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Posts posted by Cryssoberyl

  1. 4 hours ago, Awazx said:

    I'm beginning to suspect, after several tests, dogs (even being in the same race) have different 'personalities' that reflect different AI behaviors (more or less effective in their abilities).

    Does such a thing is possible or is it just a bad perception? Does anyone else suspect this?

    You're attributing to artifice what can adequately (and accurately) be explained as poor coding.

  2. All kubrows are useless, and I say this as a breeder. The only point is trying to hatch ones with interesting aesthetics. The fact we can't command them to attack a specific target, or to follow close and avoid combat, or trigger their abilities, is ridiculous. Real dogs respond to commands, let alone genetically engineered, partially technological space dogs designed to support Tenno in combat. But nothing will be done, not even after Kavats are added to the game (they'll be awful too, of course). We still won't be able to breed while using one. We still won't be able to use more than one at a time. Pets will still be the most clunky, unrewarding and neglected system in the game.

  3. So I've been using Mesa a lot since the rework. Really enjoyed her, especially with the Shooting Gallery change. Thing is, I never really noticed a big damage bump from using it, but the CC is great, so I just assumed the damage bonus was doing what it was supposed to be doing. That has changed.

    It started when I had the thought, "You know, Shatter Shield and Shooting Gallery actually make Mesa pretty good at closing safely to melee range. But does the Shooting Gallery damage bonus affect melee?"

    As usual, it isn't clear. The wiki says the SG bonus affects "weapon damage", which sounds like it should include melee, but given Mesa's nature as a gunner frame, it wouldn't be a surprise if it didn't. There's no clear information...

    ...so I went to the simulacrum and began trying to test it out, but even with 220% power strength - a supposed 55% SG damage bonus - my results were inconsistent. Sometimes it certainly seemed like my average hit count with it on was lower than with it off, but nowhere near the amount that would suggest I was doing 55% more damage.

    However, then I started testing it with rifles too, and here's where things really became an unpleasant surprise. Testing with both Soma Prime and Supra, things needed roughly exactly the same number of shots to kill with SG on as with it off.

    Then I tried testing Peacemaker, and had the same result. Whether SG was turned on or off, kill time was the same.

    Tried pistols, same result.

    At the moment, it actually seems like Shooting Gallery isn't providing what it promises in terms of damage bonus, if indeed it's doing anything at all. What's going on?

    UPDATE: Apparently it's just a much smaller bonus than it seemed due to how its calculated. Please ignore if this is the case.

  4. I have more than 100 hours in the game by now, but I only started playing recently and still consider myself rather new. I understood that the new player experience was a little lacking, but various forums and the wiki helped flesh most of that out. I even forked over $25 when I got a discount for a daily reward even though I'll only ever use it for slots and cosmetic items and I didn't hesitate to do it.

    These bursas have stopped my progress dead in its tracks however. I read to jump kick them but they get right back up before I can land and attack them at all. Slam attacks have no effect either. A single bursa spawned from alarms in a Corpus mission means I WILL fail, guaranteed, no doubts about it. Doesn't matter how much corrosive or magnetic damage mods I install, I die before putting a single dent in them, and in a few minutes solo-ing I'll have used up all my revives and I fail the mission.

    Bursas in normal missions make the game unplayable solo and extremely difficult even when partied. They're killing my progression not to mention fun - they're orders of magnitude more difficult than the other enemies in the levels they will spawn into. I'm incredulous that developers would be so tone deaf to the experience of new players.

    Edit: Tried some suggestions below and was able to wittle down some of its health, but I was still out of revives in less than a couple of minutes. The issue I'm bringing isn't just how to kill them at all, but how anyone can be expected to kill them when they pop up randomly if only certain frames and weapons can really give you any chance at all. If I'm unable to kill even one, at all, within five revives, something's either really wrong with me or with the enemy I'm fighting. Like I said, I'm still new, but I think I'm experienced enough and informed enough that most of the problem is with the bursas.



    Pretty much came in here to write this. As a newer player, Bursas have essentially killed the game for me. Trying to progress through the starmap, I prefer to play solo, but even set to public it's rare to find groups on many nodes, and if so much as one Bursa spawns, the mission is unwinnable. I have decent weapons and mods, it doesn't matter. They destroy me everytime. I really just wish things were back to how they were a few days ago before I knew these horrors existed.

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