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Posts posted by Altagraive

  1. 15 минут назад, Jiminez_Burial сказал:

    If you felt the pack was incomplete then why did you buy it the first time?  They're not exploiting anyone, they're just rotating the sets in different combinations.

    That's what I thought.

    But it's not different combination.

    Kazeru isn't packaged with some other armor set that I don't have. It's packaged with the one it was with originally, then they skipped it in the unvaulting and now it's back with edo again.


    Here's another insight on how cosmetics do in fact matter and affect players' experience.



  2. tl;dr Cosmetics matter because they allow players to express themselves in video games just like different play styles do. DE knows this and exploits this.


    Long version:

    My last thread was successfully derailed by people that got uncomfortable with the fact that DE released edo prime unvault without sugatra first, and few months later they re-released it with sugatra in, effectively forcing supporters like myself to buy the same thing twice if they (me) want the entire set.

    I did some research and apparently youtuber's name who pushed DE to selling prime cosmetics separately is Jim Sterling.

    I browsed through his videos and found this

    A video where he proves, that skins and other cosmetics do in fact matter.

    And while DE, thank god, don't put gambling into their game beyond riven re-rolling and mod packs, they still exploit cosmetic microtransactions with putting incomplete prime cosmetics set on sale first, and then re-selling the full thing later without giving us an option to "upgrade" the purchase, rather than the buying entire thing again and ending up with duplicates.

    • Like 1
  3. My  point is this is blatantly deliberate, this sugatra should have been included in edo unvault by default back in the first unvaulting.

    They do know that there is small number of people like me that care about sugatras and want them.

    I called it last year, I knew this is going to happen, but I still had hope they will either repackage sugatra with something else, but there we are.


  4. The last time they have unvaulted edo prime armor set it didn't contain Kazeru prime sugatra.

    But now it does.

    So if I want to get Kazeru I have to buy the entire thing again and have a duplicate armor set because screw me for supporting this game.

    Last time it took some big youtuber for them to stop with the dupes thing, but now that the dust has settled they're back at it?

    I mean sure it's just a cosmetic and all that, but if it didn't matter, it wouldn't be sold.

    Yea I'm salty, tell me where I am wrong.

    • Like 20
  5. Только что, Helch0rn сказал:

    you already can disable Noras in mission popups.

    just disable the "Enable Hint Transmissions"in the options. this will mute Nora and all of the repetetive Lotus transmissions in missions.

    I just tried it out and it works! Thank goodness.

    It also disables her blabbering in radio menu.

    This is great news.

  6. I'm still not playing because I can't disable annoying nightwave announcer like I could with operators, ordis and lotus.

    When will we be able to disable another annoying announcer as well?

    It's so horribly intrusive I can't play because of it.

  7. There is already an option that disables operator voice and face in missions, please add similar option for this new radio person that starts talking whenever you complete some of the radio challenges.

    It's distracting and can result in some big messing up on high level missions.


    I wouldn't mind disabling voice and huge lower face graphic in radio menu as well tbh.


  8. I just want survival Neo fissures.

    I'm fully willing to have them start with level 80-100 enemies and them having MOT 300% damage buff.

    It will basically resurrect good ol Void Survivals but with random tilesets.

    With 150+ neo relics I have from regular void survs that would last me for months.

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