of gameplay. Derelict and grineer missions do it much better. In my opinion, grineer are by far the most fun tilesets to play because of how they work as enemies. 

  9. I think the reason for vaulting is that without it, there will be too many items in the Void's drop tables, making it *too much* RNG and giving players lower chance of actually completing a set. As time goes by, unvaulting *everything* simultaneously will make farming for a specific thing a mess because one "key" will have way too many items attached to it. It's already better to farm derelict for some particular prime items (trinity bp hint hint) because it has less primes in it, giving you a better chance of getting what you want.

  10. Don't let SJWs cloud your judgment, padawan. OP just wanted a bulky female frame and there's nothing quite wrong with their request. Two criteria have to be met

    1. Design has to be cool
    2. It has to have a purpose beyond just being a bulky female frame

    While Warframe's design are amazing, it's often hard for me to tell some warfarmes apart while in a mission. I can distinguish their abilities, but many silhouettes - male and female - are very similar. What Overwatch does, and it is vital in that game as opposed to Warframe, is design every character to be immediately recognizable. I think they went the extra mile and added unique step sounds for every single character. 

    I think that Warframe is moving in that direction as well. There can be only so many interesting designs based on relatively realistic bodies. Inaros and Titania both have very atypical looks. Regardless of OP's motivation, I don't think anyone reasonable can mind a bulky female frame as long as it's a cool frame and makes sense. Gina Carano frame

  11. 54 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

    Question is, how will this affect multiplayer? Like if you have players that have varying levels of residuals, will each get separate drops, or will the highest take preference?

    The way I understand it, the reward from the projector is separate from the mission. You do the thing, then go back to your ship and see what your reward is. 


    29 minutes ago, (PS4)Nocure-fd said:

    So, if we install a projection in the ship and charge it by running the void tear, will there be any point in staying in a survival/defence after the charging is complete?

    From the way I understand what they said in the dev stream, there won't be survival/def/etc for farming prime parts. The current void will remain as a place to farm argon crystals, won't require keys to enter, and won't drop primes. The new system will come with "it's own gameplay where you actually interact with the void" as they said. From this I infer that it's a totally new mission type that they weren't ready to show last time.

  12. Here's my entry for the contest. Originally I planned to have all 4 queens but I didn't have the time to draw the last one and it's time to get back to work. Trinity was supposed to be the queen of hearts. As she was the most obvious, I decided to do her last if I had the time. For the rest, it took me a bit more thought to figure out which warframe I would use for each queen. I'm not gonna explain my decision making, but I think each matches her card. 



    Here's individual links to each card in higher res. Not going to imbed them as images to keep this post kinda short.

    Saryn as clover
    Ember as diamond
    Mesa as spade

    Hope you guys like it :3

  13. I read on the wiki Derelict defense can drop prime stuff as its 3rd reward. As I can solo it easily, I decided to make it my place to farm for a trinity prime bp, which the wiki says drops there. But all I'm getting for now is some Alad V items. Does it still drop prime stuff or is the wiki wrong?

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